Browse Listings in Map Types > Curiosities general

183 listings found. Showing results 81 to 160
Curjoser Statt-Zeiger der vornemsten ort in Teutschland,..

Engraved by J.B.Homann and published by David Funck. Decorative table of distances between major European cities.

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: FUNCK,D.
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1742
Selling price: $100


Introduction à la conoissance et à l'usage des cartes.

This copper engraved map is a guidance on how to use the maps in his "Atlas portatif, universel et militaire, composé d'après les meilleures cartes, . . .".In...

$51 / ≈ €49
Maker / Publisher: VAUGONDY, G. de
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1745
Selling price: $51
Sold in 2013


Kurz verfasste Kinder Geographie in acht und vierzig Sectionen eingetheilt und den benötigten Charten versehen.

Second edition of the German translation of the "Géographie des Enfans." with map of Paradise.The atlas includes 8 maps, engraved by Sebastian Dorn, in full co...

$3400 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: LENGLET DU FRESNOY, N. / MONATH, P. C.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, Michael Arnold, 1746
Selling price: $3400
Sold in 2012


Les PAVILLONS des Mer du Monde Nouvellement Corriges.

A rare sheet with 192 maritime flags of nations and provinces with French names. With many interesting flags, like the one of Mallorca, Corsaires, Constantinople, Ragusa,...

$120 / ≈ €116
Maker / Publisher: LE ROUGE, G. L.
Place & Date: Paris, 1746
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2020


Kalendarium Juliano-Romanum Perpetuum,..


$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER,M.
Place & Date: Augsburg 1750
Selling price: $100


Germaniae Aliorumque Quorundam Loco-rum Europae Poliometria

Distance table from L.C. Lotter, with nice cartouche and explanation of usage.

$140 / ≈ €135
Maker / Publisher: Lotter, T.C.
Place & Date: Augsbourg, 1750
Selling price: $140
Sold in 2009



A scarce, large map of Utopia land on the model that Pieter Schenk originally published in his Atlas contractus in ca 1700. Schlaraffenland is the imaginary land of idlen...

$590 / ≈ €568
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS.
Place & Date: Not known, ca 1750
Selling price: $590
Sold in 2019


Boussole pour les Vents.

Attractive small print of a compass rose with decorative wind heads at each corner. Published in "Nouveau traité de geographie par M**** ", published by La veu...

$25 / ≈ €24
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Paris, 1752
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2015


Définitions Préliminaires des Termes de Géométrie Nécessaires..

Decorative map illustrating the geometrical figures at the basis of geometry.Left and right a box containing the basic concepts of geometry.Prepared by Buy de Mornas, who...

$41 / ≈ €39
Maker / Publisher: DESNOS,L.C. / DE MORNAS,B.
Place & Date: Paris 1762
Selling price: $41


Almanach de l'indicateur fidele pour l'année 1766.

Engraved page of Desnos almanac.

$175 / ≈ €169
Maker / Publisher: DESNOS
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1766
Selling price: $175
Sold in 2022


Carte du Chemin d'Amour.

Among the allegorical maps of early modern times, those relating to romantic attachments, sexual relationships and marriage have long excited curiosity among students of ...

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: France, ca. 1772
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2021


A New Map of the Land of Matrimony, drawn from the latest Surveys.

A very rare satirical map of the Ocean of Love, filled with humorous place names such as Brides Bay, Divorce Island, Rocks of Jealousy,...). The compass rose shows indiff...

$290 / ≈ €279
Maker / Publisher: ELLIS, J.
Place & Date: London, 1772
Selling price: $290
Sold in 2021


[ Key page

Copper engraved page showing the key references for using the charts in the "Atlantic Neptune". In lower part "Scale of the coasting charts, and Scale of t...

$500 / ≈ €482
Maker / Publisher: DES BARRES, J.F.W.
Place & Date: London, 1778
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2019


Catalogue des cartes & ouvrages geographiques de MM. DE L'ISLE ET BUACHE

Broad side sheet with on both side a listing of the geographical works of Buache. The sheet also lists the prices of the maps and atlases. The most expensive being the &q...

Maker / Publisher: BUACHE, P.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1780
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2023


Mandarino Chinese. - Mandarin Chinois.

