Browse Listings in East Meets West
[Portrait of J.H.van Linschoten.]
Attractive roundel portrait of the famous Dutch navigator Jan Huijgen van Linschoten (1563-1610). The portrait is set within a strap work border incorporating vignettes o...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1604
Selling price: $360
Sold in 2023
Imperium Japonicum in sexaginta et octo provincias divisum. Ex ipsorum Japonensium mappis & observationibus Kaempferianis. . .
The most important influence on European maps of Japan during the early years of the eighteenth century was that of E. Kaempfer based upon the manuscripts compiled during...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1727
Selling price: $1500
Sold in 2022
Plan de la Ville et du Chateau de Batavia en l'Isle de Iava / Ware affbeeldinge wegens het Casteel ende Stadt Batavia gelegen opt groot Eylant Java.
Detailed East-oriented plan of Jakarta former Batavia on Java / Indonesia. With bird's-eye view from sea side, various ships and a lion. Two inset keys with detailed desc...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1730
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2019
Plan du port et de la ville de Nangasaki.
This plan originates from Charlevoix's work Histoire et description Générele du Japon . His first in 1715 published work was the Histoire de l'etablissement du christia...
Place & Date: Paris, 1760
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2023