Browse Listings in Europe

416 listings found. Showing results 241 to 320
Anverpia, nobile in Barbantia oppidum, parrim maritimum . . . [Antwerp]

The bird's-eye plan provides an excellent view of the citadel, city, docks and fortifications. The city was defended by a line of fortification and a moat constructed und...

$950 / ≈ €889
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1585


Limburgensis Ducatus Tabula Nova.

Map of Limburg, prepared by the Antwerp expert in law and mathematics Aegidius Martini. After 1600 Jan Baptist Vrients acquired the stock and the plates of Ortelius' Thea...

$1000 / ≈ €936
Maker / Publisher: ORTELIUS, A. / VRIENTS, J.B.
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1606-1612



The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and mounted it on larger paper: she colored it in pastel colors, adding extensive cl...

$1000 / ≈ €936
Maker / Publisher: BEEK, A. / MERIAN, C.
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1700


De Haven en Straat von Gibraltar, Niewlyks getekend, en in`t licht gebracht door Johannes Covens en Cornelis Mortier tot Amsterdam.

Decorative map showing the siege of Gibraltar during the Spanish war of succession. This highly interesting map is richly ornated with three additional inset maps and vie...

$1000 / ≈ €936
Maker / Publisher: COVENS, J./ MORTIER, C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1710


Parte settentrionale dell' Irlanda / Irlanda parte meridionale . . .

A beautiful and flamboyantly engraved grand two-sheet map of Ireland. Embellished with two cartouches, a vessel under sail and a sea monster.The map is the product of the...

$1000 / ≈ €936
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, V.M.
Place & Date: Venice, 1696


Mechlinia Dominium et Aerschot Ducatus Auctore Nicolao Visscher.

Fine decorative map of part of Belgium including the cities of Antwerp, Mechelen, Brussels, Leuven and Tienen. Taken from the atlas Germania Inferior, sive XVII Provincia...

$1000 / ≈ €936
Maker / Publisher: VISSCHER, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1684


[St Peter's Square].

View of St Peter's Square and Vatican probably featuring a solemn blessing. The square is crowdy, the Pontifical Swiss Guard is present. A beautifully colored lithography...

$1000 / ≈ €936
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS.
Place & Date: Italy ?, 1732


Habiti delle Donne Venetiane . . .

Title page of the book Habiti delle Donne Venetiane" (Dress of Venetian Women) which consists of twenty numbered plates of ornately dressed women. This very decorati...

$1000 / ≈ €936
Maker / Publisher: FRANCO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, ca. 1591


Vienna.. / Buda..

Pair of views on one sheet, the first showing the Austria capital of Vienna with fields, and figures in the foreground.Lower view shows the Hungarian capital of Budapest....

$1100 / ≈ €1029
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN, G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne 1580


Nuova Pianta Iconografica.. Venezia.

Precise bird's-eye town-plan of Venice, clearly depicting the city's architectural landmark, being a reduction of Ughi's 8-sheet map of 1725. There is a grid engraved ove...

$1100 / ≈ €1029
Maker / Publisher: VIERO, T.
Place & Date: Venice, 1818


Dominio Veneto nell' Italia.

With the Gulf of Venice. Including the towns of Cremona, Brescia, Venice, etc.As Willem Blaeu died in 1638 most of his maps are actually published by his son Joan. This m...

$1100 / ≈ €1029
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638


Optique de St.Cloud.

This perspective view of St. Cloud comprises 6 hand colored images of the grand Bassin d'Apollon viewed through an square and two round holes cut out from the front card ...

$1100 / ≈ €1029
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1845


Deutschlands Postkarte begraenzt von Oesterreich, Preussen, Frankreich, Holland, Italien und der Schweiz. . .

Detailed and important post road map prepared by Ignaz Heymann. The map shows, the Low Countries, Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary, etc.Borders in original out-line colo...

$1100 / ≈ €1029
Maker / Publisher: HEYMANN, I.
Place & Date: Triest, 1800


Imperii Russici et Tartariae Universae tabula novissima.

