Browse Listings in Celestials > Celestials

312 listings found. Showing results 1 to 80
T'ien wên t'u [A Map of the Stars]

The chart was engraved on stone in 1247 by Wang Zhiyuan, but it is based upon an earlier drawing by Huang Shang, made c. 1190-1193 at the beginning of Shaoxi in the South...

$30000 / ≈ €28905
Maker / Publisher: [Wang Zhiyuan after Huang Shang]
Place & Date: China, c.1890-1910, but engraved in 1247
Selling price: $30000


De opere sexte diei. Foliu V. [a Christian-Aristotelian view of the cosmos]

A very fine representation of Adam's creation (Dim. H : 225 mm W : 222 mm). According to the Bible God created all of the land animals on the sixth day of creation.On ver...

$2750 / ≈ €2650
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $2750
Sold in 2013


Leaf from De Sphaera.

A leaf from Joannes de Sacrobosco's De Sphaera, illustrated with astronomical figures in wood block.Born at the end from XIIe century, Joannes de Sacrobosco studied in Ox...

$30 / ≈ €29
Maker / Publisher: SACROBOSCO,
Place & Date: Vitteberg, 1538
Selling price: $30
Sold in 2009


Imaginesconstellationum Australium / Imagines constellationum Boreallum.

An important pair of woodblock celestial charts of the northern and southern skies showing the "stars as seen from earth" (Warner). The maps were first publishe...

$3100 / ≈ €2987
Maker / Publisher: HONTER, Johannes.
Place & Date: Basle, 1541 / 1551
Selling price: $3100
Sold in 2020


Facies astrolabij particularis I - IX. [Nine sheets]

An extremely rare set of nine sheets to be meant as book illustrations. Each of them showing the different parts for the construction of an astrolabe. The map of the worl...

$4250 / ≈ €4095
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS.
Place & Date: Germany ca. 1600
Selling price: $4250


Untitled - Celestial Chart

This, scarce tiny celestial map presents the northern and southern skies with mythological representations of the constellations set in a cloud background. After the deat...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: ORTELIUS,A. / VRIENTS, J.B.
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1602
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2008


De Sphaera Caelesti.

A bold strapwork border surrounds this charming miniature map of the heavens with the major constellations delineated. This tiny map is based on the celestial map from Or...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: LANGENES, B. / BERTIUS, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2019


Eigentliche verzeichnus dieses im Jahr 1618.

Although very little is known about Caspar Hersbach, we do know that this broadside celestial chart was made to announce the appearance of a comet in 1618. The comet is i...

$1100 / ≈ €1060
Maker / Publisher: HERSBACH,C.
Place & Date: Cologne 1618
Selling price: $1100


N°4. Horologium Horizontale ubi axis mundanus supra horizontem extollitur grandus XLVIIII. Scrupula XXIIII.

This beautiful engraving is a horological diagram with at bottom a 32-point wind rose and signed underneath "Franciscus Ritter N fac:".Remarkable for the elabor...

$350 / ≈ €337
Maker / Publisher: RITTER, F.
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1640
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2020


Tabula ANEMOGRAPHICA seu Pyxis Nautica Ventorum nomina sex linguis representans.

Impressive compass rose with a fleur de lis at the center and 32 wind directions flowing from it identified in six languages, Greek, Latin, French, Dutch, Italian, and Sp...

$1550 / ≈ €1493
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1650
Selling price: $1550
Sold in 2014


Tabula Anemogra Phica seu Pyxis Nautica Ventorum Nomina Sex Linguis Repraesentans

One of the earliest wind rose charts to appear in the 17th century. This unusual chart represents the evolution from the wind rose to the compass rose. Early mariners nam...

$900 / ≈ €867
Maker / Publisher: JANSSON, Jan.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1650
Selling price: $900
Sold in 2017


Planisfere du Globe Celeste.

A scarce celestial double hemisphere, showing the constellations. With portraits of T.Brahe and F.Houtman and four putties in the corners with surveyors instruments.The p...

$1000 / ≈ €964
Maker / Publisher: MARIETTE, P.
Place & Date: Paris, 1650
Selling price: $1000
Sold in 2020


Den Cirulen der Planeten nauch ihrem lauff und Hoehe.