Hand-colored engraving by Teodoro Viero (1740-1819), a famous venetian 18th century artist who engraved and published numerous plates after artists including Tiepolo, Gra...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: VIERO,Th.
Place & Date: Venice, ca. 1781
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2008


T Hoogh-Heemraetschap van de Uytwaterende Sluysen in Kennemerlant ende West-Frieslant’

A very large format wall map of the province of North Holland made and published for the district water board of Kennemerland and West Friesland, on four leaves, combined...

$1100 / ≈ €1059
Maker / Publisher: DOU, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1781
Selling price: $1100
Sold in 2021


Columbus Presenting an Account of His Discovery of America to the King and Queen of Spain.

Christopher Colombus (1451-1506) depicted on his knee presenting documents to Carlos II King of Spain after his return after his third voyage in 1498. From “Bankes's N...

$109 / ≈ €105
Maker / Publisher: GRIGNION
Place & Date: London, 1787
Selling price: $109
Sold in 2016



A circular map of the Eastern Hemisphere, depicting the zones of the earth, including Torid, Temper and Glacial.To the left and right of the map is French text with remar...

$28 / ≈ €27
Maker / Publisher: DE MORNAS / DESNOS.
Place & Date: Paris, 1790
Selling price: $28
Sold in 2018


Division Astronomique de la Terre.

An empty circular map of a hemisphere depicting the equator and zones including Tropic, Cancer, Tropic and Capricorn. To the left and right of the map is French text with...

$8 / ≈ €8
Maker / Publisher: DE MORNAS / DESNOS.
Place & Date: Paris, 1790
Selling price: $8
Sold in 2018


De la Longitude et de la Latitude.

Two empty circular maps of hemispheres depicting the Longitude and Latitude. To the left and right of the map is French text with remarks and descriptions of the map. It ...

$1 / ≈ €1
Maker / Publisher: DE MORNAS / DESNOS.
Place & Date: Paris, 1790
Selling price: $1
Sold in 2018


Suite de Longitude.

A circular map depicting the Equator and lines of Longitude. To the left and right of the map is French text with remarks and descriptions of the map. It is from “Geogr...

$17 / ≈ €16
Maker / Publisher: DE MORNAS / DESNOS.
Place & Date: Paris, 1790
Selling price: $17
Sold in 2019


Du Meridien et de L'Equateur.

A circular map depicting the Equator and Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. To the left and right of the map is French text with remarks and descriptions of the map. It is f...

$20 / ≈ €19
Maker / Publisher: DE MORNAS / DESNOS.
Place & Date: Paris, 1790
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2018


Lecon Methodique et Elementaire.

Five circular maps showing the position of various people on the earth. The map features a vignette at the centre bottom. To the left and right of the map is French text ...

$8 / ≈ €8
Maker / Publisher: DE MORNAS / DESNOS.
Place & Date: Paris, 1790
Selling price: $8
Sold in 2018


Position Respective des Peuples de la Terre.

Five circular maps showing the position of various people on the earth. The map features a vignette at the centre bottom. To the left and right of the map is French text ...

$50 / ≈ €48
Maker / Publisher: DE MORNAS / DESNOS.
Place & Date: Paris, 1790
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2019


Europa volgens de nieuwste verdeeling.

Uncommon curiosity, depicting Europe as a regal queen but with an interesting twist and political commentary. This anti-Napoleonic image demotes Europa from a virgin-quee...

$1200 / ≈ €1156
Maker / Publisher: BOHN, F.
Place & Date: Haarlem, 1794
Selling price: $800
Sold in 2009


Groessen und Bevoelkerungs Karte von Europa..

A thematic presentation of the sizes of the European countries and their number of inhabitants. From the Grosser Deutscher Atlas published by Franz Joh. Jos. Von Reilly. ...

$130 / ≈ €125
Maker / Publisher: VON REILLY, F.J.J.
Place & Date: Vienna 1794
Selling price: $130
Sold in 2012


Europa volgens de nieuwste verdeeling.

Uncommon curiosity, depicting Europe as a regal queen but with an interesting twist and political commentary. This anti-Napoleonic image demotes Europa from a virgin-quee...