Decorative and rare map covering Russia, Tibet, China, Tartary, Korea, Taiwan and Japan prepared by J. M. Hasius. The sea between Japan and Korea is mentioned Mare Orient...

$1200 / ≈ €1123
Maker / Publisher: BROEDELET, J.
Place & Date: Utrecht, 1743


Russiae vulgo Moscovia dictae, Partes Septentrionalis et orientalis.

In the north the Murmansk Sea. Including the western coast of Nova Zembla. Title cartouche and two cartouches, the bottom right one showing two hunters, bears, stags etc....

$1200 / ≈ €1123
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J.& C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1647


Danubius Fluvius Europae Maximus, a Fontibus ad Ostia..

Depicts the course of the Danube River, from its sources in the Alps to the Black Sea..Because of the dimensions the map was printed from two copper plates.With two very ...

$1250 / ≈ €1170
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638


Excelsiori (Rana N. 28 - Cent. 20).

"After so many wars and so many troubles, young Russia, in a more serene glaze all the beautiful sun of freedom you will enjoy ... ". Fascinating allegorical sa...

$1250 / ≈ €1170
Maker / Publisher: CETTO, M.
Place & Date: Bologna, 1905


Vermakelykheden van Brabant, en deszelfs onderhoorige Landen... (2 volumes)

Topographical and iconographical work on Brabant illustrated with 1 engr. title-vignette and 190 engraved views, plans & armorial plates by J. Harrewijn, G. Bouttats ...

$1250 / ≈ €1170
Maker / Publisher: CANTILLON, Heer de.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, P.J. Entrop, 1768


Carte des routes de poste de la Russie européenne, exécutée par ordre de S.E.M. le duc de Feltre ministre de la Guerre, ...

Post-route map on a scale of 1:2 500 000 made during the French campaign in Russia, which began June 24, 1812. With a table of the conventional signs and a table of conve...

$1250 / ≈ €1170
Maker / Publisher: SANSON (Nicolas Antoine, comte)
Place & Date: Paris, Dépôt Général de la Guerre 1812


Isola di Corsica, Dedicata all' Em;mo e Rmo: Principe, il Sr. Cardinale Carpegna, Vicario di Sua Santita. . .

One of the most decorative maps of Corsica, with in the upper right, a draped fabric that bears the map's scales is dressed with two angels, one holding the cross, a coat...

$1300 / ≈ €1216
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, V.
Place & Date: Venise, 1692


Vue de Gattweick et de l'embouchure du Rhin, dans la Mer du Nord.

Very decorative view of Katwijk. Signed lower right, Louis Bleuler au chateau de Laufen . Original design by Louis Bleuer. This gouache was the model for his aquatint in ...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: BLEULER, L.
Place & Date: 1820


[Spain and Portugal]

A rare map of Spain and Portugal engraved by Jan and Lucas van Deutecom and published by Gerard de Jode, Antwerp 1593. Latin text on verso.The map appeared in the second ...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: DOETECUM, J. and L. van. / DE JODE, G.
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1593


La mer Mediterranee divisee en ses principales parties ou mers. . .

Very large map centered on the Mediterranean. With a sub title along upper margin "La Mer Mediterranée divisée en Mer de Levant et de Ponant Subdivisées en Leurs ...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N. / JAILLOT, A.H. / MORTIER, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1705


ANNA IWANOVNA - Anna Ioannovna imperatricea i camoderschiza wserossinskaja (rossice). Anna Joannowna imperatrix totius Russiae

Extremely rare half portrait print of Anna Ivanovna (7 February [O.S. 28 January] 1693, Moscow – 28 October [O.S. 17 October] 1740) reigned as Duchess of Courland from ...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: STENGLIN, J.
Place & Date: St. Petersburg, 1743


ELISABETH I. - Elisabet imperatriza wseros sinskaja petra welikago dscherj (rossice). Elisabetha imperatrix. Omnium Russiarum Petri. Magni. Filia.

Extremely rare half portrait print of Elizaveta Petrovna (29 December [O.S. 18 December] 1709 – 5 January 1762 [O.S. 25 December 1761] ), also known as Yelisavet and El...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: STENGLIN, J.
Place & Date: St. Petersburg, 1743


FJODOR JOANNOWITSCH - Feodor Ioannowitsch zar i camoderschez wserossinskij (rossice). Feodor Ioannowicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae Joann Alexiewicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae.

