Browse Listings in Africa
Pars Litorum Africae Antiquis ignota.
A map 13.0 x 16.0 cm.(5.1 x 6.3 inches) set in a page of text from Claude Barthélemy Morisot: Orbis Maritimi sive rerum in mari et littoribus gestarum generalis historia...
Place & Date: Dijon, 1643
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2015
colorful cartouche on the lower border. Two natives sit at the sides of the title, above which is a scroll with flowers and fruit and, in the center, a very human-looking...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2008
Charming map of the whole of North Africa and the famed Barbary coast. Two large insets at bottom, Carthaginensis Sinus with the city of Tunis, and a map of the Nile Delt...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1639-1644
Selling price: $77
colorful cartouche on the lower border. Two natives sit at the sides of the title, above which is a scroll with flowers and fruit and, in the center, a very human-looking...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1644
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2018
Africae nova descriptio.
Much of the geographical information is still based on the Ptolemaic maps, with the Nile shown with its source in the Lakes Zaire and Zaflan. Also included are various ot...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Selling price: $2500
Sold in 2021
Africa nova Tabula.
Very rare map of Africa separately published. This derivative map by Nicolas Picart is based upon the second state of Janssonius' map of 1623, after the lower border had ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1644
Selling price: $3000
Sold in 2023
Samuel Purchas' edition of the Mercator/Hondius "Atlas Minor". Map of Guinea published in his famous collection of voyages "His Pilgrimes". With descr...
Place & Date: London 1645
Selling price: $80
Barbaria / Egypt / Tunesia.
Samuel Purchas' edition of the Mercator/Hondius "Atlas Minor". Northern Africa published in his famous collection of voyages "His Pilgrimes". With des...
Place & Date: London 1645
Selling price: $80
Africae nova descriptio.
Much of the geographical information is still based on the Ptolemaic maps, with the Nile shown with its source in the Lakes Zaire and Zaflan. Also included are various ot...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1645
Selling price: $4500
Aethiopia inferior, vel exterior.
The standard map of South Africa throughout the 17th century. The lake out of which the 'Zambere' -the Zambesi- flows is probably based on reports of Lake Ngami, undiscov...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1645
Selling price: $700
Fessae regnum.
The rare Samuel Purchas' edition of the Mercator/Hondius Atlas Minor atlas map. Early map of Morocco published in his famous collection of voyages His Pilgrimes . With de...
Place & Date: London, 1645
Selling price: $60
Africae nova descriptio.
Much of the geographical information is still based on the Ptolemaic maps, with the Nile shown with its source in the Lakes Zaire and Zaflan. Also included are various ot...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1645
Selling price: $2525
Africae nova descriptio.
Much of the geographical information is still based on the Ptolemaic maps, with the Nile shown with its source in the Lakes Zaire and Zaflan. Also included are various ot...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1645
Selling price: $3725
Aethiopia Inferior vel Exterior Monomotapa...
Very attractive and decorative double page map of the southern half of Africa. This map is an reduced version of the Bleau and Jansson maps. The area shown is from the Co...
Place & Date: Frankfurt ca. 1645
Selling price: $475
Carta Particolare della Barberia Australe che comincia con il capo Matas è Finiscie con ilc Himilas con l'Isole di capo Verde.
First state of Dudley?s magnificent chart showing the west coast of Africa including the Cape Verde Islands. Include a sailing ship, notes on prevailing winds and current...
Place & Date: Florence 1645
Selling price: $550
Carta Particolare della parte Tramontana dell Isola di San Lorenzo con la costa diripetto sino à Monbazza con l'Isole è Seccagne int.. Carta XIII I.
First state of Dudley?s magnificent chart showing the east coast of Africa including the northern half of Madagascar. Include a sailing ship, compass card, notes on preva...
Place & Date: Florence 1645
Selling price: $700
Carta Particolare del mare di Etthiopia con l'Idola di S:Elena è parte della Costa .. Carta VIIII.
First state of Dudley's magnificent showing the west coast of Africa. Include sailing ships, compass card, notes on prevailing winds and currents and more stylized calli...
Place & Date: Florence, 1645
Selling price: $850
Sold in 2008
Carta Particolare che commincia con il fiu me Iuntas nella Guinea è finisce con il capo di S.Dara è con l'Isola d'S:Thmaso. . Carta VI.
First state of Dudley?s magnificent chart showing the coast of New Guinea. Include a sailing ship, compass card, notes on prevailing winds and currents and more stylized ...
Place & Date: Florence 1645
Selling price: $800
Carta Particolare che comincia con l'Isola di S:Tomaso o Tome è d S. Clara è finisce con il c: d' Aldeas .. Carta VII.
Dudley?s magnificent chart shows the Gulf of Guinea with the Island São Tomé. One of the smaller scale, more specific (?Carta Particolare?) maps and include sailing shi...
Place & Date: Florence 1645
Selling price: $450
Carta Particolare che comincia con l'Isola di S:Tomaso o Tome è d S. Clara è finisce con il c: d' Aldeas .. Carta VII.