$350 / ≈ €337
Maker / Publisher: Bohn, F.
Place & Date: Haarlem, 1794
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2015


Jeu Géographique de la République française présenté à la Convention Nationale.

Educational game directed by a former professor of geography. It was intended to promote the new French departments, each represented on one of the 83 boxes with its capi...

$1300 / ≈ €1252
Maker / Publisher: Jeu Géographique de la République française prése
Place & Date: Paris, Basset, ca. 1795
Selling price: $1300
Sold in 2016


Géographie des Plantes Equinoxiales - Tableau physique des Andes et pays voisins..

''Physical Portrait of the Andes and adjacent lands'', around the Chimborazo and Cotopaxi volcanoes, in Equador.With local vegetation illustrates pictorially on the left ...

$750 / ≈ €722
Maker / Publisher: LANGLOIS
Place & Date: Paris, 1805
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2009


Géographie des Plantes Equinoxiales - Tableau physique des Andes et pays voisins..

"Physical Portrait of the Andes and adjacent lands", organized around the Chimborazo and Cotopaxi volcanoes, in Ecuador.With local vegetation illustrates pictor...

$1250 / ≈ €1204
Maker / Publisher: VON HUMBOLD, A.
Place & Date: Paris, 1805
Selling price: $1250
Sold in 2014


Géographie des Plantes Equinoxiales - Tableau physique des Andes et pays voisins..

"Physical Portrait of the Andes and adjacent lands", organized around the Chimborazo and Cotopaxi volcanoes, in Ecuador.With local vegetation illustrates pictor...

$850 / ≈ €819
Maker / Publisher: VON HUMBOLD, A.
Place & Date: Paris, 1805
Selling price: $850
Sold in 2015


Géographie des Plantes Equinoxiales - Tableau physique des Andes et pays voisins. . .

"Physical Portrait of the Andes and adjacent lands", organized around the Chimborazo and Cotopaxi volcanoes, in Ecuador.With local vegetation illustrates pictor...

$1250 / ≈ €1204
Maker / Publisher: VON HUMBOLD, A.
Place & Date: Paris, 1805
Selling price: $1250
Sold in 2018


Géographie des Plantes Equinoxiales - Tableau physique des Andes et pays voisins..

"Physical Portrait of the Andes and adjacent lands", organized around the Chimborazo and Cotopaxi volcanoes, in Ecuador.With local vegetation illustrates pictor...

$1250 / ≈ €1204
Maker / Publisher: VON HUMBOLD, A.
Place & Date: Paris, 1805
Selling price: $1250
Sold in 2021


[Part of a wall map of Hungary].

The Upper left corner of the large folding wall map of Hungary was prepared by Ignac Müller and published first in 1769. The map was made for official use and was kept ...

Maker / Publisher: MULLER, I.
Place & Date: Vienna, T.Mollo, 1769 - 1807
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2023


La France au commencement de la 3.eme Race..

UNIQUE: with paragraph of the creator of the map Adrien Hubert Brué (1786-1832). The map is a proof with color corrections marked in brown ink by Adrien Hubert Brué.

$180 / ≈ €173
Maker / Publisher: BRUÉ:,A.H.
Place & Date: Paris 1820
Selling price: $180
Sold in 2010


A fine collection of 10 printed game boads, some with cartographical subjects.

The most common game-play set up, used in board games even today, comes from an Italian game known as Goose, which originated in the late 1500s. This game, popular all ov...

$8600 / ≈ €8283
Maker / Publisher: 10 GAME BOARDS
Place & Date: Several publishers, 1660 - 1820
Selling price: $8600
Sold in 2014


Chart of the rise & progress of christianity.

A very unusual folding sheet with in top double hemisphere hand colored world map with a note saying : In the map of the World, those parts colored RED, are inhabited by...

$550 / ≈ €530
Maker / Publisher: SHACKELL / ARROWSMITH
Place & Date: London, after 1823
Selling price: $550
Sold in 2016


Principes du Dessin et du Lavis de la Carte Topographique.

8vo, oblong, 92 pp, leather (a bit chafed), back gold-stamped. With 3 folding tables and 9 (8 hand-colored) plates.Important instruction book on the drawing and coloring ...

