Browse Listings in Africa > North Africa

609 listings found. Showing results 601 to 609

Very decorative, informative map of Morocco. The map is filled with buildings, animals, a ship, figures and three locals in their typical dress.In lower left corner "...

$55 / ≈ €51
Maker / Publisher: JYLBERT
Place & Date: France, 1943
Selling price: $55
Sold in 2016


Souvenir Guide Map of Cairo.

A lovely small colored plan of central Cairo, published by Groppi in Cairo. The plan clearly lays out the streets and important buildings and places of interest nearest t...

$14 / ≈ €13
Maker / Publisher: GROPPI.
Place & Date: Cairo, 1920-1950
Selling price: $14
Sold in 2020


Carte géologique du Nord-Ouest del'Afrique SAHARA CENTRAL.

Geological map showing the Sahara and made by M.Lelubre, R.Karpoff, J.Follot, P.Bordet, A.Cornet, M.Dalloni, etc. Printed by Dufrenoy of Paris.Published by "Comité ...

$160 / ≈ €150
Maker / Publisher: XIXe Congrès Géologique International Alger.
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1952
Selling price: $160
Sold in 2017


Tabula Aphricae I .

One of the earliest maps of Morocco and Tunisia, the northern coast of Africa, including Gibraltar and the Balearic islands. Early double page copperplate engraving from ...

$65 / ≈ €61
Maker / Publisher: RUSCELLI, Girolamo
Place & Date: Venice, 1574
Selling price: $65
Sold in 2014


Tab. IV. Africae in qua Libya Interior et Exterior. Aethiopia sub Aegypto et Interior. . .

This finely engraved Ptolemaic map of Northern Africa shows the twin lake sources of the Nile located near the Lune Montes. The Niger River is prominently featured in Lib...

$130 / ≈ €122
Maker / Publisher: MERCATOR, G.
Place & Date: Utrecht, 1695?
Selling price: $130
Sold in 2018


A New & Accurate Map of the Western parts of BARBARY, containing FEZ, MOROCCO, ALGIERS, TUNIS & BILEDULGERID.

An attractive and detailed map of North Africa by Emanuel Bowen (ca.1693-1767) an English engraver, publisher and map seller, active in London from about 1720. Map is enh...

$31 / ≈ €29
Maker / Publisher: BOWEN, E.
Place & Date: London, ca 1750
Selling price: $31
Sold in 2019


Partie de L' Afrique en deca de l' Equateur.

Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98. Louis Charles Desnos (fl.1750-70), Le Rouge's 'Atlas N...

$150 / ≈ €140
Maker / Publisher: Brion de la Tour, L. / Desnos, L.Ch.
Place & Date: Paris, 1766.
Selling price: $150


Carte des Isles Canaries, avec l'Isle de Madere et celle de Porto Santo

Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795), French cartographer. His maps are found in a.o. Atlas Moderne (1762), Raynal's Histoire Philos. du Commerce des Indes (1774) and Atlas Encyclo...

$100 / ≈ €94
Maker / Publisher: Bonne, R.
Place & Date: Paris, 1784.
Selling price: $100


Pyramides Aegyptiacae.

An imaginary view.

$40 / ≈ €37
Maker / Publisher: FISCHERS
Place & Date: (19th)
Selling price: $40