Browse Listings in Africa > North Africa > Egypte

237 listings found. Showing results 41 to 80
Nova Aegypti Tabula.

Beautiful map of northern Egypt and the Red Sea. With an ornate cartouche and two surveyors supporting the mileage scale. Top right a coat of arms emblazoned with three v...

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1650
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2015



A very fine, detailed map of Egypt, first issued by Nicolas Sanson in 1654. Extends from the Red Sea and Israel to the Nile River Valley.

$66 / ≈ €64
Maker / Publisher: SANSON D'ABBEVILLE, N.
Place & Date: Paris 1654
Selling price: $66
Sold in 2019


Royaume et Desert de Barca et L'Egypte. . .

A striking map of Egypt and the eastern parts of Libya by Nicholas Sanson, "the founder of French cartography" (Tooley). The map extent is from Sidon in the Hol...

$50 / ≈ €48
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N.
Place & Date: Paris, 1655
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2018


Aegyptus Antiqua Divisa in Nomos Authore P. Duval. . .

A decorative map of ancient Egypt oriented with West at the top. Very detailed map, showing the Nile River, Red Sea, Pyramids, and much more information. Also shows sever...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1662
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2018


Egypte divisée en ses douze cassilifs, ou gouvermens. . .

Map of Egypt prepared by N.Sanson and published by Pierre Mariette.Published in an early edition of the small Sanson atlas L'Europe Dediée a Monseigneur . . . Le Tellier...

$80 / ≈ €77
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N.
Place & Date: Paris, P. Mariette, 1667
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2013


Figure de la seconde Pyramide.

An early print of a pyramid published from 1672 onwards in "Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux" by the French geographer, Melchisédech Thévenot. Thévenot's ...

$25 / ≈ €24
Maker / Publisher: THEVENOT, M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1672
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2016


Plan de Caves des mummies.

An early print of mummies in Cairo published from 1672 onwards in "Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux" by the French geographer, Melchisédech Thévenot. Thév...

$11 / ≈ €11
Maker / Publisher: THEVENOT, M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1672
Selling price: $11
Sold in 2015



Uncommon miniature map of Egypt, from Pierre Duval's La Geographie Universeille dated 1676. Following his Cartes de geographie in 1657, Pierre Duval published this smalle...

$20 / ≈ €19
Maker / Publisher: DU VAL, P.
Place & Date: Paris, 1676
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2010


Egypte Ancienne. . .

A charming map of ancient Egypt with a colorful title architectural cartouche.German title in curtain draped at top. No text on verso.From the German text edition publish...

$60 / ≈ €58
Maker / Publisher: MALLET, A.M.
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1684
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2008


Source du Nil. . .

A charming map of the source of the river Nile. The river are colored along with a colorful title banner.German title in curtain draped at top. No text on verso.From the ...

$30 / ≈ €29
Maker / Publisher: MALLET, A.M.
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1684
Selling price: $30
Sold in 2011


Egypte Moderne. . .

A charming map of Egypt with colored borders and a colorful title cartouche of a stone pyramidal structure in construction.German title in curtain draped at top. No text ...

$40 / ≈ €39
Maker / Publisher: MALLET, A.M.
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1684
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2011


Aegyptus Antiqua Divisa in Nomos.

A map of ancient Egypt that is oriented with West at the top of the page. Sourced from a map by Pierre Duval and published in a Dutch text edition of J. Jansson's histori...

$175 / ≈ €169
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1684
Selling price: $175
Sold in 2018


Aegyptus Antiqua Divisa in Nomos

A fine map of ancient Egypt oriented with west at the top of the page. Compiled and drawn by Pierre Duval for Jansson's historical atlas. No text on verso. The map featur...

$180 / ≈ €173
Maker / Publisher: JANSSON, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1684
Selling price: $180
Sold in 2016


Aegyptus antiqua.

From the Hornius edition of the Ancient Atlas by Janssonius. No text on verso.