Dudley?s magnificent chart shows the Gulf of Guinea. One of the smaller scale, more specific (?Carta Particolare?) maps and include sailing ships, notes on prevailing win...
Place & Date: Florence 1645
Selling price: $650
Marocchi Regnum.
Samuel Purchas' edition of the Mercator/Hondius "Atlas Minor". Early map of Morocco published in his famous collection of voyages "His Pilgrimes". Wit...
Place & Date: London, 1645
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2020
Samuel Purchas' edition of the Mercator/Hondius "Atlas Minor". Early map of the Nile delta with swash lettering and title cartouche with strapwork surrounds, pu...
Place & Date: London 1645
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2011
Africae nova descriptio.
Much of the geographical information is still based on the Ptolemaic maps, with the Nile shown with its source in the Lakes Zaire and Zaflan. Also included are various ot...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645
Selling price: $4700
Barbaria / Egypt / Tunesia.
An illustrated page with three maps describing the coastal region in Northern Africa extending from Egypt to the Atlantic Ocean.The lower right map is of the Nile delta.T...
Place & Date: London, 1645
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2020
Occidentalior Tractus Indiarum Orientalium à Promotorio Bonae Spei ad C. Comorin.
Rare sea chart by Ottens of showing the coastlines of the Arabian peninsula and Africa up to Cape Town, with a splendid cartouche of royal figures and animals.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645
Selling price: $1050
Sold in 2009
An attractive map covering the coast from Sierra Leone to Gabon, filled with intersecting rhumb lines and decorated with monkeys, lions, elephants, sea monsters, and two ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1645
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2012
Carta particolare che comincia con il c.apo Aldea e Finisce con il capo Degortam.
Dudley’s magnificent chart shows the south west coast of Africa..Engraved by Lucini.Sir Robert Dudley's Dell'Arcano del Mare is the earliest printed sea atlas to cover ...
Place & Date: Florence, 1645
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2014
Carta particolare che comincia con il c.apo Aldea e Finisce con il capo Degortam.
Dudley’s magnificent shows the south west coast of Africa. A first edition without the privilege..Engraved by Lucini.Sir Robert Dudley's Dell'Arcano del Mare is the ea...
Place & Date: Florence, 1645
Selling price: $600
Sold in 2015
Africae Nova Descriptio.
A fine example of one of the most decorative early maps of Africa in original color. 2nd state of 1621-30. Latin text on verso. The top border panels consist of oval vign...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645
Selling price: $2850
Sold in 2019
Aethiopia inferior, vel exterior.
A very decorative, large map of South Africa, which became the standard delineation of the region throughout the 17th century. The lake from which the 'Zambere' (the Zamb...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645
Selling price: $260
Sold in 2020
Abbildung der Statt Gigeri in affrica, wie solche der König in Franckreich durch den Hertzogen de Beaufort eingenohmen
Attractive engraving of the Jijel (Djidjelli) in North-west Algeria from Matthaus Merian. Showing the city with several ships and the Atlas Mountains in background. With ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1646
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2009
Carta Particolare che commincia con il capo Aldea è Finisce?
Engraved by Lucini.Sir Robert Dudley's Dell'Arcano del Mare is the earliest printed sea atlas to cover the entire world, and the first made by an Englishman, and the firs...
Place & Date: Florence 1646
Selling price: $305
Sold in 2010
Attractive birdeye view of Algiers in Algeria from Matthäus Merian. Showing the city with city walls, outlying forts and several ships in the harbour. From J. Gottfried'...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1646
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2009
Africae nova Tabula.
Fine map of Africa, it's the issue of Jodocus Hondius map, without the decorative borders. There are six ships in full sail on the Atlantic and one to the south of Madaga...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1646
Selling price: $600
Sold in 2017
Carta particolare che mostra il Capo buona Speranza.
A particularly rich example of the Dudley sea chart with several lush samples of Lucini’s remarkable engraving of calligraphic lettering. The chart, in addition to the ...
Place & Date: Florence, 1646
Selling price: $850
Sold in 2018
Carta particolare che mostra il Capo buona Speranza con il mare....
The rare first state in a beautiful example.
Place & Date: Florence, 1646
Selling price: $850
A beautiful, antique town view of Tunisia, Tunis. Printed in Frankfurt by Merian in 1646. Including zoological and botanical gardens. From J. Gottfried's "Neuwe Arch...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1646
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2021
A beautiful, antique town view of Algiers, printed in Frankfurt by Merian in 1646. An attractive birds-eye view of Algiers in Algeria showing the city with its walls, out...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1646
Selling price: $130
Sold in 2020
Abris der Vestung Tripoli in Barbarien.
Interesting engraving of the fort of Tripoli in Libya from Matthäus Merian. Showing details of the fort with an 29 key indexMatthäus Merian the Elder was born September...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1646
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2020
Africae nova descriptio.
Much of the geographical information is still based on the Ptolemaic maps, with the Nile shown with its source in the Lakes Zaire and Zaflan. Also included are various ot...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1648
Selling price: $4100