Browse Listings in Asia
Instruction publique en Turquie.
Very rare separately published map of Turkey. In lower right insets of photo's of different schools, libraries and high schools in Istanbul. In upper left corner an inset...
Place & Date: Societe anonyme de Papeterie et d'Imprimerie, Constantinople, 1919
Selling price: $190
Sold in 2016
Express - Hongkong, Canton & Macao Steamboat Co., Ltd.
A very rare broadside: Express Hongkong, Canton & Macao Steamboat Co., Ltd. and China Navigation Company, Limited. With departure times of the boats. Printed in Hongk...
Place & Date: Hongkong, 1919
Selling price: $155
Sold in 2016
Rare map of three Roman Catholic apostolic vicariates in Korea. The first of Korea was established in 1831 from the Diocese of Peking. In 1911, it was renamed the Apostol...
Place & Date: c. 1920
Selling price: $650
Sold in 2010
Welfare Map of Peiping.
Charming piece of early 20th century ephemera. This appeal of this tourist map of Beijing’s Tartar and Chinese cities is enhanced by the numerous cartoon vignettes foun...
Place & Date: Beijing, c. 1920
Selling price: $65
Sold in 2010
Map of Hong Kong and New Territories
An interesting map of Hong Kong and its Islands, showing main roads and railways, plus police stations and navigation lights.
Place & Date: London, 1920
Selling price: $425
Sold in 2016
Despite its small size it shows the city in great detail, with many street names, buildings, and places, etc. Includes the Raffles Hotel, the railway station, exchange, p...
Place & Date: London, ca. 1920
Selling price: $195
Sold in 2016
Prescription prepared at the Hong Kong Dispensary.
Unique old prescription in two parts by the Hong Kong Dispensary with handwritten text and instruction. The prescription with the nice seals. No written date given, but p...
Place & Date: Hongkong, probably ca.1920
Selling price: $31
Sold in 2016
Indo-Chine Française Saïgon - Cholon et ses Environs
Charming plan of Saïgon at a scale of 1:40.000. Vietnam was a French colony from 1862 to 1954.Prepared by R.Brissaud and published in P.Alinot, Petit Atlas de la Cochinc...
Place & Date: Saigon, Librairie Brunet. c.1920
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2020
Indonesia & Malaysia [epherma].
Three early papers of Hotel des Indes, British India Steamer Baggage label to Yangon, and a hotel in Penang.Hotel des Indes was one of the oldest and most prestigious hot...
Place & Date: Anon, ca. 1920
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2018
Carte de l''Indochine, feuille n°13: Bang-Kok.
Large scale map (1:500,000) centered on Bang Kok. Prepared by Lieutenant Colonel Dubuisson, head of the "Service Géographique de l'Indochine". With a color key...
Place & Date: Hanoï, 1923
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2013
Curious large-scale map of Amherst & Thaton districts in Burma. Shows the area around Kamkareik with many place names, rivers, topographical features, etc. The Legend...
Place & Date: 1925
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2012
Tetsudo kyoso Sugoroku [Railway Race Sugoroku)
A scarce Japan map produced ca. 1925 (Taisho 14) board for the Japanese game known as 'sugoroku'. The board depicts the islands of Japan oriented in a northwesterly direc...
Place & Date: Sogoroku-taisho14-1925
Selling price: $475
Sold in 2017
A uncommon issue of this detailed map of Ceylon. Notes roads, railways, towns, rivers, lakes, and a host of other topographical features. Scale of 24 miles to an inch. Th...
Place & Date: Colombo, 1925
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2019
A uncommon issue of this detailed map of Ceylon. The map covers the entire island and is color coded according to provinces. Notes roads, railways, towns, rivers, lakes, ...
Place & Date: Colombo, 1925
Selling price: $35
Sold in 2022
City of Colombo.
A uncommon issue of this detailed map of Colombo.The Department of Survey of Sri Lanka (also known as the Department of the Surveyor General) is a non-ministerial governm...
Place & Date: Colombo, 1925
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2019
Côte Est d'Asie. Iles et Mers du Japon Mer Jaune.
Large French sea chart featuring the northern part of the Pacific Ocean and the Yellow Sea with Korea and Quelpaert Island, Japan and the coasts of Manchuria, and China t...
Place & Date: France, 1906-1925
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2020
Côte Est de Chine. Rivière de Wusung. Port de Shangaï.
Important French map featuring the harbour of Shanghai during the Chinese Revolution and the Civil War, and representing the French, English and American concessions. Ann...
Place & Date: France, 1905-1925
Selling price: $1800
Sold in 2018
Sketch map of the Glaciers of Kangchenjunga.
This important 'Sketch-map of the Glaciers of Kangchenjunga’, by E.J. Garwood was prepared on Freshfield's expedition of 1899, a red line in red pen and ink is showing ...
Place & Date: London, Edward Arnold, 1926
Selling price: $700
Sold in 2017
Ceylon showing annual average rainfall up to 1926 inclusive.
A uncommon issue of this detailed map of Ceylon showing the annual average rainfall in a scale of 24 miles to an inch. The Department of Survey of Sri Lanka (also known a...
Place & Date: Colombo, 1926
Selling price: $35
Sold in 2022
Philippine Islands
John Bach map of the Philippines published in Manila. Provinces are illustrated in different colors. Operating railroads on Luzon, Cebu, and Panay appear as thick black w...
