Browse Listings in America > South America > Guyana / Suriname
Land-kaart van het Eiland en de Volkplanting van Cayenne aan de Kust van Zuid-Amerika.
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also ' Tegenwoordige staat van alle vol...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1765
Selling price: $200
Nieuwe..kaart van de colonie Berbice..
Re-issue of his map from 1740, without the printed list of owners, with a large added contemp. hand-colored cartouche Relaas van de rebellie, ontstaan op de plantagien in...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1765
Selling price: $500
Kaart van geheel Guajana of de Wilden -Kust / Het Eiland Kurassau. / De Haven en \'t Kasteel van Kurassau / Kaart van de Volksplanting aan Demerary en Rio d\'Essequebo.
Isaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His 'Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also 'Tegenwoordige staat van alle volke...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1765
Selling price: $375
Sold in 2009
A Draught of the Coast of GUIANA From the River Oronoque To the River Amazones.
Rare chart with the coastline of the Guyana's with small insets of two charts of The River Oronoque from the entrance to St. Thomas's and The River of Surinam. Compass po...
Place & Date: Dublin, 1767
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2017
Carte Particuliere d'une Partie des Riviers de Berbice et de Caroje, Pour L'Intelligence de la Relation Touchant l Revolt des Negres en 1763
Plan of Berbice, Surinam at the time of the slave revolt of 1763. The slaves revolted and forced the plantation owners out of the country.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1773
Selling price: $16
Sold in 2018
Carte de La Guiane..
Uncommon edition of this accurate map of part of Brazil. In lower right engraved "32."From Atlas Portatif pour servir a l'intelligence de l'Histoire Philosophiq...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1773
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2022
Carte de L'Isle de Caiene et de ses environs.
Uncommon edition of this accurate map of Cayenne.From Atlas Portatif pour servir a l'intelligence de l'Histoire Philosophique et Politique des etablissements et du commer...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1773
Selling price: $30
Sold in 2022
Carte de la Terre Ferme de la Guyane et du Pays des Amazones . . .
Attractive map of Guyana and Amazonia, ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand color.Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean Denis [Robert], Fre...
Place & Date: Paris, ca 1783
Selling price: $22
Sold in 2019
Vue de la Rade et de la Ville de Paramaribo.
A very decorative panoramic view of the town with a large Dutch vessel in the foreground.
Place & Date: Paris 1810
Selling price: $280
Kaart van het bebouwde gedeelte van Suriname.
With inset map of general Suriname. Scarce map covering the area of Paramaribo. 751 Plantation identified to key panels at top and left of the sheet.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1810
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2013
Paramaribo aan de Rivier van Suriname.
Very rare and decorative panoramic view of the city of Paramaribo as seen from the river. The best 19th century view of Paramaribo. The houses shown are typical Dutch in ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1817
Selling price: $1000
Plan de l'Embouchure de la Rivière de Cayenne et des Mouillages extérieures. . .
Early chart of coast offshore to Cayenne. Prepared by C.L. Grassier and engraved by Ambroise Tardieu and P.J. Besançon. Detailed chart published by Dépôt Générale de...
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1822
Selling price: $55
Sold in 2020
Plan de l'Embouchure de la Rivière de Cayenne et des Mouillages extérieures. . .
Early chart of coast offshore to Cayenne.
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1822
Selling price: $45
Sold in 2018
British Guayana.
Pleasing map of British Guyana with four fine lithographed vignettes of scenes from Guyana. It was drawn and engraved by J. Rapkin and published in London by John Tallis ...
Place & Date: London, 1850
Selling price: $27
Sold in 2016
British Guayana.
A decorative steel engraved map of British Guyana. The last Tallis map of the region, published circa 1858 by The London Printing and Publishing Company (the partnership ...
Place & Date: London, 1858
Selling price: $9
Sold in 2020
[Lot of 12 maps and prints relating to Surinam and South America and map of The Netherlands]
A lot of 12 maps and prints of Surinam, South America and one of the Netherlands. Including Bellin's maps of "Carte de l'Isle de Cayenne et de ses Environs (205x285m...
Place & Date: Netherlands, Paris, ca. 1700-1880
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2022
[Detailed folding map of Nickerie River, Nickerie, Coronie in Suriname]
Detailed folding map of Nickerie River, Nickerie, Coronie in Suriname. The Nickerie is a river in the northwestern part of Suriname. The river originates in the Bakhuis M...
Place & Date: Surinam, or Netherlands, ca. 1900
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2022
Very decorative, informative map of French Guyne. The map is filled with buildings, animals, figures and two locals in their typical dress.In lower left corner "Impr...
Place & Date: France, 1943
Selling price: $90
Sold in 2014