Browse Listings in Nuremberg Chronicle
[Papal council, portraits of different saints and kings, and a scene of the crucifixion on recto. Terta etas mundi. CXLIX].
Text page of the famous Liber chronicarum by Hartmann-Schedel with a large woodcut of a papal council with a dove as inspiration of the Holy Ghost. From the Latin edition...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2009
[Text page with Saint Appolonia, the patron saint of dentistry.] - Sexta Etas Mundi. Folium. CXX .
Text page with woodcuts of Abdon and Senen, Agatha, Apollonia, Serapion, Meniacus, Victoria. With a wood cut of Apollonia, the patron saint of dentistry. Because of the t...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $46
Sold in 2022
Secunda etas mundi. Folium XVI. [ With genealogical tree of Japheth ]
Recto : a genealogical tree of one of Noah's sons, Japheth on recto. In the Bible, Japheth is ascribed seven sons: Gomer, Magog, Tiras, Javan, Meshech, Tubal, and Madai w...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2009
[Secunda etas mundi. Folium XVI].
Recto : a text page in Latin with a wood block engraved portrait of King Heinricus Octavus. On the verso a woodcut depiction of a typical town with its church and medieva...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2009
[Text page with woodcuts of Moses, Aaron, Job, etc. Foliu XIXX ].
VERSO : A very nice presentation of Moses and the burning bush (128 x 226mm.) and the genealogy of Aaron. RECTO: showing Kings and St. Job with the devil.Page from the ri...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $135
Sold in 2011
De opere quarte diei. [The creation of the world - Fourth and fifth day].
On recto : the Fourth day in the creation of the world : God creates lights in the firmament to separate light from darkness and to mark days, seasons and years. The wood...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $1200
Sold in 2014
Prima Etas Mundi. VI
A very fine presentation of Eve, being created by God from Adam’s side.Page from the richest illustrated Incunabel, the famous: Liber chronicarum or Nuremberg Chronicle...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $1000
Sold in 2024
Septima etas mudi. CCLXII [Armageddon.]
One of the most sought-after prints from the Liber chronicarum or Nuremberg Chronicle, Armageddon, devils in the sky, a frightening scene.Page from the richest illustrate...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $2250
Sold in 2014
De opere prime diei. Folium II. [The creation of the world - First day]
Attractive page from the Liber chronicarum or Nuremberg Chronicle, showing the creation of the world: the First Day, showing the celestial choir (God's creation of the an...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $900
Sold in 2010
Sexta Etas Mudi. CCLIIII Simon Beatus ..
A very fine presentation of the circumcision of Simon (Dim. H : 192 mm W : 223 mm). Recto, a falling star, a portrait of a King and an officer wearing an armor. Page from...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $1100
Sold in 2010
Quita Etas Mundi. Folium.LXXI (Toulouse)
The Latin text page is illustrated with an imaginary of Toulouse, France. VERSO are portraits of poets and teachers.Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famo...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2011
Quinta Etas Mundi. Folium.LXXVIII
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions of Kings, Noble men and women and scientists. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chro...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2019
Quita Etas Mundi. Folium.LXXIX
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions of Kings, Noble men and women and scientists. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chro...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2021
Quita Etas Mundi. Folium.LXXXI
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions of Kings, Noble men and women and scientists. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chro...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2014
Quinta Etas Mundi. Folium. LXXXII
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions of Kings, Noble men and women and scientists. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chro...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2014
Quita Etas Mundi. Folium. LXXXVIII
The Latin text page is illustrated with an imaginary of Lyon, France. VERSO are portraits of poets and teachers.Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: ...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2014
Quarta Etas Mundi. Folium.XLIX
The Latin text page is illustrated with depictions of Kings, Noble men and women and scientists. VERSO : an impressive engraving of the genealogy of Henry II. Page from t...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2012
Quarta Etas Mundi. Folium.LII
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions of Kings, Noble men and women and scientists. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chro...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $120
Quarta Etas Mundi. Folium.LIII
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions of Kings, Noble men and scientists. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chronicle, pub...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $120
Quarta Etas Mundi. Folium.LV
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions of Kings, Noble men and women and scientists. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chro...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2014
Quarta Etas Mundi. Folium. LVI
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions of Kings, Noble men and women and scientists. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chro...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2015
Quarta Etas Mundi. Folium. LIX
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depiction of Noble men and scientists. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chronicle, published t...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2022
Tercia Etas Mundi. Folium.XXXVIII
A Latin text page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chronicle, published the year that Columbus returned to Europe after discovering America. ...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $52
Sold in 2011
Tercia Etas Mundi. Folium.XLI
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depiction of Ulysses and Circe in the lower left corner (120x170mm.) VERSO : An impressive engraving of Samuel and other kings, ...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $185
Sold in 2011
Tercia Etas Mundi. Folium.XLVI
Large woodcut depicting an imaginary English town (235x223mm.) on verso the genealogy of King David.Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chr...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $190
Sold in 2011
Quarta Etas Mundi. Folium. XLVII
The Latin text page with a large illustration of the Judgment of Salomon. On recto the genealogy of King David. In top right a little woodcut depicting Joab killing Abner...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $95
Sold in 2011
[Text page with illustrations of Saint Cecilia, Kings, Queens, Saints and Popes.] Sexta Etas Mundi. Folium. CXVI.