Extremely rare half portrait print of Czar Fyodor I Ivanovich (31 May 1557 – 16/17 January 1598) was the last Rurikid Tsar of Russia (1584 - 1598), son of Ivan the Terr...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: STENGLIN, J.
Place & Date: St. Petersburg 1743


ALEXEI I. - Alexei Michailowitsch zar i camoderschez wserossinskij (rossice). Alexei Michailowicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae.

Extremely rare half portrait print of Czar Alexei Michailowicz..Aleksey Mikhailovich Romanov ( 9 March 1629 (O.S.) – 29 January 1676 was the Tsar of Russia during some ...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: STENGLIN, J.
Place & Date: St. Petersburg, 1743


IWAN ALEXEJEWITSCH - Ioann Alexejewitsch zar i camoderschez wserossinskij (rossice).Joann Alexiewicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae.

Extremely rare print of Czar Ivan Alexejewitsch, who was the brother of Peter the Great.Johann Stenglin was a well known engraver, born at Augsburg in 1715, he studied un...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: STENGLIN, J.
Place & Date: St. Petersburg 1743



Very decorative and rare panoramic town-view of Volna. We have more  Anna Beek prints available.The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarg...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: BEEK, A. / MERIAN, C.
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1700


Strasborcs In der Vocker Marckt.

Very decorative and rare panoramic town view of Völckermarckt in Kärten.The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and mounte...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: BEEK, A. / MERIAN, C.
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1642


Pianta Della Citta di Roma con la Indicazione di tutte le Antichita e Nuovi Abbelliment.

Beautiful engraved town-plan of Rome with side borders depicting the 16 most important monuments and with a legend locating the major places and buildings.The views are o...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: RUGA, Pietro.
Place & Date: Venanzio Monaldini, Rome, 1829


Potentissimo Borussorum Regi Friderico Wilhelmo Maiestate, Fortitudine Clementia Augustissimo Hancce Lithuaniam Borussicam : in qua luca coloniis Salisburg., ad incolendum Regio nutu...

Potentissimo Borussorum Regi Friderico Wilhelmo Maiestate, Fortitudine Clementia Augustissimo Hancce Lithuaniam Borussicam : in qua luca coloniis Salisburg., ad incolendu...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN HEIRS
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1735


Quarta pars Brabantiae cujus caput Sylvaducis.

A good and dark impression in strong original colors.The third state. The coat of arms of Brabant and 's-Hertogenbosch appears on the map. The municipal arms in the colum...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645


Generalkarte vom Königreich Preussen u. d. Herz[ogtum] Warschau nach astronomischen Ortsbestim[m]ungen und geodätischen Messungen. . .

Rare seemingly unrecorded map of Poland with its borders after the Congress of Vienna, probably based on a lost first edition of Daniel Friedrich Sotzmann's (1754-1840) m...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: SOTZMANN, D. F.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, Schneider & Weigel 1815


Germaniae Nova ac Accurata Descriptio.

This "carte à figures"- map covers the Low Countries, Germany, Poland, Switzerland and Austria. Overall a very good copy of this excellently engraved, uncommon...

$1585 / ≈ €1483
Maker / Publisher: CLOPPENBURGH, E.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1642


Traiectum Wttrecht

Fine plan of Utrecht from the townbooks "Novum Ac Magnum Theatrum Urbium Belgicae Liberae Ac Foederatae".

$1600 / ≈ €1497
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1649


Imperium Russicum, cum regionibus adiacentibus duabus Tabulis ex optima quae A. 1784 tribus foliis comparavit Mappa geographica, aliisque subsidiis delineatum a C. Mannert, Tabula Ima. . .

A detailed map of the European part of the Russian Empire. Scarce map. Copper etching by C. Mannert and edited by Adam Gottlieb Schneider and Johann Christoph Weigel. Man...