$1500 / ≈ €1445
Maker / Publisher: Marie, F.C.M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1825
Selling price: $1500


[Map of Martrimony]

A rare anonymous early 19th century manuscript map of Matrimony. Among the many names are Rocks of jealousy, Sea of flirtation, P. of proposal, Kingdom of suspense, Land ...

$500 / ≈ €482
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: ca. 1800 - 1825
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2019


Tableau comparatif des principales hauteurs du globe. D'apres A.M. Perrot.

Lithography depicting comparative front views of the world's tallest mountains, divided in adjacent sections according to the countries. At the bottom an exhaustive key l...

$250 / ≈ €241
Maker / Publisher: VANDERMAELEN, Ph.
Place & Date: Brussels 1827
Selling price: $250


Tableau comparatif des principales hauteurs du globe. D'apres A.M. Perrot.

Lithography depicting comparative front views of the world's tallest mountains, divided in adjacent sections according to the countries. At the bottom an exhaustive key l...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: VANDERMAELEN, Ph.
Place & Date: Brussels, 1827
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2009


B.C. 2348. The deluge.

Plate from "An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods constructed upon a uniform scale and colored according to the politic...

$160 / ≈ €154
Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $160
Sold in 2020


B.C. 529. Exhibiting the Empire of Cyprus.

Plate from An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods constructed upon an uniform scale and colored according to the political ch...

$125 / ≈ €120
Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $106
Sold in 2024


A.D. 1294. Exhibiting the Empire of Kublai Khan.

Plate from An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods constructed upon an uniform scale and colored according to the political ch...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2020


A.D. 1100. Period of the first crusade.

Plate from An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods constructed upon an uniform scale and colored according to the political ch...

$125 / ≈ €120
Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $125
Sold in 2023


A.D. 476. The dissolution of the Western Empire.

Plate from An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods constructed upon an uniform scale and colored according to the political ch...

$125 / ≈ €120
Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $106
Sold in 2024


B.C. 301. Exhibiting the partitionof the Empire of Alexander.

Plate from An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods constructed upon an uniform scale and colored according to the political ch...

$120 / ≈ €116
Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $120


A.D. 814. Exhibiting the Empire of Charlemagne.

Plate from An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods constructed upon an uniform scale and colored according to the political ch...

$125 / ≈ €120
Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $106
Sold in 2024


A.D. 912. Dissolution of the Empire of Charlemagne.

Plate from An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods constructed upon an uniform scale and colored according to the political ch...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2021


A.D. 1498. The discovery of America.

Plate from An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods, constructed upon a uniform scale and colored according to the political ch...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $300


A.D. 1498. The discovery of America.

Plate from An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods, constructed upon a uniform scale and colored according to the political ch...

$50 / ≈ €48
Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2020


A.D. 1551. At the death of Charles V.

Plate from An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods, constructed upon an uniform scale and colored according to the political c...

$80 / ≈ €77
Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2020


A.D. 1498. The discovery of America.

Plate from "An historical atlas: in a series of maps of the world as known at different periods, constructed upon an uniform scale and colored according to the polit...

Maker / Publisher: QUIN, E.
Place & Date: London, 1830
Selling price: $85
Sold in 2022


Tableau chronologique de l'histoire de France par P.J Ferrand.

An extensive timetable of France with a wealth of historical information until the year 1811. Prepared by P.J.Ferrand, engraved by Ch. Simon and published by Auguste Loge...

$70 / ≈ €67
Maker / Publisher: FERRAND, P.J. / LOGEROT, A.
Place & Date: Paris, c.1839
Selling price: $70
Sold in 2020


Coffee cup and plate with map design.

The coffee cup has a map of the eastern part of the globe from Europe up to Asia, including China and Korea with a "Mer de Cor(ée)" for the sea between Japan a...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: ANONMOUS
Place & Date: England, ca.1840
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2018


The Travellers or, a Tour Through Europe.

Geographic game, showing a beautiful map of Europe as it does not exist, with the locations of the cities slightly distorted. Prague seems to be North of Dresden and Vien...

$1010 / ≈ €973
Maker / Publisher: SPOONER, William
Place & Date: London, 1842
Selling price: $1010
Sold in 2013


[Untitled map of the European countries in a playing grid].