Recto verso text page with woodcuts of Saint Cecilia (the patroness of musicians) holding a tablet, Kings, Queens, Saints, Popes and historical personalities. Page from t...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $90
Sold in 2012
Tercia Etas Mudi. Babilonias. Folii XXIIII [Babylon]
A very fine presentation of this imaginary view of ancient Babylon (Dim. H : 140 mm W : 223 mm).Capital letters are heighlightened and titles underlined in red.Page from ...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2020
Ultima etas mundi ( The Last Judgment ) CCLXV.
One of the most sought-after prints from the Liber chronicarum or Nuremberg Chronicle. VERSO: full-page woodcut of the last Judgment . Christ on the rainbow and orb, flan...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $1050
Sold in 2013
Secunda etas mudi (The arch of Noah.) Folio XI.
One of the most sought-after prints from the Nuremberg Chronicle : The building of Noah's Arch. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chronic...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $800
Sold in 2013
Septima etas mudi Imago mortis CCLXIIII ( Dance of Death.)
The Imago mortis or Dance of Death, (191 x 223mm.) has been described as one of the most powerful representations of German art (Stadler, 45).Page from the richest illust...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $1200
Sold in 2013
Quarta Etas Mundi. Folium. XLVII
The Latin text page with a large illustration of the Judgment of Salomon. On recto the genealogy of King David. (The tree continues on lot 30389) . In top right a little ...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2015
Terta etas mundi Sum pius Eneas sama super ether a notus. CCLXVII
Pope Aeneas Silvio Piccolomini (Pius II) meets Frederick III for coronation as Holy Roman Emperor in 1452. (230 x 220mm.)Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the ...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2014
Secunda etas mudi [The arch of Noah]. Folio XI.
One of the most sought-after prints from the Nuremberg Chronicle: The building of Noah's Arch. (19x22cm.)Noah’s Ark has been a popular subject for artists throughout th...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $850
Sold in 2018
Texta etas mundi CCLVII
A large town view representing Constantinople (Istanbul)showing the famous mosque, Aya Sophia. Originally a Christian church during the Roman Empire, the church was burne...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $600
Sold in 2013
Tercia Etas Mundi. Folium. XXXVII
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions of Kings, Noble men and women and scientists. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Chronicle Nure...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2014
Quinta Etas Mundi. Folium. LXIX
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions Ezra (Greek from Esdras) who was a celebrated priest and leader of the Jewish nation. In bottom fine depiction of Jud...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2015
Quinta Etas Mundi. Folium. LXX
The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions of Aratus (Aracus), Marcus Curtius (Curcius) on a horse, the author Aesop, among Kings, Noble men and women and scien...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2015
Quita Etas Mundi. Folium. LXXVI
The Latin text page is illustrated with the Battle of the Sun and Moon and a depictions of Kings, Noble men and women and scientists. VERSO : an impressive engraving of t...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2014
Quita Etas Mundi. Folium. LXXXV
The Latin text page is illustrated with a portraits of the Stoic philosopher Cato (Cathon), the first Roman philosopher and jurist Cato (Catho), Publius Terentius (Terenc...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2015