$1600 / ≈ €1497
Maker / Publisher: MANNERT, C.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1794


Sexta Etas Mundi. Ratisbonna. [Ratisbonne]

A very fine presentation of the city of Ratisbon, in Germany, centered on the cathedral (Dim. : 191 mm W : 525 mm).Overleaf a very nice view of Vienna, with two swans on ...

$1700 / ≈ €1591
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493


Carte historique de la France, et l'Angleterre depuis la naissance de Jésus-Christ jusqu'à l'an 1700, qui contient en abrégé les événements principaux de ces royaumes pendant l'empire romain. . .

A rare wall map showing a chronological tree of French and English historical events from the year of the birth of Christ until 1700. The map is prepared by Jérôme Andr...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: MARTIGNONI, J. A.
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1721


Malte Vue prise de la Mer. - Malta Vista lomada del mar.

Very decorative view of the Grand Harbour of Malta by Louis Lebreton, published in "Ports de Mer d’Europe" in 1859 by L. Turgis in Paris.This lithography show...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: LEBRETON, L.
Place & Date: Paris, Turgis, 1859


Carte des Isles de Maiorque Minorque et Yvice dediée A.M. le Comte de Maurepas Ministre et secretaire d'Etat. . .

Fine map of the Baleares with much detail, in lower part inset "Plan du Port de Mahon du Fort St. Philippe et ses Fortifications". The map is dedicated to Jean ...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: COVENS, J. / MORTIER, C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, after 1740



Very decorative and rare panoramic of Tschopau.The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and mounted it on larger paper: she ...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: BEEK, A. / MERIAN, C.
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1700



Very decorative and rare panoramic of Wittstock, Bez. Potsdam.The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and mounted it on larg...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: BEEK, A. / MERIAN, C.
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1642


[Albania, Bulgaria, Europe, Eastern, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania]

Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of Albania, Bulgaria, Europe, Eastern, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania prepared Martin Waldseemülle...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: FRIES, L. / WALDSEEMÜLLER, M.
Place & Date: Vienna, Trechsel, G., 1525 -1541


Société de la Charité Maternelle à Paris. Plan de le ville de Paris, Divisé par Quartiers avec Nomenclature.

>Rare atlas de Paris dressé par E. Devrainne, divisé en 80 quartiers et colorié par Le Roux (Le Roux pinxit). Illustré d'une page de titre aux armes de Paris avec ...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: DEVRAINNE, E.
Place & Date: Imprimerie Mercier, Clichy, 1876



A spectacular panoramic of Nuremberg, with legends numbered from 1-39 in German. With the title in a banderol.After a design by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690-1776) who...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: WOLFF, J.
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1720


III. Gallia. Franckrych.

Very early wood cut printed map of France, North of river Rhine, Northern Italy. Coast of England from Dover to Cornwall. A ship, sea monsters and coats of arms are filli...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: STUMPF, J.
Place & Date: Zurich, Christoffel Froschover, 1548,1552-1566


Currus Veliferi Illmi. Pr. Mauritii Nassouvii. (Prince Maurits' sailing-carriage, designed by Simon Stevin. )

Prince Maurits' sailing carriages had been designed by Simon Stevin. The Prince, always accessible to new inventions of his old instructor, could not please the foreign a...

$1800 / ≈ €1684
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1649


Sardinia / Sicilia.. / Corfu / Zerbi.. / Elba / Malta. . .

Six very fine and early maps on one sheet. Including the islands of Sicily, Corfu, Sardinia, Zerbi (Djerba), Elba and Malta.The map of Malta has a sinking ship at Cala di...

$1800 / ≈ €1684
Maker / Publisher: ORTELIUS, A.
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1570-1612


Statt Talbe an der Saal.

Very decorative and rare panoramic town view of Calbe a.d. Saale, Bez Magdeburg .The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and...

$1800 / ≈ €1684
Maker / Publisher: BEEK, A. / MERIAN, C.
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1642



Very decorative and rare panoramic of Czaslaw, Caslav, Tschslau in Böhmen.The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and moun...

$1800 / ≈ €1684
Maker / Publisher: BEEK, A. / MERIAN, C.
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1642


Hollandia Comitatus.