An attractive celestial chart showing the courses of the planets according the system of Tycho Brahe. Embellished with two portraits (one of Tycho Brahe) and two title-ca...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: HUSUM, J.M.
Place & Date: Germany, 1651
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2018


Speculum Solis künststandiger Leichter und Gründrichtiger Bericht

This beautiful engraving is a horological diagram with at bottom a 32-point wind rose and signed underneath "M:Franciscus Ritter N fac A° 1640".Remarkable for...

Maker / Publisher: RITTER, F.
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1653
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2023


Haemisphaeria sphaerarum rectae et oblique utriusque motus..

A celestial chart depicting the location of the planets and stars according to ecliptic co-ordination and celestial-equator co-ordination. Two planispheres in lower corne...

$950 / ≈ €915
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS,A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1660
Selling price: $950


Soliscirca orbem terrarum spiralis revolutio.

A most decorative, uncommon chart, showing the Eastern Hemisphere in the centre, including part of Australia and Japan and with the equatorial circle, the tropical circle...

$3100 / ≈ €2987
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS,A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1660
Selling price: $3100


Typus aspectuum, oppositionum et conjunctionum..

A celestial chart with a circular projection map of the earth, centred in the North Pole, concentrating upon the opposition and conjunction of the planets. With two diagr...

$1470 / ≈ €1416
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS,A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1660
Selling price: $1470


Coeli Stellati Christiani Haemisphaerium Posterius.

Rare first issue. This spectacular celestial chart presents the constellations according to Christian symbolism. The view of the constellations is based on the work of th...

$4500 / ≈ €4336
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS, A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1660
Selling price: $4200


Haemisphaerium Stellatum Australe Cum Aequali Sphaerarum Proportione.

The very rare first edition, first state of this spectacular celestial chart showing the constellation of the southern hemisphere superimposed upon a globe depicting Amer...

$3300 / ≈ €3180
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS, A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, J.Janssonius, 1661
Selling price: $3300
Sold in 2014


Hemisphaerii Borealis Coeli et Terrae Sphaeri Cascenographia.

Andreas Cellarius (active from 1656-1702), Dutch mathematician and geographer, rector of the Latin School at Hoorn. He may have been of German or Polish origin, with the ...

$2800 / ≈ €2698
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS, A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1661
Selling price: $2800
Sold in 2016


Itroductio. [with sphere.]

Introduction leaf from a Latin text edition of Atlas Major

$70 / ≈ €67
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1662
Selling price: $70
Sold in 2014


Gründlicher Bericht Von dem biß in den Februar. dieses 1665sten Jahrs am Himmel gestandenen importirlichen Cometen . . . [together with] Appendix vom neuen Cometen und dessen vermuthlichen Bedeutung. . .

Christophori Nottnagels Mathem. Prof. Publ. zu Wittenberg/ Gründlicher Bericht/ Von dem biß in den Februar. dieses 1665sten Jahrs/ am Himmel gestandenen importirlichen ...

$750 / ≈ €723
Maker / Publisher: NOTTNAGEL, Chr.
Place & Date: Wittenberg, Henckel, 1665
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2015


[Rare double hemisphere celestial chart]

Rare double hemisphere celestial chart, published by Jollain in 1667. Published in "Trésor Des Cartes Geographiques Des Principaux Estats de Lunivers".This atl...

Maker / Publisher: JOLLAIN, G.
Place & Date: Paris, 1667
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2023


[Engraved Gores for a pair of 20 cm diameter Globes.]

Rare engraved globe gores for a pair of 20 cm (8 inch) diameter globes published in Nuremberg, and engraved by J.C. Weigel. Two sets of 12 globe gores on 4 sheets, togeth...

$2400 / ≈ €2312
Maker / Publisher: HABRECHT, Isaac / WEIGEL, Johann Christoph
Place & Date: Nuremberg, ca 1675
Selling price: $2400
Sold in 2020


Planisphaerium Coeleste

An exceptionally decorative, oversized, very rare celestial chart, produced by Frederik de Wit around 1680, and depicts the two hemispheres surrounded by six supplementar...

