Browse Listings in Map Types
[Title page] Aristoteles, Commentarium trium librorum de anima, secundum doctrinas venerabilis domini Albert Magni.
Printed by Heinrich Quentell in Cologne 1491.The Woodcut shows Albertus Magnus reading to 6 attendants
Place & Date: Cologne 1491
Selling price: $95
[Title page ] Epitoma operu[m] sex dieru[m] de mu[n]di fabrica..
First page to Nuremberg Chronicle, the richest illustrated Incunabel, published the year that Columbus returned to Europe after discovering America. This impressive woodc...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $1450
Sold in 2012
Sexta Etas Mudi. (With view of Sabatz.) Folio CCLIII
An imaginary view of Sabatz, Turkey: however the earliest obtainable view of this period.Further including presentations of the popes Sixtus IV and Innocentius VIII. Page...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2023
SCHEDEL, TITLE PAGE, - Register des buchs der Croniken ...
Title page page from the rare German edition of Hartman Schedel's Liber chronicarum ,widely known as 'Nuremberg Chronicle', printed in 1493 by Koberger, NurembergIncunabl...
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1493
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2022
Title page to <I>Expositiones textuales dubiorum et lucentissimae explanationes in libros de coelo et mundo.....</I>
Nearly fullpage woodcut shows St. Thomas addressing three students. Printed in Cologne by Henricus Quentell in 1497
Place & Date: Cologne 1497
Selling price: $45
Liber in judicii astrorum.
Titlepage to: \"Haly /Albohazen filii Abennagel\" Woodcut. Albohazen on a throne with an astrolobium, flanked by naked \"Astronomia\" and \"Urani...
Place & Date: Venice 1485. or by Battista Hessa 1500
Selling price: $400
Wood block print showing Ptolemy and Astonomia.
A very nice woodcut print of Ptolemy looking at the stars with a quadrant in the company of Astronomia. Included in Gregor Reisch, compiler of the Margarita Philosophica,...
Place & Date: Strasbourg 1512
Selling price: $350
Title page from:
Manuscript annotations underneath the woodcut in a contemporary hand. Beautiful renaissance border by Daniel Hopfer (ca,1480-1536)
Place & Date: Augsburg 1517
Selling price: $95
Opera (Joannis de Basso).
Titlepage to Joannes Bassoli's "OPERA". Printed in Paris with printersmark of Jehan Frellon. To be bought at Francisco Regnault in Paris.Four woodcut borders re...
Place & Date: Paris, before 1517
Selling price: $35
Liber quartus sentetniarum...
Titlepage for P. Lombardus: "Liber quartus sententiarum textus...Simple 4-sided borders, consisting of four woodblocks, Latin text on verso.
Place & Date: Cracov 1519
Selling price: $18