Orientated west to the top of the sheet, this presents the County of Holland in the classical orientation for seventeenth-century maps, with Amsterdam at the center. The ...

$1900 / ≈ €1778
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1660


.Paskaarte om Achter Yrlandt om te Zeylen van Hitlant tot. . .

An eye-catching chart of Ireland, including the north of England and Scotland, with the West to the top.Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675) was one of the most important cartogra...

$1900 / ≈ €1778
Maker / Publisher: GOOS, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1673


.[Germany and Poland]

Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of Germany, Poland, The Low Countries, Austria and Switzerland prepared by Martin Waldseemüller. Based ...

$1900 / ≈ €1778
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMY, C . / WALDSEEMÜLLER, M. / FRIES, L.
Place & Date: Vienna, Trechsel, G., 1525 -1541


Comitatus Flandria.

A highly decorative map with in the left and right top corners the pictures of archduke Albert of Austria and Isabella, queen of Spain. In the left and right borders cost...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: VISSCHER, C.J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1648


Veue de la Ville, et du Port de Calais, di côte de la terre.

Showing the town of Calais; landscape with, in the left foreground, group of cavalrymen led by an officer and going to right, at right two soldiers walking alongside a ca...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: MEULEN, Adam Frans Van der.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1680


Mappa Humoristico da Europa.

A really unusual and lovely map, published in Portugal at the outbreak of The Great War in 1914. This outbreak of war in Europe was the result of a complex sequence of ev...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: SOARES, A.
Place & Date: Lisbon, 1914


Pascaerte Van't Westelyckste der Middelandsche Zee. . .

An eye-catching chart of the western part of the Mediterranean Sea.Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675) was one of the most important cartographer, engraver, publisher and print s...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: GOOS, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1666


Middelbourg Ville la plus considerable de l'Isle de Walcheren et du Comté de Zelande l'une des huit provinces Unis des pais-bas . .

A very decorative and extremely rare of Middelburg, including a numbered (1-19) key in lower part. Published by Jacques Chéreau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and ...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A.
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1750


La Piovra Russa. Carta Serio-Comica Pel 1878.

Very rare political caricature map by Grossi of the nations of Europe, published in Bologna in the supplement of the newspaper "Le Perroquet / Al papagallo, N° 15, ...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: GROSSI, A.
Place & Date: Bologne, 14 avril 1878


Venise (Venetia).

Extremely rare and detailed bird's-eye view of the town of Venice by Giacomo Lauro (active about 1584-1637), taken from "Heroico Splendore delle Città del Mondo&quo...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: LAURO, G.
Place & Date: Rome, ca. 1642


Launa vulgo Laun Bohemiae civitas.

Bird's-eye views of Louny in Bohemia by G. Hoefnagel. The copperplate was made for Braun and Hogenberg's town book. However there the print has been transformed by the en...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: BEEK, A. / BRAUN,G / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: The Hague, 1700


Tabula electoratus Brandenburgici, Meckelenburgi, et maximae partis Pomeraniae, ex variis, famosissimisq[ue] auctoribus summo studio concinnata. . .

Uncommon "carte à figures"- map engraved by the master engraver Abraham Goos and published by Claes Jansz. Visscher (1587-1652). Showing the area of Brandenbur...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: VISSCHER, N. J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630


Ulma Folio CXCI [With view of Ulm.]

Double page panoramic view of Ulm.A imaginary view, however the earliest obtainable view of this period.Two page from the richest illustrated Incunabel, the famous: Nurem...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493


Ignographia candiae tertia a turcis obsessae in lucem edita a F. de Wit.

A scarce broadsheet plan and view of Heraklion on one sheet: prospect 180 x 495mm, map 395 x 495mm., in the lower part a printed description "Abbildung der starken S...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: DE WIT, F.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1680


Le comte de Namur et partie des Duchez de Brabant. . .

Decorative map centered on Namen and including the towns of Liege, Leuven, Charleroi, Dinant, Luxemburg, etc. by François Jollain (ca. 1641 – 18 April 1704).Rare "...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: JOLLAIN, F.
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1692


Carte du Palatinat du Rhin.

