Browse Listings in Africa > North Africa > Libya

8 listings found. Showing results 1 to 8
Africa Minor Nuova Tavola.

Striking impression of Ruscelli's map of the region of present day Algiers, Tunisia and Libya. Ruscelli sought the most up-to-date geographical information available, mak...

$102 / ≈ €98
Maker / Publisher: RUSCELLI, G.
Place & Date: Venice, 1574
Selling price: $102
Sold in 2020


Abris der Vestung Tripoli in Barbarien.

Interesting engraving of the fort of Tripoli in Libya from Matthäus Merian. Showing details of the fort with an 29 key indexMatthäus Merian the Elder was born September...

$25 / ≈ €24
Maker / Publisher: MERIAN, M.
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1646
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2020


Femme moresque de Tripoly en Barbarie. (61)

Sought-after copper engraved plate of a woman with child from Tripoli. Plate from Laonikos Chalcocondyle’s "L'histoire de la décadence de l'empire grec et establi...

$25 / ≈ €24
Maker / Publisher: NICOLAS DE NICOLAY, Thomas Artus (sieur d'Embry).
Place & Date: Paris, Mathieu Guillemot, 1650
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2021


Marina di Tripoli & Tripoli.

This hand-colored, copper plate engraving shows two views of the port and city of Tripoli,Lybia. This scarce print is from: 'Voyage au Levant…” published by Henri de ...

$85 / ≈ €82
Maker / Publisher: LE BRUYN, C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1700
Selling price: $85
Sold in 2013


Nieuwe Pascaart voor een Gedeelte van de Zeekusten van Barbaria... Candia...

A very decorative sea-chart of the coastline of Libya, from Misurata to Crete. Curious shape of the coast with several cities shown. Oriented with south on the top. With ...

$120 / ≈ €116
Maker / Publisher: VAN KEULEN, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1680-1700
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2017


[Two maps] Numidia et Mauretania\' and \'Syrtes Byzacium et Africa Propria.

The two maps cover the area from The Atlantic Ocean and Southern Spain in the West through to Libya in the East and the Mediterranean, Malta, and Sicily to the North, by ...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: Christoph Cellarius
Place & Date: Leipzig, 1755
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2013


Egipten, Libie en Cirenaika.

Unusual map of Egypt & Libya. (Cirenaika historically was a region in Libya)

$31 / ≈ €30
Maker / Publisher: BESSELING, H.
Place & Date: Utrecht, 1757
Selling price: $31
Sold in 2015


[Libya - map with Ottoman script]

Post card size map in Ottoman script of Libya from Mehmet Eşref’s ‘Küçük Atlas’, a rare portfolio of loose-leaf maps with text in Ottoman Turkish, published in...

Maker / Publisher: EŞREF, Mehmet
Place & Date: Istanbul, Şirket-i Mürettibiye ve Karacoğlu Matbaası 1325 or 1909
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2022