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J. / HORNIUS
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca 1690
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2012


A De Stadt Zues. B Water put. C De roode Zee. D het geberghte van de wofteyne van Arabia. (Suez)

Magnificent early view of Suez. Etched by Gaspar Bouttats (1640-1695).The Antwerp based publisher Jacques Peeters published ca. 1690 a series of prints related to the Hab...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: PEETERS, J. / BOUTTATS, G.
Place & Date: Antwerp, c.1690
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2016


Alexandria d'Egiptio. (Panoramic view of Alexandria)

Rare panoramic view of Alexandria in Egypt.The print is signed in the lower right hand corner. Underneath the signature are the remains of a earlier signature slightly vi...

$60 / ≈ €58
Maker / Publisher: PEETERS,J.
Place & Date: Antwerp 1692
Selling price: $60



Lovely miniature map showing Egypt. From the "Neu aussgeffertigter kleiner Atlas" one of the rarest and most interesting of all miniature atlases published in F...

$27 / ≈ €26
Maker / Publisher: MULLER, J.U.
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1692
Selling price: $27
Sold in 2020


Aegyptus et Cyrene.

An attractive antique map of Egypt and Libya by Philip Cluver. It details the Mediterranean coast from the Red Sea to Libya and south to Garama. The coastal region of Lib...

$25 / ≈ €24
Maker / Publisher: CLUVER, P.
Place & Date: Paris, 1697
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2018


Royaume et desert de Barca, et Aegypte ...

An attractive miniature map of Egypt prepared by N.Sanson. Engraved by Winter.

$35 / ≈ €34
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N.
Place & Date: Paris, c.1700
Selling price: $35
Sold in 2011



Very interesting copper engraved map of Egypt and Lybia.Shows the Nile river with numerous ancient place names and some more cities along the coast are named.Mystical lar...

$96 / ≈ €92
Maker / Publisher: COVENS & MORTIER
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1700
Selling price: $96
Sold in 2011


Egypte divisée en ses Douze Cassilifs, ...

Map of Egypt. From Description de tout l'Univers, published by François Halma.

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1700
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2012


Egypte divisée en ses Douze Cassilifs. . .

A fine map of Egypt with parts of the Red Sea and Israel. Very detailed representation of the Nile River Valley, showing major cities, mountains and oases.

$17 / ≈ €16
Maker / Publisher: SANSON D'ABBEVILLE, N.
Place & Date: Paris, ca 1700
Selling price: $17
Sold in 2018


Partie de La Haute Aethiopie ou sont L'Empire des Abissins et la Nubie, & c.

An excellent map of the Nile with its mythical sources. Shows the Nile River from Zaire Lake and Zaflant Lake, until Assuan (Aswan). Richly detailed with place names, hil...

$75 / ≈ €72
Maker / Publisher: SANSON D'ABBEVILLE, N.
Place & Date: Paris, ca 1700
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2020


ROYAUME et Desert De BARCE, et L'AEGYPTE divisee en ses Principales Parties.

Very fine, decorative map of Egypt prepared by N.Sanson. Engraved by Winter.

$57 / ≈ €55
Maker / Publisher: SANSON D'ABBEVILLE, N.
Place & Date: Paris, 1700
Selling price: $57
Sold in 2019


Egypten theilet sich.

Fantastic miniature map of Egypt, despite it size with many place names. Below the map it lists the areas and main cities. An increasingly rare map.

$75 / ≈ €72
Maker / Publisher: MÜLLER, J. U.
Place & Date: Ulm, 1702
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2017


T koninkryk en de Woestyne van Aegypten.

Nicolas Sanson (1600-67), ' father of the French cartography' and founder of the Sanson firm. Atlas ' Cartes générales de toutes les parties du Monde', 1658-70 and a po...

$85 / ≈ €82
Maker / Publisher: Sanson, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, F. Halma, 1705
Selling price: $85
Sold in 2016


Egypten, verdeelt in zyne twaalf Cassilifen of Landvoogdyen.

An attractive map of Egypt from Nicolas Sanson's pocket atlas. Nicolas Sanson (1600-67), the father of the French cartography' and founder of the Sanson firm. Published a...

