Browse Listings in Africa > North Africa
Arabesques. - Grand tapis d'une étoffe.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2015
Arabesques. - Faïences émaillées à double jeu
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2019
Arabesques. - Faïences murales du tékyeh des derwiches.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2019
Arabesques. - Mosquée d'Ibrahym Agha. Panneau en faïence.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2015
Arabesques. - Faïences murales de la Mosquée d'Ibrahym Agha.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2015
Arabesques. - Faïences murales de la Mosquée d'Ibrahym Agha.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2015
Arabesques. - Faïences murales de Beyt el-Emyr.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2015
Arabesques. - Incrustations en stuc sur pierre.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2020
Arabesques. - Carquois & porte-arc.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2020
Arabesques. - Incrustations en stuc sur pierre.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $30
Sold in 2020
Arabesques. - Incrustations en stuc sur pierre.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2017
Arabesques. - Incrustations en stuc sur pierre.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2020
Arabesques. - Incrustations en stuc sur pierre.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2016
Arabesques. - Incrustations en stuc sur pierre.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2016
Arabesques. - Mosaïques murales.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2019
Arabesques. - Ornementation d'un Qorân mauresque.
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $17
Sold in 2023
Arabesques. - Mosquée de thelay abou-rézyq détails du Mimbar. . .
Lithographed by Daumont. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire…". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist and Muslim convert, obsessive i...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2020
Province d'Oran.
This is a fine copy of Migeon's 1878 map of the province of Oran, Algeria. it is decorated by scenes from the region and came from "GEOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE" one ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1878
Selling price: $26
Sold in 2016
Province D'Alger.
Fine map of the province of Alger, Algeria by Migeon from his atlas "GEOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE" published in Paris in 1878.
Place & Date: Paris, 1878
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2016
Egypte et Soudan supplément au journal "Le Temps", Paris, Mars 1884
Detailed map of Egypt, engraved by R.Haussmann and published as supplement in "LeTemps", published by Roland Bonaparte (1858-1924), geographer and president of ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1884
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2020
Carte de la Tunisie.. [2 sheets]
Lithographic map of Tunisia in 2 sheets, extending eastwards as far as Tripoli and including the Jazirat Jalitah sland in the North.
Place & Date: Paris 1889
Selling price: $40
Arab horsemen.
Adolf Schreyer (July 9, 1828 Frankfurt-am-Main – July 29, 1899 Kronberg im Taunus) was a German painter, associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting. His subject...
Place & Date: Cologne, ca. 1890
Selling price: $220
Sold in 2019
West Coast of Africa, Sheet III Sta. Cruz to Cape Bojador.
A large sea chart of an area of the north-western African coast from Santa Cruz to Cape Bojador, first surveyed in 1835 by Lieut. Arlett, R.N. The chart features depth so...
Place & Date: London, ca 1890
Selling price: $165
Sold in 2019
Carte du Sahara et du Nord Ouest de l'Afrique.
Rare and detailed map of northern part of Africa, including Canary Islands. Includes also a translations of some basic words in Arab and Berber. Key to Lieux ou ont été...
Place & Date: Lyon/Paris, 1894
Selling price: $260
Map of the Canary Islands.
Charming folding map of Canary Islands, still in it's original publisher's yellow advertisements at endpapers, folding into original red covers, yellow label. Published b...
Place & Date: London, ca. 1894
Selling price: $150
Map of Equitorial Africa Showing Mr. Stanley's Route and All His Principal Discoveries.
A chromo-lithograph map from an unknown book featuring the Welsh reporter Sir Henry M. Stanley's quest to find Dr. David Livingstone, a Scottish missionary presumed lost...
Place & Date: New York, ca. 1900
Selling price: $17
Sold in 2017
[Libya - map with Ottoman script]
Post card size map in Ottoman script of Libya from Mehmet Eşref’s ‘Küçük Atlas’, a rare portfolio of loose-leaf maps with text in Ottoman Turkish, published in...
Place & Date: Istanbul, Şirket-i Mürettibiye ve Karacoğlu Matbaası 1325 or 1909
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2022
[Egypt / Sudan - map with Ottoman script]
Postcard size map in Ottoman script of Egypt and Sudan from Mehmet Eşref’s ‘Küçük Atlas’, a rare portfolio of loose-leaf maps with text in Ottoman Turkish, pu...
Place & Date: Istanbul, Şirket-i Mürettibiye ve Karacoğlu Matbaası 1325 or 1909
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2022
Karte des Türkisch-ägyptischen Grenzgebietes. (Vorläufige Ausgabe) Blatt 3.
Centered on Suez, Great Bitter Lake and northern part of Suez Gulf and large part of the Sinai dessert during the World War I (1914-1918). Relief shown by hachures, gradi...
Place & Date: Berlin, 1917
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2018
Plan de Tunis edité en 19éé par la librairie Yvorra & Barlier
A large plan of Tunis published by the Tunisian book shop and publisher Yvorra & Barlier.
Place & Date: Tunis, ca 1922
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2020
(Single sheet from Tabula Rogeriana world map with North African section.)
Separate single sheet sheet (of 6) with the North African section of the [TABULA ROGERIANA] [NUZHAT AL-MUSHTĀQ FI'KHTIRĀQ AL-ĀFĀQ - TH...
Place & Date: 1151 BUT Suttgart, Konrad Miller, 1928
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2017
Plan de Tunis.
A scarce old street map of Tunis published by Shell. Includes a key with 21 addresses. Verso with curious advertisements.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1930
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2017
The Suez Canal.
A folding map of "The World's most Important Waterway". Complete with small index map bottom right corner, eight small colored illustrations along the canal, a ...
Place & Date: Port Said (Egypt), ca. 1930
Selling price: $275
Sold in 2017
New Map of Cairo and Environs.
A nice, decorative city plan of Cairo in stiff grey printed card wrappers, with a comprehensive index of Clubs, Hospitals, Churches, Government Offices and General Points...
Place & Date: Alexandria, ca 1936
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2020
[Untitled] Panoramic Pictorial map of the River Nile.
An unusual large pictorial map of the River Nile, printed in English. It shows the river at the Nile Delta and the Mediterranean Sea, with pithy comments about Alexandria...
Place & Date: U.S.A., ca 1942
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2018
Gran Canaria to Hierro.
A very large double sheet sea chart of Gran Canaria to Hierro in the Canary Islands, originally surveyed by Capt. A.T.E. Vidal and Lieut. W. Arlett, R.N. between 1834-183...
Place & Date: London, 1942
Selling price: $57
Sold in 2023
Very decorative, informative map of Algeria. The map is filled with buildings, animals, figures and two locals in their typical dress.In lower left corner "Imprimé ...
Place & Date: France, 1943
Selling price: $90
Sold in 2018
Oran. (Algeria)
Very decorative, informative map of Oran province in Algeria. The map is filled with buildings, animals, ships, figures and two locals in their typical dress.In lower lef...
Place & Date: France, 1943
Selling price: $70
Very decorative, informative map of Marocco. The map is filled with buildings, animals, a ship, figures and three locals in their typical dress.In lower left corner "...
Place & Date: France, 1943
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2010
Very decorative, informative map of Tunesia. The map is filled with buildings, animals, a ship, figures and two locals in their typical dress. With a large compass rose i...
Place & Date: France, 1943
Selling price: $90
Sold in 2018