$1850 / ≈ €1783
Maker / Publisher: DE WIT, F.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1680
Selling price: $1850
Sold in 2017


De la Sphere.

Alain Manneson Mallet (1603-1706) published in 1683 his 'Description de l' Univers' in 5 volumes. In 1686 a German edition appeared.A chart from Alain Manesson Mallet's '...

$90 / ≈ €87
Maker / Publisher: Mallet, A.M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1683
Selling price: $90


Planisphere des Constellations Meridionalles. Figure XXXV.

A fine celestial chart depicting the southern constellations in allegorical form.From the French text edition of Description d'Univers.. (5 volumes), 1683. By Allain Mann...

Maker / Publisher: MALLET,A.M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1683
Selling price: $38
Sold in 2022


Planisphere des Constellations Septentrionalles. Figure XXXIII.

A fine celestial map depicting the northern constellations in allegorical form.From the French text edition of Description d'Univers.. (5 volumes), 1683. By Allain Mannes...

$160 / ≈ €154
Maker / Publisher: MALLET,A.M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1683
Selling price: $160


De la sphere (pair of maps).

Pair of small charts each with the constellations in allegorical form featuring the northern and southern sky.

$250 / ≈ €241
Maker / Publisher: MALLET,A.
Place & Date: Paris 1685
Selling price: $250


Planisfero del Globo Celeste artico Antartico..

Decorative double hemisphere chart. Text in Italian below image. From Rossi's Mercurio Geografico. Finely engraved by Mariotti, very decorative double hemisphere celestia...

$1750 / ≈ €1686
Maker / Publisher: BRUNACCI, F.
Place & Date: Rome, 1687
Selling price: $1750


Planisfero del Globo Celeste artico Antartico..

Decorative double hemisphere chart. Text in Italian below image. From Rossi's Mercurio Geografico. Finely engraved by Mariotti, very decorative double hemisphere celestia...

$2500 / ≈ €2409
Maker / Publisher: BRUNACCI,F.
Place & Date: Rome 1687
Selling price: $2500


Planisfero del Globo Celeste artico Antartico. . .

Decorative double hemisphere chart. Text in Italian below image. From Rossi's Mercurio Geografico. Finely engraved by Mariotti, very decorative double hemisphere celestia...

$4500 / ≈ €4336
Maker / Publisher: BRUNACCI, F.
Place & Date: Rome, 1687
Selling price: $3000
Sold in 2012


Planisfero del Globo Celeste Artico Antartico. . .

Decorative double hemisphere chart. Text in Italian below image. From Rossi's Mercurio Geografico. Finely engraved by Vin. Mariotti, very decorative double hemisphere c...

$1750 / ≈ €1686
Maker / Publisher: BRUNACCI, F.
Place & Date: Rome, 1687
Selling price: $1750
Sold in 2014


Planisfero del Globo Celeste artico Antartico..

Decorative double hemisphere chart. Text in Italian below image. From Rossi's Mercurio Geografico. Finely engraved by Mariotti, very decorative double hemisphere celestia...

$1500 / ≈ €1445
Maker / Publisher: BRUNACCI, F. / DE ROSSI,
Place & Date: Rome, 1687
Selling price: $1500
Sold in 2015


[ Earth among the stars ]

Charming oval wood block map of the Christian vision on the place of earth among the stars, by the Italian XVIth and XVIIth century writer, humanist and cartographer Gius...

$15 / ≈ €14
Maker / Publisher: ROSACCIO , G.
Place & Date: Bologna, 1592 - 1688
Selling price: $15
Sold in 2011


Nieuwe Hemels spiegel waer door den hemel, aerde en zee dadelik kan afgemeten werden Noyt gesien.

A rare version of the celestial chart by Andreas van Luchtenburg (active 1664 - ±1706) showing the north equatorial pole down to 40 degrees S dec. In a polar equidistant...

$3000 / ≈ €2891
Maker / Publisher: LUCHTENBURG, A. van.
Place & Date: Rotterdam, c.1688
Selling price: $3000
Sold in 2013


Cometa Anno MDCLXXX e LXXXI observ. Friderico Madeweis Berolini..

