Browse Listings in Africa > Central Africa
A decorative copperplate engraving showing quadrupeds, reptiles and the birds of Guinea, including a scene with elephants, from Henri Chatelain's monumental 7 volume &quo...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1719
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2019
Carte de la Barbarie, Nigritie, et de la Guinée?
Map of North and West Africa, including the Canary Islands, the Cape Verde Islands and the Azores. According to the title "drawn up from early 18th century reports a...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Selling price: $90
Carte de la Barbarie, Nigritie, et de la Guinée ?
Map of North and West Africa, including the Canary Islands, the Cape Verde Islands and the Azores. According to the title "drawn up from early 18th century reports a...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2009
An attractive map, covering the coast from Sierra Leone to Gabon, filed with intersecting rhumb lines and decorated with monkeys, lions, elephants, sea monsters and two c...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2009
Jobi Ludolfi Habessinia seu Abassia Presbyteri Johannis ?
Jobi Ludolfus (1624-1704) was a German scholar and historian, specialising in Abyssinia (Ethiopia). His map is one of the earliest, relatively accurate maps of the region...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Selling price: $565
Sold in 2010
Pas caarte van de Bocht van Gabon Tusschen C. Formose en C. de Lopo Gansalves. . .
This map depicts the west coast of Gabon from Cape Formosa to Cape de Lopo, with the islands of St. Thomas and Principi.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Selling price: $210
Sold in 2016
Royaumes de Congo et d'Angola...
Scarce regional map centered on the Zaire river. Extends from about Port Gentil to Lobito. With several place names mainly along the Congo River. With a very large title ...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1720
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2018
Description Des Quadrupedes, Oiseaux & Reptiles Les Plus Curieux Qui Se Trouvent Dans La Guinee . . .
Decorative copperplate engraving showing quadrupeds, reptiles and birds of Guinea, including a scene with elephants. From Chatelain's monumental 7 volume "Atlas Hist...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Selling price: $55
Sold in 2022
Vue & description de la ville de Lovango dans le Royaume de Congo avec plusieurs....
On top a large view of the fabled city of Lovango, text surrounded by ten vignettes of the people and ceremonies of the Kingdom of Congo.Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was t...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Selling price: $27
Sold in 2019
Carte de l'Afrique Françoise ou du Senegal.
De L'Isle's highly detailed map of part of the West Coast of Africa, from Cap Blanc to the Pays des Mallus, centered on the Gambia River and Senegal River. Good detail al...
Place & Date: Paris, 1726
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2020
Carte de La Barbarie de La Nigritie et de Guinee.
A detailed engraved map of north west Africa including the Canary and Cape Verde Islands. The title is displayed along the top of the map. A rare re-issue of De l'Isles m...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1727
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2012
Nigritie, ou le Pays des Negres, en Afrique...
Map of West Africa. With beautiful title cartouche.
Place & Date: Leiden , c.1728
Selling price: $410
Africa Interior.
Christoph Cellarius (1638-1707). Geographia Antiqua, 1686
Place & Date: Leipzig, Gledisch, 1732
Selling price: $70
Sold in 2019
Coste Occidentale D'Afrique Depuis le XIe. Degre De Latitude Meridional
Detailed map featuring the southwest coast of Africa from “Cap de Bonne Esperance” (Cape of Good Hope), “Hottentots” (modern South Africa) in the south to “St. ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1739
Selling price: $15
Sold in 2016
Carte de la Coste Orientale D'Afrique.
Fine detailed map from the Saudi Arabia (Mekka) coast til the Tanzanian coast. From Prevost's "L'HISTOIRE GENERALE DES VOYAGES".
Place & Date: Paris, 1740
Selling price: $65
Sold in 2017
Carte de la Coste Orientale D'Afrique Depuis le XIIIe Degree de Latitude Meridionale
Attractive map of the East Coast of Africa from Dahlak Island in the Red Sea to the Comoro Islands. Produced by Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772). It features a decora...
Place & Date: Paris, 1740
Selling price: $15
Sold in 2015
The Prospect of Fort Nassaw at Mouree, Seen from the Sea.
A fine copper engraved print featuring a scene of Fort Nassaw in Guinea. From John Barbot's "A Description of Nort and South Guinea" published in London in 1744...
Place & Date: London, 1744
Selling price: $125
Sold in 2015
Carte de la Barbarie de la Nigritie et de la Guinée..
Richly engraved map of North and West Africa, based upon the earlier maps of De L'Isle. Richly annotated throughout and with excellent regional detail. It includes the Ca...
Place & Date: Amsterdam c. 1745
Selling price: $150
Carte de la Barbarie de la Nigritie et de la Guinée..
Richly engraved map of North and West Africa, based upon the earlier maps of De L'Isle. Richly annotated throughout and with excellent regional detail. It includes the Ca...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1745
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2022
Carte de La Barbarie de La Nigritie et de la Guinée.
Richly engraved map of North and West Africa, based upon the earlier maps of De L'Isle. Richly annotated throughout and with excellent regional detail. It includes the Ca...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1745
Selling price: $101
Sold in 2014
[Lot of 10 maps of Guinea.] Tractus Littorales Guinea a promontorio Verde.