Place & Date: Manilla, 1926
Selling price: $425
Sold in 2021
Voies de communication.
The map is published by the Service geographique de l'Indochine.The Frenchman Jules-Léon Dutreuil de Rhins produced at the end of the 19th century a general map of Indoc...
Place & Date: Hanoi, November 1927
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2016
Single sheet from Tabula Rogeriana world map with the Far East section.
Place & Date: 1151 BUT Suttgart, Konrad Miller, 1928
Selling price: $325
Sold in 2017
Single sheet from Tabula Rogeriana world map with Arabian Peninsular section.
Separate single sheet (of 6) with the Arabian Peninsular and Egypt section of the [TABULA ROGERIANA] [NUZHAT AL-MUSHTĀQ FI'KHTIRĀQ AL-ĀF...
Place & Date: 1151 BUT Suttgart, Konrad Miller, 1928
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2017
Single sheet from Tabula Rogeriana world map with Siberia and Tartary section.
Separate single sheet (of 6) with the Siberia and Tartary section of the [TABULA ROGERIANA] [NUZHAT AL-MUSHTĀQ FI'KHTIRĀQ AL-ĀFĀQ - TH...
Place & Date: 1151 BUT Suttgart, Konrad Miller, 1928
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2017
Mer de Chine et Grand Archipel d'Asie.
Large French sea chart featuring the Philippines, the coasts of China, Malaysia and Indonesia.On the back of the map, inscriptions in pencil indicate that the map figures...
Place & Date: France, 1897-1929
Selling price: $950
Sold in 2018
The Map of Yu Ho Yuan Won Shou Shan Including Kuen Ming Hou Near of Peking.
Charming ephemeral map of Peking's Summer Palace (Yihe Yuan) created during China's Republican Period. The map features Longevity Hill and its numerous halls and pavilion...
Place & Date: Beijing, c. 1930
Selling price: $35
Tourist map of India, Indian State Railways.
An attractive large folding full color pictorial tourist map of India, showing Tibet to the north, Burma to the east, Ceylon in the south. With many photographic illustra...
Place & Date: London, 1930
Selling price: $210
Sold in 2016
China Manchuria and Mongolia.
A large and concise map of China, Manchuria and neighboring Mongolia. With its original biscuit colored paper wrappers, and publisher's advertisements. Lower left has ins...
Place & Date: London, ca. 1930
Selling price: $85
Sold in 2017
China Manchuria and Mongolia.
A large and concise map of China, Manchuria and neighboring Mongolia. With its original biscuit colored paper wrappers, and publisher's advertisements. Lower left has ins...
Place & Date: London, ca. 1930
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2019
East Indies. (Malay, or East Indian Archipelago with Burma & Siam)
Folding map of the East Indies, Indonesia, Indochina, Thailand, Burma, the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, the Philippines, Sumatra, Java, Celebes.Sifton, Praed & Co., Ltd. ...
Place & Date: London, ca. 1930
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2017
A large litho map of the Chinese region of Shanghai and the important cities to the west of Nanking, Hangchow, and Ningpo.
Place & Date: Anon, ca. 1930
Selling price: $160
Sold in 2018
Malaya 1931
An interesting map of Malaysia with Singapore, dated 1931, and it’s Islands, showing main roads and railways. The States are defined by color.Published under the Direct...
Place & Date: London, 1931
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2016
Inde N-E., Tibet.
Very detailed map of Tibet, with a color code to British, Chinese and Indo-French possessions. From "Atlas Universel" by Bagge and D. Aïtoff.
Place & Date: Paris, 1931
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2021
Atlas de géographie economique de la Paléstine.
Impressive atlas including historical, geographical and economical maps of Israel from the earliest time. The 135 maps are printed in color. One of the 3 title pages with...
Place & Date: Paris 1932
Selling price: $260
Picture Map of China.
Splendid Art Deco map of China designed to interest and inform children about the country of China. The map is intended to be colored, with the four seasons represented i...
Place & Date: New York, 1932
Selling price: $675
Sold in 2010
Plan of Shanghai.
A rare plan in Japanese of the Chinese super city of Shanghai, but with individual street names in English. The focus is on central Shanghai and the Bund, the key financi...
Place & Date: Shanghai, 1932
Selling price: $375
Sold in 2017
Chart of Knowledge.
This is a rare 1932 double-sided S. G. Bocholtz and Chart of Knowledge spinning wheel map of Asia and Europe. The map of the Asia depicts from Arabia to Japan and from th...
Place & Date: Boston, 1932
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2020
Decorative color printed map of Korea in Manga style. From Nihon Manshu Panorama Chiri (Panoramic Geography of Japan and Manchuria) by Ryushiro Kato (map design and text)...
Place & Date: Dai Nihon Yubenkai Kodan Sha, Japan, 1933
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2017
Near East - Far East.
AIR FRANCE poster promoting the airline's routes to the far east in the immediate post-war period. This is the full size version of Lucien Boucher's "phoenix" d...
Place & Date: Imprimerie Perceval Paris, ca. 1933
Selling price: $1000
Sold in 2019
Plan of the Concessions Tientsin.
This plan was drawn for Crow's "Handbook for China" in 1933. It depicts a city map or plan of the foreign concessions in Tianjin (Tientsin), China. The map is b...
Place & Date: Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, 1933
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2020