Small, accurate lithographed maps of Europe and Asia, embedded in a square playing grid formed by 100 cells.The 11 cells contain the profile of or a reference to a empero...

$75 / ≈ €72
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: France, ca. 1850
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2015


Geographische Wercke aus dem Verlag von Justus Perthes in Gotha. Januar 1852.

A very rare publicity leaflet for atlases published by Justus Perthes in 1852. This leaflet is very valuable as it gives in detail the different atlasses published in 185...

$150 / ≈ €144
Maker / Publisher: PERTHES,J.
Place & Date: Gotha, 1852
Selling price: $150


[Map puzzle] Atlas géographique.

A uncommon geographic Jigsaw puzzle. With a double hemisphere world map, Europe and France. The maps used for the puzzle are geographically sophisticated and well engrave...

$295 / ≈ €284
Maker / Publisher: BASSET heirs
Place & Date: Paris 1860
Selling price: $295


Paris - Foulard Renault, Guide dans Paris / Renault\'s illustrated Paris Guide.

Plan of Paris printed on textile. Surrounded with text and numerous vignettes.

$295 / ≈ €284
Maker / Publisher: E. RENAULT
Place & Date: Rouen, ca. 1860
Selling price: $295
Sold in 2008


Carte emblématique, philosophique et morale ou Théatre de la vie humaine.

Rare and curious allegorical map, lithographed by G. Lyon Marmorat. The map is surrounded by an explanatory text defining the various terms such as "Empire of Satan&...

$2200 / ≈ €2119
Maker / Publisher: P. F… (Tiré du Manuscrit de Mr.).
Place & Date: Lyon, ca. 1860
Selling price: $2200
Sold in 2012


Carte du Voyage Sur la Mer du Monde.

A scarce lithographed map of the Mer Du Monde, showing the track of life with many funny place names in French, such as Ile du Travail, Detroit des etudes, Ile des Desirs...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: UNKNOWN.
Place & Date: Paris? ca 1860
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2021


Carte du voyage sur la mer du monde

Curious humorous map in French, showing curious islands in the "Sea of the World" such as: Island of work, Island of desires, Island of greed, Island of injusti...

Maker / Publisher: LEFORT, L.
Place & Date: Lille, ca. 1860
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2023


Nouvelle Carte d'Europe dressée pour 1870 / Carte drôlatique d'Europe pour 1870 dressée par Hadol.

Satirical illustration by Paul Hadol showing disposition of power in Europe at the beginning of 1870. Satirical print depicting a map of Europe in which the countries are...

$900 / ≈ €867
Maker / Publisher: HADOL.
Place & Date: Paris, Imprimerie Vallée, 1870
Selling price: $900


[Interior with wallmap.]

Scene of a painter and his model set in an old Dutch interior with a wall map of Holland in the back. Etching by Willem Unger after a painting by Joannes Vermeer.Many sev...

$160 / ≈ €154
Maker / Publisher: UNGER, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1870
Selling price: $160
Sold in 2008


Nouvelle Carte d'Europe dressée pour 1870.

The Franco-Prussian War and The Commune in Caricature 1870-71.Satirical illustration by Paul Hadol showing disposition of power in Europe at the beginning of 1870. Satiri...

$250 / ≈ €241
Maker / Publisher: HADOL.
Place & Date: Paris, 1870
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2020


Jules Verne - Board game - Around the world in 80 days - 1877

Very rare Dutch board game - no other copies known, to the "Around the world in 80 days" by Jules Verne, published in The Netherlands in 1877. No examples in Du...

$1075 / ≈ €1035
Maker / Publisher: VAN SANTEN / KOSTER
Place & Date: Netherlands, 1877
Selling price: $1075
Sold in 2016


[Map puzzle] Atlas.

A uncommon geographic Jigsaw puzzle. With a double hemisphere world map, Europe and France. The maps used for the puzzle are geographically sophisticated and well engrave...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: LOGEROT,A.
Place & Date: Paris 1880
Selling price: $100


Serio-Comic War Map For The Year 1877.

Fascinating political caricature map by Frederick Rose, printed by G. W. Bacon & Co., a bygone U.K. publisher of maps and atlases, of the countries of Europe, known a...

