Five woodcuts taken from 'Thesaurus Exoticorum'.
Place & Date: Hamburg, 1688
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2020
AFRIQVE | selon les Relations les plus Nouvelles | Dressée et Dediée | Par le P. Coronelli Cosmographe de la Sere- | nissime Republique de VENISE . | A Monseigneur le Duc de BRISS
This is an important transitional map of Africa. This map is not regularly found in atlases, but is usually found as a separate map. This map almost completely omits th...
Place & Date: Paris, 1689
Selling price: $1500
Sold in 2012
Totius Africae Accuratissima Tabula.
The cartouche is a colorful one with people in varied costumes: Moors, Black Africans, children, and a mounted elephant.Map is framed but can be removed from the frame fo...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1690
Selling price: $550
Africa Vetus.
A fine map of the African continent.Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the fierce competition of the Dutch would last until the en...
Place & Date: Paris 1690
Selling price: $200
Totius Africae Accuratissima Tabula.
A handsome copy of this skillfully engraved, highly decorative map, including the island of Madagascar. The title cartouche shows native people among which a tribal chief...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1690
Selling price: $1100
Africa Vetus.
A fine map of the ancient African continent.This edition carries the date 1690 and in brown manuscript in Aedibus Regiis .Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of Fr...
Place & Date: Paris 1690
Selling price: $280
Africa Vetus.
A fine map of the ancient African continent. Original outline colors retouched.Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the fierce compe...
Place & Date: Paris 1690
Selling price: $200
[2 sheets] L AFRICA divisa nelle sue Parti secondo le pui moderne..
A beautiful and rare two-sheet map of Africa. The title cartouche is depicted on a drape surrounded by native animals.A most noticeable feature of the decoration on the m...
Place & Date: Venice 1690
Selling price: $2700
Novissima et perfectissima Africae descriptio
Uncommon map of Africa, based on De Wit map of 1680. Wildlife, ships and sea monsters reflects the new style of the eighteenth century. The cartouche includes Moorish tra...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1690
Selling price: $335
Sold in 2013
Totius Africae . . .
The detail of the map includes the traditional depiction of Central Africa with the river Nile rising in two large central Lakes Zaire and Zaflan. The West African river ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1690
Selling price: $425
Sold in 2014
L'AFRICA divisa nelle sue Parti secondo le pui moderne..
A beautiful and rare two-sheet map of Africa. The title cartouche is depicted on a drape surrounded by native animals.A most noticeable feature of the decoration on the m...
Place & Date: Venice, 1690
Selling price: $2400
Sold in 2018
L'Afrique divisee suivant l'estendue de ses principales parties. . .
Fine map of Africa with a decorative title and scale cartouche.Alexis-Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712), was a French cartographer. He joined the Sanson heirs and redrew Nicolas...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1692
Selling price: $1800
AFRIQUE. Par. P. DuVal. Geogr du Roy.
Map of Ancient Egypt, outlined and bordered colored historical miniature map of Africa. The map is copperplate engraved with hand coloring and in very good condition and...
Place & Date: Paris, 1694
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2020
L' Afrique / divisee suivant l' estendue de ses principales parties.
An attractive large-format map of the African continent, embellished with a large title-cartouche.Alexis-Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712), French cartographer. He joined the Sa...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1696
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2019
Africa antiqua et Nova.
Interesting map of Africa from Philipp Clüver's famous Introductionis in Universam geographicam, first published in Leiden in 1624. Philipp Clüver (1580–1623) was vir...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1697
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2017
Africa antiqua et nova.
A fascinating map of Africa from Philipp Clüver's famous "Introductionis in Universam geographicam", which was first published in Leiden in 1624. Philipp Clüv...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1697
Selling price: $130
Sold in 2018
Nice map of Africa giving a wealth of information. Some names are translated in to English.
Place & Date: London, c. 1700
Selling price: $220
Sold in 2011
A New Map of Libya or old Africk. . . .
Curious map of ancient Africa, showing the entire continent and Madagascar. With two sources of the Nile. It shows the classic source in the twin lakes of Zaire and Zafla...
Place & Date: Oxford, c1700
Selling price: $162
Sold in 2011
L'Afrique dressée sur les observations de Mr de l'Académie Royale des Sciences. . .
Rare second state with the address : Chez l’Auteur sur le Quai de l’Horloge a la Couro. e de Diamans avec Privilege du Roy pour 20 ans, 1700". Guillaume de l'Isl...
Place & Date: Paris, 1700
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2018
An interesting map of Africa. Shows the area from Brazil until Arabia, including the Canary and Cape Verde Islands, as well as Tristan da Cunha. The interior of the conti...
Place & Date: Paris, ca 1700
Selling price: $35
Sold in 2018
Africae in Tabula Geographica Delineatio.
An attractive and detailed map of Africa, drawn by Zurner and published by Pieter Schenk. It's an updated version of the previous Schenk map, which was based on Visscher....
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca 1700
Selling price: $450
Sold in 2020
L'Africa divisa nelle sue Parti secondo le piu moderne, relationis colle scoperte dell origine e corso del Niro
Famous two sheet Coronelli map of Africa. Second edition from 1701 which is unchanged since first edition in 1691. Many little elephants, lions and other animals filling ...
