Browse Listings in America
Americae sive Novi Orbis, nova descriptio.
Though it was generally believed that the production of Ortelius' maps ended with the 1612 edition, records in the Plantin Museum show that in 1628 the engravers Arsenius...
Place & Date: Antwerp, c.1620
Selling price: $8675
America Meridionalis
A stunning map of South America with Latin text on the verso. The Strait of Magellan is shown but Tierra Del Fuego is part of the large southern continent. Eastern Braz...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c 1620
Selling price: $1200
The Mercator / Hondius pocket atlas 'Atlas Minor' was published between 1607 and 1651, editions in Latin, Dutch English, French and German.A map of Mexico.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1620
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2019
America Meridionalis.
A very decorative map which includes several animated vignettes of ships, sea monsters and indigenous people. The inset is a view of Cuzco in Peru, the Inca capital. The ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1620
Selling price: $1000
Sold in 2009
S.Giovanni. (Puerto Rico)
One of the earliest obtainable separate maps of Puerto Rico. Also shows the Virgin Islands, with a large St. Croix (Croce). Includes decorative cartouche, four sea monste...
Place & Date: Venice, 1620
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2013
America Meridionalis.
Gerard Mercator's stunning map of South America.The Strait of Magellan is shown, but Tierra Del Fuego is part of the large southern continent. Eastern Brazil is depicted ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1620
Selling price: $1200
Sold in 2016
Descripcion del audiencia del nuevo Reino 9
Rare map of Venezuela from Novus Orbis, sive Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis. This collection of voyages is often referred to as an edition of Herrera, which is not strict...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1622
Selling price: $200
Descripcíon del Audiencía de Guatimala
Rare Spanish map with some place names along the coast, but scant internal detail, reflecting the official policy of protecting Spanish knowledge of the New World. This m...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1622
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2011
[Title page] Description des Indes Occidentales Qu'on appelle aujourdhuy Le Nouveau Monde. . .
Title page from Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas Description des Indes Occidentales Qu'on appelle aujourdhuy Le Nouveau Monde. . . Herrera was the official historian of C...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Michel Colin, 1622
Selling price: $850
Sold in 2017
Descripcion De Las Yndias Del Norte.
Map of the Southern United States, Mexico, Central American and the Caribbean, from his Description des Indes Occidentales Qu'on appelle aujourdhuy Le Nouveau Monde. . fi...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Michel Colin, 1622
Selling price: $700
Sold in 2017
Descripcion De la Provincia de Chile. 13
Rare early map of the province of Chile, locating rivers and settlements, the earliest map to include information from the previously secret manuscript maps of the Spanis...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Michel Colin, 1622
Selling price: $375
Sold in 2017
Descripcion Del Audiencia Del Quito. (Colombia & Ecuador)
Rare early map of now Ecuador and Quito. From Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas Description des Indes Occidentales Qu'on appelle aujourdhuy Le Nouveau Monde. .. This map i...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Michel Colin, 1622
Selling price: $450
Sold in 2017
Descripcion Del Audiencia De los Charcas (Chile, Bolivia, Peru)
The earliest map to include information from the previously secret manuscript maps of the Spanish cosmographer, Juan López de Velasco, showing the Audiencia of the New K...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Michel Colin, 1622
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2017
Descripcion del audiencia de Panama.
Rare early map of the Audiencia of Panama. The earliest map to include information from the previously secret manuscript maps of the Spanish cosmographer, Juan López de ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1622
Selling price: $380
Sold in 2017
Hoornse Eijlandt Isle de Hoorn.
Scarce print on French text sheet showing the bay and coast of the South Seas island of Futuna (Hoorn). The bay shown was named after the ship Eendrachts (Unity Bay). Wil...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1622
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2018
Untitled map of Port Desire (today's Puerto Deseado, Argentina)
Scarce untitled map of Port Desire (today’s Puerto Deseado, Argentina).From a description of the voyage of Le Maire and Schouten included in first French text edition o...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1622
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2018
Descripcion de las Yndias de Mediodia. 7.
The earliest map to include information from the previously secret manuscript maps of the Spanish cosmographer, Juan López de Velasco, showing South America with the pap...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Michel Colin, 1622
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2017
Descripcion del destricto del audiencia de nueva Espana 4.
Rare map of the southern part of Mexico. From Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas Description des Indes Occidentales Qu'on appelle aujourdhuy Le Nouveau Monde. .. Herrera se...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1622
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2021
Exquilita.. Freti Magellanici Facies.
A highly decorative and sought after copperplate engraving of the Straights of Magellan from the Mercator-Hondius atlas. This example depicts creatures believed to inhabi...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1623
Selling price: $750
SEPTENTRIONALIUM Terrarum descriptio. Per Gerardum Mercatore
State 2. This is the first map devoted to the Arctic, a hemispherical one on a North Polar projection with an attractive floral design surrounding it. In the corners are ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1623
Selling price: $2100
Sold in 2016
SEPTENTRIONALIUM Terrarum descriptio. Per Gerardum Mercatore
State 2. This is the first map devoted to the Arctic, a hemispherical one on a North Polar projection with an attractive floral design surrounding it. In the corners are ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1623
Selling price: $1500
Sold in 2019
[Unmounted gores from a very rare Dutch Globe]
These rare gores are very possibly the only surviving examples from a 17 inch (44cm) diameter globe by Hondius and Janssonius. It is believed that only four of five examp...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca 1623
Selling price: $7600
Sold in 2020
Aenwysinge van de Stadt Salvador, ende de Baya de Todos Los Santtos.