A fine chart, originally published by Frederick de Wit, corrected and re-issued by the Ottens brothers. A large, finely etched title-cartouche. The Guinea coast played an...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1745
Selling price: $170
Sold in 2022
Partie de la Coste de Guinee, Depuis la Riviere de Sierra Leona Jusquan Cap das Palmas.
Detailed map of the Guinea coast in West Africa, from the Sierra Leone River to Cape Palmas on the southern coast of what is now Liberia, from the atlas of Prevost d'Exil...
Place & Date: Paris, 1746
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2017
Partie de la Coste de Guinee Depuis la Riviere de Sierre Leona Jusquau Cap das Palmas . . .
The coasts of present-day Sierre Leone and Liberia in Western Africa are shown on this map. All along the coasts are depth sounds. The map features an attractive title ca...
Place & Date: Paris, 1746
Selling price: $35
Sold in 2019
Suite de la Coste de Guinee Depuis le Cap de Palme Jusqu' au Cap des Trois Pointes...
Old map of the Ivory coast showing the kingdoms of the Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana in West Africa. From Antoine-François Prevost's L`Histoire Generale des Voyages. Feature...
Place & Date: Paris, 1746
Selling price: $12
Sold in 2019
A New and Accurate Map of Nubia....
Folding page map showing area from lower Egypt, through Sudan and Ethiopia and down to Somalia. The map also includes the Red Sea and what is now Yemen and South Arabia. ...
Place & Date: London 1747
Selling price: $100
Partie de la Coste de Guinee Depuis le Cap de Monte Jusqu'au Cap des Basses.
Fine little map engraved by Schley featuring the coast of Guinee in Western Africa. The insert is of the Sestos River. Pleasing floral, title cartouche. The map was publi...
Place & Date: Paris, 1747
Selling price: $125
Sold in 2015
A New and Accurate Map of Nubia & Abissinia, Together with All the Kingdoms Tributary there...
Showing the area from lower Egypt, through Sudan and Ethiopia and down to Somalia. The map also includes the Red Sea and what is now Yemen and South Arabia. Blank on vers...
Place & Date: London, 1747
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2013
Suite de la Coste de Guinnee Deouis la Riviere de Volta Jusqu'a Jakin.
Fine detailed map of the African Guinea coast, west of the Volta River. Featuring the kingdoms of Koto, de Popo, de Whidah and Ardra.Engraved by J. Schley from atlas of P...
Place & Date: Paris, 1747
Selling price: $119
Sold in 2015
Plan de L'Isle de Gore avec ses Fortifications.
Fine plans of Isle Gore, one of the main sites from which thousands of slaves were loaded on to ships bound for the New World. Engraved by J.V. Schley in 1747. From Abbe...
Place & Date: Paris, 1747
Selling price: $27
Sold in 2016
Coste de Guinee Depuis le Cap Apollonia Jusqu'a la Riviere de Volta ou La Coste d'Or.
Bellin's detailed map of the Guinea coast in west Africa, from Cape Appollonia to the mouth of the Volta River in what is now Ghana (the Gold Coast), from the atlas of Pr...
Place & Date: Paris, 1747
Selling price: $15
Sold in 2016
Partie de la Coste de Guinee Depuis le Cap de Monte Jusqu'au Cap des Basses;
A fine little map engraved by Schley featuring the coast of Guinee in Western Africa. The insert is of the Sestos River.With a pleasing floral, title cartouche. The map w...
Place & Date: Paris, 1747
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2019
Vue des Montagnes nommées Sierra Leona.
Two views of Sierra Leone. French & Dutch text.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1747
Selling price: $17
Sold in 2019
Cote de Zanguebar. . .
Nice small map showing a long stretch of the central Africa east coast. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 83 outside border top right. Mary Sponbe...
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1748
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2014
Les Isles du Cap-Verd. . .
Charming small map of the archipelago of Cape Verde. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 87 out...
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1748
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2011
Partie Occidentale de la Nigritie et de la Haute Guinée.
Nice small map illustrating the West African shores between Mauritania and Benin. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. 78, Pag.566 outside border top rig...
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1749
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2013
Cours de la Riviere de Sénégal. Depuis le Rocher Gouinea jusqu'à la Mer.
3 small maps in one plate. Illustrating the stretch of the Senegal River constituting the natural border between Senegal and Mauritania. Dated 1749.From Atlas Portatif Un...
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1749
Selling price: $70
Sold in 2013
Das Reich der Monomotapa und dessen benachbarte Staaten.
Engraved map of Mozambique in Southeast Africa by Nicolas Bellin. From the German edition of Prévost's "L'Histoire Générale des Voyages" by J. J. Schwabe in ...
Place & Date: Leipzig, 1749
Selling price: $90
Sold in 2009
Congo ou Basse Guinee.
Little hand colored Vaugondy map featuring a section of the west coast of Africa, centered on Angola. It is from "Atlas Portatif, Universel et Militaire", publi...
Place & Date: Paris, 1749
Selling price: $7
Sold in 2016
Empire du Monomotapa et Etats Voisins.
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65, atlas to accompany Prévo...
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1750
Selling price: $90
Sold in 2008
Femmes de Kazegut en differens habits.
The engraving depicts a typical Woman of Kazegut in different costumes, from "Histoire des Voyages.." by Prevost. Below title in Dutch "Vrouwen van Kazegut...
Place & Date: Paris, Didot, ca. 1750
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2015