Place & Date: Venice, 1701
Selling price: $3001
Sold in 2008
Africa Selou les Autheurs les plus Modernes.
A rare map of Africa. Very decorative. It shows a quite up-to-date Africa flanked with armorial shields for major nations. The cartouche depicts natives smoking and tradi...
Place & Date: Paris, 1701
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2017
L'Afrique Dressée sur les Relat. Et Suivant les Nouvelles decouvertes . . .
Map of Africa. Decorative dedication panel and title cartouche. From his "Atlas Curieux", published 1700-1705, in the rare early edition dated 1700.
Place & Date: Paris, 1700-1705
Selling price: $310
Sold in 2011
L'Afrique dressée sur les dernieres Relations . . .
An interesting small map of Africa by Nicolas de Fer. From his rare "Petit et Nouveau Atlas". The first edition was published in 1697 and was republished in 170...
Place & Date: Paris, 1705
Selling price: $170
Sold in 2016
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naaukeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of accounts of voyages (1706-0...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1707
Selling price: $235
L' AFRIQUE, Dressée sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, et quelques autres, & sur les Memoi= res les plus recens.
This is a landmark map of Africa. This is the first map of Africa to show Africa without the two Nile River Ptolemaic-based source lakes. Delisle's last remaining majo...
Place & Date: Paris, 1700-1708
Selling price: $575
Sold in 2013
L\' AFRIQUE, Dressée sur les Observations de Mrs. de l\'Academie Royale des Sciences, et quelques autres, & sur les Memoi= res les plus recens.
This is a landmark map of Africa. This is the first map of Africa to show Africa without the two Nile River Ptolemaic-based source lakes. Delisle's last remaining major ...
Place & Date: Paris, (1700) 1708
Selling price: $325
Sold in 2013
L\'Afrique dressée sur les observations de Mr de l\'académie Royale des Sciences. . .
Guillaume de l'Isle's (1675-1726) well deserved reputation as one of the foremost geographers of the 18th century meant that his maps were influential for many years afte...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1708
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2011
Representatio Totius Africae ...
This is Scherer's (1628-1704) famous but rather uncommon map showing the skeleton chopping down the tree. Based on his earlier map of the continent (see Norwich Map 62),...
Place & Date: Munich 1710
Selling price: $425
Nicolas Bion (1652-1733) was a French mapmaker in Paris. In 1710 Bion's L'Usage des Globes Celestes et Terrestrees et des spheres was published, from which this map com...
Place & Date: Paris, 1710
Selling price: $200
Carta dell Affrica in eisa dalli Fratelli Bordiga.
Decorative map of the African continent with Madagascar and the surrounding islands. Also the Arabia peninsular. Published by the Bordiga brothers of Milan.
Place & Date: Milan, ca. 1710
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2020
AFRICA Concinnata Secundum Observationes. . .
A rare issue by German the publisher Jeremia Wolff of de l’Isle’s map of Africa, which served as the model for European mapmakers, and was frequently copied throughou...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1710
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2020
This the Raphael Savonarola printing of Giovanni Magini's modern map of Africa, from his edition of Claudius Ptolemy's Geographia. It is basically a slightly-reduced ve...
Place & Date: Padua, 1713
Selling price: $70
Sold in 2013
To the right...This Map of Africa.
A superb, beautifully engraved large-scale map of Africa, including 4 insets of ports, coast lines and estuaries across the continent.The work is highlighted by a magnifi...
Place & Date: London, 1716
Selling price: $4000
AFRIQVE Par le Sr. Sanson d'Abbeville Geographe du Roy
This map is often confused with the Nicolas Sanson map of Africa of 1656 (Betz #86). In Paris in 1716, a copy of the Sanson map appeared in Methode Pour Etudier La Geogr...
Place & Date: Paris, ca 1716
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2013
L'Afrique Dressée selon les derniners relat et suivant les nouvelles decouvertes...?
Striking copper plate engraved map of all of Africa from the 'Atlas Curieux' of Nicholas de Fer (1646-1720). Tooley p.45, plate 33, third state with the date 1717. Curiou...
Place & Date: Paris, 1717
Selling price: $400
L'Afrique Dressée selon les dernieres relat. et suivant . . .
Map of Africa. Decorative dedication panel and title cartouche.
Place & Date: Paris, 1717
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2009
Nouvelle carte de l'Afrique avec des remarques et des tables pour trouver sans peine les differents peuples de cette partie du Monde par les Renvois Alphabetiques suivant les plus nouvelles ...
Nouvelle carte de l'Afrique avec des remarques et des tables pour trouver sans peine les differents peuples de cette partie du Monde par les Renvois Alphabetiques suivant...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1718
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2008
Nouvelle carte de l'Afrique avec des remarques et des tables pour trouver sans peine les differents peuples de cette partie du Monde par les Renvois Alphabetiques suivant les plus nouvelles Observations de Messieurs de l'Academie des Siences.
Decorative map of Africa, with text borders on both sides. The map is based on Delisle's landmark map of Africa (1700), which was the first to present a non-Ptolemaic ver...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1718
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2017