Extremely rare map of Salvador and Baia de Todos os Santos (Bay of Saints) published by the The Hague publisher Henricus Hondius (not to confuse with the Amsterdam H.Hond...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1624
Selling price: $2100
Americae Pars Magis Cognita.
A beautiful map focusing on the Spanish possessions in the Americas, this map covers what is the present-day southern United States through South America. It was publishe...
Place & Date: Low Countries, 1624
Selling price: $3800
Sold in 2019
Fretum Magellani.
The rare Samuel Purchas' edition of the Mercator/Hondius Atlas Minor atlas map. Early map of Strait Magellan. Depicts the extremity of South America, with Patagonia, the ...
Place & Date: London 1625
Selling price: $328
Provincia Sitæ Ad Fretum Magallanis itemque Fretum Le Maire.
Detailed map of the southern tip of South America, with coastline and Strait of Magellan from Tierra del Fuego to southern Argentina.Scarce map prepared by Hessel Gerrits...
Place & Date: Leiden, Elzevier, 1625
Selling price: $425
Sold in 2013
Provincia de Brasil cum Adiacentibvs Provinciis.
Detailed map of eastern and northern coastline of Brazil. North is to the right. Primarily coastal towns and islands are shown.Scarce map prepared by Hessel Gerritsz (158...
Place & Date: Leiden, Elzevier, 1625
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2013
Venezuela, atque Occidentalis Pars Novæ Andalusiae.
Coastline of Venezuela with little interior development. Including Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, etc.Scarce map prepared by Hessel Gerritsz (1581-1632), former apprentice of ...
Place & Date: Leiden, Elzevier, 1625
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2013
Ó Prov. De Rio De La Plata: cum adiacentibus Provinciis. quas vocant Tvcvman Et Sta. Cruz De La Sierra.
Detailed map of Rio de la Plata region of Brazil west to the Chilean coast and north to Peru. Decorative title and scale cartouche with face, fruit, and vines. In the cen...
Place & Date: Leiden, Elzevier, 1625
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2013
Fine map showing mainly the coastline of Chile with large title, scale and key cartouche in the blank interior. North is to the left.. In the upper center of the map a la...
Place & Date: Leiden, Elzevier, 1625
Selling price: $255
Sold in 2013
Fine map showing mainly the coastline of Peru with large title and scale cartouche in the blank interior. North is to the left.. In the lower right of the map a large com...
Place & Date: Leiden, Elzevier, 1625
Selling price: $275
Sold in 2013
Guaiana sive Provinciae intra Rio De Las Amazonas atque Rio De Yviapari sive Orinoque.
Fine map showing northern coastline of South America from roughly the Amazon River to Trinidad Island. In the upper part of the map a large compass rose.Scarce map prepar...
Place & Date: Leiden, Elzevier, 1625
Selling price: $240
Sold in 2013
Terra Firma item Nuevo Reyno De Granada atque Popayan.
Important map showing the northern and northwestern area of South America, including Colombia, with extensive development of the interior areas. In the left part of the m...
Place & Date: Leiden, Elzevier, 1625
Selling price: $240
Sold in 2013
A Mapp of the Sommer Islands..[Mappa Aestivarum Insularum]..
Title in both English and Latin. English text on verso. The map was beautifully engraved by Abraham Goos in Amsterdam for Speed's Prospect Of The Most Famous Parts Of The...
Place & Date: London 1626
Selling price: $3525
One of the most important printed maps of America ever produced and certainly one of the greatest influence. It became the prototype for the area for half a century. Firs...
Place & Date: Frankfurt 1627
Selling price: $4600
[Two items] Abbildung Welcher Gestalt die Spanische Silberflota von dem Hollandischen / Das Eylandt Cuba mit Deroselben Gelegenheit
An etching showing Piet Heyn going ashore at Cuba on a sheet with letterpress. Together with a scarce engraving of the Dutch and Spanish fleets in Patanca Bay, Cuba illus...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1627
Selling price: $650
Sold in 2008
Carte de L'Amerique, corrigée et augmentée desus toutes les aultres cy deuant faictes par P.Bertius.
Rare map of America in a first state. The map itself is derived from the Jodocus Hondius map of 1618, however the southern coast of Tierra del Fuego now completed. The en...
Place & Date: Paris, 1627
Selling price: $1750
Sold in 2018
An stunning example of this monument to early cartography. This is one of a handful of the early foundation maps of North and South America. It has the famed inset of the...
Place & Date: Amsterdam (1606 ) - 1628
Selling price: $3400
Jodocus Hondius's fine delineation of the Americas is probably the most attractive map of the Western Hemisphere in the Mercator/Hondius/Janssonius succession. A clarity ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1628
Selling price: $4100
Sold in 2011
America sive India Nova.
The map's geography is based on the appropriate portions of Rumold Mercator's 1569 world map. The central hemisphere, which is a general map of the two continents, is sur...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1628
Selling price: $4600
Sold in 2009