$800 / ≈ €771
Maker / Publisher: BACON & Co., G.W.
Place & Date: London, 1877-1880
Selling price: $800
Sold in 2009


Zoological Geography.. Birds of Europe [and] over the World. Phytology & Zoology No. 6.

Original double-page engraved map (overall 55 x 66 cm.), with light original hand-coloring. As issued in The Physical Atlas... by Alexander Keth Johnstone... based on the...

Maker / Publisher: JOHNSTON, A.K.
Place & Date: Edinburgh, Glasgow, ca. 1880
Selling price: $130
Sold in 2020



History seems really to repeat itself !? A chromolithographed satyrical map, on the ousting by election of the French populist Politician, Minister of War and Member of P...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS.
Place & Date: Paris, 1889
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2020


Goose game board inspired by Jules Verne's novel Tour du Monde en 80 jours.

Goose game board inspired by Jules Verne's novel whose boxes are illustrated with color lithographs and the center occupied by a world map. Vignette illustrations numbere...

$750 / ≈ €722
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1880-1890
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2021


El Giro del Mondo.

Goos-game with 80 numbered anticlockwise boxes, showing a journey around the world. In center a steam ship and title. I four corners the rules of the game.In box 56 the P...

$110 / ≈ €106
Maker / Publisher: FRATELLI TENSI
Place & Date: Milan, Stab. A.Bertarelli & C., 1890
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2020


La quadratura nel circolo ossia il giuoco delle alleanze.

Circular game of alliances in Europe depicting 18 European countries personified by characters in costume and in the center, St Peter's Square in Rome. Text in 2 columns ...

$140 / ≈ €135
Place & Date: Turino, ca. 1892
Selling price: $140
Sold in 2020


Nouvelle Carte de la France Indiquant les Routes, les Chins de Fer les Stations Thermales et Balneaires D'Apres les Documents les Plus Recents

A fascinating large map of France with the advertising of Browning shotguns. It was produced in Paris ca. 1900. Twelve shotguns are featured with their prices at the time...

$130 / ≈ €125
Maker / Publisher: BROWNING.
Place & Date: Paris ca. 1900
Selling price: $130
Sold in 2017


Reise um die Welt in achtzig Tagen. Nach dem Roman von J. Verne. Ein unterhaltendes Gesellschaftsspiel.

Travel around the world in eighty days. After the novel by Jules Verne. An entertaining dice game with 80 fields, in the middle a world map. Title after the tutorial. Nei...

Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Germany, ca. 1900
Selling price: $1100
Sold in 2022


Face or Fortune Know Thy Self.

A most unusual item. A volvelle from Woodbury [Facial] Soap Face or Fortune - Know Thy Self with an astrological volvelle & dial on the reverse. Complete with 16 pp s...

$200 / ≈ €193
Maker / Publisher: WOODBURY, John H.
Place & Date: New York ca 1900
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2022


A Humorous Diplomatic Atlas of Europe and Asia. / 滑稽欧亜外交地図 / Kokkei O-A Gaiko Chizu.

A wonderful example of the rare 1904 Kisaburo Ohara satirical 'Octopus Map' of Europe. Composed at the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War (1904 – 1905), it was modelled...

$6000 / ≈ €5779
Maker / Publisher: OHARA, K.
Place & Date: Tokyo, March, 1904
Selling price: $5000


A Humorous Diplomatic Atlas of Europe and Asia. / 滑稽欧亜外交地図 / Kokkei Ō-A Gaikō Chizu.

A wonderful example of the rare 1904 Kisaburo Ohara satirical 'Octopus Map' of Europe being swallowed by an octopus (Russia). Composed at the outbreak of the Russo-Japane...

$4750 / ≈ €4575
Maker / Publisher: OHARA, K.
Place & Date: Tokyo, April, 1904
Selling price: $4750
Sold in 2023


Giuoco Dell'Oca Geografica.

An attractive and rare playing board for a “Goose game” designed to teach the geographical places of Italy.The Game of the Goose is a race game wherein players move t...

Maker / Publisher: DITTA L. PEREGO
Place & Date: Italy, ca. 1910
Selling price: $160
Sold in 2018