Decorative "carte à figures"- map centered on Koblenz, Metz, Strasburg, Manheim and Heidelberg, with the river Rhine by François Jollain (ca. 1641 – 18 Apri...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: JOLLAIN, F.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1688


Campagne du Roi de Prusse de 1778 à 1779.

The book is illustrated with a two-sheet folding map "Carte d'une partie du Royaume de Bohême et de la Moravie ainsi que d'une partie de la Silésie". Prepared...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: HOLTZENDORFF, baron de.
Place & Date: Geneva, Paris, Mérigot le jeune, 1784


[Europe, Eastern, Sarmatia, Ukraine]

Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of Europe, Eastern, Sarmatia, Ukraine prepared L. Fries after Martin Waldseemüller.Based on the slightl...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMY, C . / WALDSEEMÜLLER, M. / FRIES, L.
Place & Date: Vienna, Trechsel, G., 1525 -1541


.[Georgia (Republic), Sarmatia, Ukraine]

Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of Georgia (Republic), Sarmatia, Ukraine prepared by Martin Waldseemüller. Based on the slightly larger...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMY,C ./ WALDSEEMÜLLER, M. / FRIES, L.
Place & Date: Vienna, Trechsel, G., 1525 -1541


Tabula electoratus Brandenburgici, Meckelenburgi, et maximae partis Pomeraniae, ex variis, famosissimisq[ue] auctoribus summo studio concinnata. . .

Uncommon "carte à figures"- map engraved by the master engraver Abraham Goos and published by Claes Jansz. Visscher (1587-1652). Showing the part of western Po...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: VISSCHER, N. J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630


Magnus Ducatus Finlandiae Auct. Andrea Bureo Succo.

The first printed survey map of Finland, composed by the Swedish cartographer Anders Bureus (1571-1661). The map was published in 1662 in the second volume of Joan Blaeu'...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1660


Palatinatus Rheni Nova et Accurata Descriptio.

Early state (1630) of Visscher's "carte à figures"- map of the German Rhine River Valley. Inset views of Frankfurt am Main, Mainz, Speyer, Worms and Heidelberg...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: PISCATOR, N.J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630


Quarta etas mudi Folio LVIII [Rome]

Double text page in German with a woodblock Rome (23x53cm.)On verso a view of Genua (193x222mm). Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chro...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493


Tabula Russiae.

A re-issue, by Willem Blaeu, of Hessel Gerritsz' rare and influential map of Russia. This fine map was compiled from manuscripts brought back from Russia, by Isaac Massa ...

$2200 / ≈ €2059
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1650


Beschrijving Gezicht van den Ykant af bezyden den Schreiers hoex Toren langs de Keulsche en Geldersche Kaei naer de Nieuwe Markt

This large engraving (560x920mm.) comes from a are series of 25 beautiful large views of Amsterdam and gives a colorful picture of the life and business of the city at th...

$2200 / ≈ €2059
Maker / Publisher: DE LETH, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720


Basilae [ Basle, CCXLIIII ]

A very fine view of Basle (253x520 cm). Verso showing the councils of Florence and Basle and two portraits.Page from the richest illustrated Incunabel, the famous: Nuremb...

$2200 / ≈ €2059
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493


Riga metropolis Livoniae.

A spectacular panoramic of Riga, with legends numbered from a-z and 1-16 in German. With the title in a banderol.After a design by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690-1776) ...

$2200 / ≈ €2059
Maker / Publisher: WOLFF, J.
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1720


A view of Westminster bridge. Vue du pont Westminster.

A very decorative and extremely rare of river Themes and Westminster bridge in London, including a six-line description in French and English. Published by Jacques Chér...

$2300 / ≈ €2152
Maker / Publisher: CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A.
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1750


Pascaart van Europa alsmede een gedeelte vande Kust van Africa. . .

An eye-catching chart of the entirety of Europe's coastline from northern Russia to Yugoslavia in the south. Also showing the West Coast of Africa as far as the Cape-Verd...

$2375 / ≈ €2222
Maker / Publisher: GOOS, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, after 1666
Selling price: $2375
Sold in 2023