A finely engraved map of a Comet observed in 1680 by Frederico Madeweis Barolini.

$325 / ≈ €313
Maker / Publisher: MADEM.
Place & Date: Germany 1690
Selling price: $325


Tabula Anemographica seu Pyxis Nautica Ventorum nomina sex linguis representans.

From the Hornius edition of the Ancient Atlas by Janssonius. No text on verso. hemispherical engraved diagram of the winds surrounded by numerous windheads, central compa...

$1500 / ≈ €1445
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J. / HORNIUS
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca 1690
Selling price: $1500
Sold in 2011


Sterre Kaert of Hemels Pleyn . . .

Early imprint, usually offered with the imprint of Elwe. A most attractive rectangular projection of the Heavens showing all the heavenly bodies and with panels of astrol...

Maker / Publisher: DANCKERTS, C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1690
Selling price: $1650
Sold in 2022


Correspondance du Globe Terrestre a la sphère Celeste . . .

Two terrestrial spheres with explanatory notes, by Nicolas de Fer. From his rare "Petit et Nouveau Atlas". The first edition was published in 1697 and was repub...

$60 / ≈ €58
Maker / Publisher: DE FER, N.
Place & Date: Paris, 1692
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2019


Planisfero settentrionale [&] meridionale corretto ed accresciuto di molte stelle.

Set of decorative celestial charts of the northern and southern constellations by V.M. Coronelli. - 2 sheets. colored in full. Couple of copper engravings, engraved in t...

$1350 / ≈ €1301
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, Vicenzo Maria.
Place & Date: Venice, ca. 1692
Selling price: $1350
Sold in 2020


Onderwysing van't Gebruyk des Hemels Pleyn Waar op de starren des hemels na 't oogh in 't plat gestelt zyn[.] Tot nut en vermaak van alle liefhebbers der wiskonsten.

Large engraved celestial chart with a rotating printed paper ring (volvelle or rete) on an off-centre axis to indicate the part of the sky visible at any date and time an...

$30000 / ≈ €28905
Maker / Publisher: VOOGHT, Claes Jansz. after Jan Jansz Stampioen
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Johannis van Keulen, c.1680-1696
Selling price: $30000


Comet Melcher Anno 1680 and 1681 beobachtet worden.

Handsomely engraved chart of the 'Great Comet of 1680' showing it's movements though the heavens. Details its relative location for approximately 50 days as it moved thro...

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: ZAHN, J.
Place & Date: Würtzburg, 1696
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2015


Plani-Spherium Coeleste.

Scarce miniature double celestial chart, from the rare atlas " El atlas abreviado, o compendiosa geografia del mundo antiguo, y nuevo. . ." by Francesco de Affe...

$350 / ≈ €337
Maker / Publisher: AFFERDEN, F. DE
Place & Date: Antwerp, Jan Duren, 1698
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2017


Ragioni di Copernico. . . [9 charts on one sheet]

The nine diagrams illustrate the various concepts that were debated in the 17th century. Each one with a title banner. Published in "Atlante Veneto".

$385 / ≈ €371
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, V. M.
Place & Date: Venice, 1698
Selling price: $385
Sold in 2021


Globe celeste Coeli en arrant Gloriam dei.

Double hemispherial celestial showing signs of the zodiac.

$407 / ≈ €392
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Paris 1700
Selling price: $407


Veritable Representation des Premieres Matieres ou Elements avec leurs Directions. . .

A very rare double-page engraved circular representation of the world depicted in circular layers with Hell at its core, consisting of 9 concentric circles including the ...

$22000 / ≈ €21197
Maker / Publisher: SALIBA, A./ SCHEVENHUYSE, A.
Place & Date: Haarlem, 1650 - 1700
Selling price: $22000
Sold in 2014


Planisfero Settentrionale Corretto, et Accreciuto . . .(together with) Planisfero Meridionale, Corretto, et Accrescuito . . .

Set of two decorative celestial charts of the Northern skies and southern skies.From Coronelli's "Corso Geographico". The constellations and the brightest stars...