$75 / ≈ €72
Maker / Publisher: SANSON,N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, F. Halma, 1705
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2019


Description du Nil de Ses Sources de Son Cours Depuis les Cataractes Jusques au Caire ....

A fine folio engraving centred on the river Nile (with north at the bottom), stretching from the 1st cataract at Aswan to Cairo with accompanying text in French. On eithe...

$51 / ≈ €49
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.,
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1719
Selling price: $51
Sold in 2021


Le Cours Du Nil, Suivant Les Auteurs Modernes et les dernieres Relations.

Two maps on one sheet: a general depiction of the Nile Valley and Egypt, and a smaller map focusing on the delta region with detail of ancient civilization.

$120 / ≈ €116
Maker / Publisher: FER N. de
Place & Date: Paris, 1720
Selling price: $120


Aegyptus Hodierna.

Highly decorative map depicting the Nile River. Large vignette featuring the pyramids, Sphinx, tombs of the kings and waterfall. Johann Baptist Homann (1664 – 1724) wa...

$130 / ≈ €125
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN, J.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1720
Selling price: $130
Sold in 2013


Aegyptus Antiqua Divisa in Nomos.

Very interesting copper engraved map of Northern Egypt and parts of Lybia, showing the are from the Mediterranean Sea with the Nile delta and Alexandria, to the Red Sea, ...

$75 / ≈ €72
Maker / Publisher: MORTIER, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c1720
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2011


Description de la Ville d'Alexandrie et des Antiquites Remarquables qu'on y voit.

Panoramic view of the ancient Egyptian port city of Alexandria accompanied by insets of "Palais de Cleopatre" (the ruins of Cleopatra's palace), Obelisque d'Ale...

$40 / ≈ €39
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2016


Description Du Nil de ses Sources, De Son Cours Depuis Les Cataractes Jusques Au Caire,...

A detailed map of the course of the Nile River, from the cataracts of the Nile at the south (top of the image) to Cairo and Giza. Shows one of the Pyramids (1400 feet tal...

$32 / ≈ €31
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Selling price: $32
Sold in 2017


Description des Piramides d'Egypte...

An interesting sheet with four views of the Pyramids of Giza and one image of the Sphinx. With extensive descriptive text in French.

$22 / ≈ €21
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Selling price: $22
Sold in 2017


Description de la Ville d'Alexandrie et des Antiquites Remarquables qu'on y voit.

Panoramic view of the ancient Egyptian port city of Alexandria accompanied by insets of "Palais de Cleopatre" (the ruins of Cleopatra's palace), Obelisque d'Ale...

$40 / ≈ €39
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2019


Succession des Rois d'Egipte selon leurs diverses races.

Genealogical tree, showing the Kings of Egypt.Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).They worked as a par...

Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2023


Habillemens des Arabes & des Juifs qui sont au Caire avec..

An interesting sheet from Volume Six of Chatelain's Atlas Historique containing a description of "The dress of the Arabs and Jews residing in Cairo with part of thei...

$150 / ≈ €144
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, J.A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1728
Selling price: $150


Carte Generale de L'Egypte.

A striking map of Egypt. It is from METHODE POUR ETUDIER L’HISTOIRE by L’Abbe Lenglet du Fresnoy, published in Paris in 1729. The map is quite rare and is not now, no...

$25 / ≈ €24
Maker / Publisher: FILLOEUL, P.
Place & Date: Paris, 1729
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2020


Ancienne Veue D'Alexandrie.

Highly decorative bird's-eye view of Alexandria, taken from "Dictionnaire Historique et critique de la Bible" by Abbé Calmet.It illustrates a detailed plan of ...

$80 / ≈ €77
Maker / Publisher: CALMET
Place & Date: Paris, 1722 - 1730
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2009


Deserta Aegypti Thebaidies Arabiae Syriae etc. ubi accurate notata sunt loca inhabitata per Sanctos Patres Anachoreatas.

Original engraved map of Egypt, Northern Arabia, the Holy Land, Syria and Cyprus, with original hand coloring. Verso blank. An attractive map of Egypt, northern Arabia, t...

$160 / ≈ €154
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, Mathhaus.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730
Selling price: $160
Sold in 2020