Browse Listings in Celestials
Corporum Coelestium Magnitudines.
A chart indicating distances in the heavens, using the diameter of the earth as the unit of measuring. This chart is richly adorned with elaborate cartouches and baroque ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1708
Selling price: $1150
Sold in 2021
Creatio Universi... [Genesis]
An attractive and skillful engraving of the creation of the universe, the earth surrounded by planetary orbits, by Tigur Melchior Fuesslinus who flourished as an engraver...
Place & Date: Augsburg, c.1710
Selling price: $700
Sold in 2010
Globus Coelestis in quo omnes Alterismi. . . [twelve engraved gores for a 20cm diameter celestial globe.]
Very Rare. Twelve engraved globe gores for a 20cm diameter celestial globe. There is a magnitude table above Phoenix to the left of the title cartouche, which is labelled...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, ca.1710
Selling price: $1600
Sold in 2014
(Two globes, Paris observatory, Neptune. . .)
Decorative print showing a terrestrial globe and armillary sphere, surveying instruments, Neptune and an observatory in the back ground.Probably by Nicolas de Fer.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1710
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2015
Nouvelle Carte de la Sphere pour Faire Connoitre les Divers...
A scarce and fascinating engraving showing two great depictions of the Copernican solar system on either side of an armillary sphere with four small maps (Western and Eas...
Place & Date: Paris, 1710
Selling price: $230
Sold in 2017
Celestial globe 15 inch (only 3 other copys known.)
Title below Cetus in a cartouche : Uranographia Caelum omne hic Complectens, Illa pro ut aucta et ad annum 1700 Completum MAGNO ab HEVELIO correcta est: ita, ejus ex Prot...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1711
Selling price: $18000
Tabula Selenographica..Hevelii quam Riccioli..
An uncommon, extremely decorative chart of the surface of the moon divided in hemispheres, from the famous "Atlas Coelestis" of Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr. Doppe...
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1702-1714
Selling price: $700
"Le Systeme de Ptolomée.. / de Copernic. / de Descartes. / Ticho Brahe."
Four decorative print on one sheet showing the systems of Ptolemy, Copernicus, Descartes and Brahe. Engraved by H. van Loon..
Place & Date: Paris 1717
Selling price: $205
Le Systeme de Ptolomée.. / de Copernic. / de Descartes. / Ticho Brahe.
Four decorative print on one sheet showing the systems of Ptolemy, Copernicus, Descartes and Brahe. Engraved by H. van Loon..
Place & Date: Paris, 1717
Selling price: $220
Sold in 2011
Systema Ptolomaicum/Systema Copernicanum / Systema Tychonicum/Systema Cartesianum.
Four inset maps, each depicting one of the theories of the Solar System. Each system is enclosed in engraved clouds and stars.Part of a title page from his atlas Atlas me...
Place & Date: Nüremberg, 1719
Selling price: $215