$1500 / ≈ €1445
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI,P.
Place & Date: Venice, 1700
Selling price: $1500
Sold in 2017


Planisfero Settentrionale Corretto, et Accreciuto di Molt..A

Decorative celestial chart of the Northern skies. The remarkable Vincenzo Coronelli (1650-1718), was a Franciscan Friar and appointed General of the Order in 1701. He was...

$1200 / ≈ €1156
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, V.
Place & Date: Venice, 1700
Selling price: $1200
Sold in 2020


Planisfero Meridionale Corretto, et Accreciuto di Molt..

Decorative celestial chart of the Southern skies.The remarkable Vincenzo Coronelli (1650-1718), was a Franciscan Friar and appointed General of the Order in 1701. He was ...

$1200 / ≈ €1156
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, V.
Place & Date: Venice, 1700
Selling price: $1200
Sold in 2020


Planisferii Celesti, Calcolati Per L'Anno MDCC, Corretti, Et Aumenati Di Molte Stelle . . .

Double hemisphere celestial map showing a new and more scientific depiction of the heavens. In original colors, it is very unusual to find Coronelli maps in original colo...

$1400 / ≈ €1349
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, V.
Place & Date: Venice, 1700
Selling price: $1400
Sold in 2020


Idea dell'Universo.

A set of diagrams relating to astronomy and astrology, with wind head borders. The subjects include a perpetual calendar, the zodiac, the parts of the body dominated by e...

$1600 / ≈ €1542
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, V.M.
Place & Date: Venice, c. 1700
Selling price: $1250
Sold in 2019


Primi Elementi, o introductione al Corso Geografico..

An introduction to geography, with a double hemisphere, spheres of longitude and latitude and distance tables, showing equator, climate zones, etc. Several smaller diagra...

$325 / ≈ €313
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, V. M.
Place & Date: Venice, 1700
Selling price: $325
Sold in 2020


Phasis Lunae in orbem insinuatae Crescentis, observata Segedini Anno MDCXCVI Die 9. Julii st. N. hor.i. a Oocc.

Two moon projections on one sheet according to J. Hevelius.

$20 / ≈ €19
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: ca. 1700
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2020


Idea dell'Universo.

A set of diagrams relating to astronomy and astrology, with wind head borders. The subjects include a perpetual calendar, the zodiac, the parts of the body dominated by e...

$2500 / ≈ €2409
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, V. M.
Place & Date: Venice, c. 1700
Selling price: $2500
Sold in 2021


Planisphérès Celeste . Par Mr. De la Hire..

Decorative double hemisphere celestial chart, centred on the north and south poles. The constellation figures are derived from the prototypes in Bayer's Uranometria and t...

$520 / ≈ €501
Maker / Publisher: DE FER,N.
Place & Date: Paris 1702
Selling price: $520


Planispheres Celeste . Par Mr. De la Hire..

Decorative double hemisphere celestial chart, centred on the north and south poles. The constellation figures are derived from the prototypes in Bayer's Uranometria and t...

$710 / ≈ €684
Maker / Publisher: DE FER,N.
Place & Date: Paris 1705
Selling price: $710


Planispheres Celeste . Par Mr. De la Hire..

Decorative double hemisphere celestial chart, centered on the north and south poles. The constellation figures are derived from the prototypes in Bayer's Uranometria and ...

$325 / ≈ €313
Maker / Publisher: DE FER, N.
Place & Date: Paris, 1705
Selling price: $325
Sold in 2011


Planisphere Celeste Meridionale (and) Planisphere Celeste Septentrional

Two separate charts of southern and northern Hemisphere according to Philippe de la Hire (1640-1714). Hemisphere with surround of text and engraved dedication to Jean Pau...

$2900 / ≈ €2794
Maker / Publisher: Fer, N. de
Place & Date: Paris, 1705
Selling price: $2900
Sold in 2008



A rare chart of the Northern skies, published in Allard's Atlas Coelestis. A visually striking example of this scarce and important map, in a first state. Later the chart...

$1550 / ≈ €1493
Maker / Publisher: ALLARD,C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1706
Selling price: $1550


Nouvelle carte de la sphere pour faire connoitre les diver mouvemens des planetes et leurs diverses revolutions..

A rare print showing an armillary globe with smaller circular diagrams illustrating the theories of Ptolemy, Copernicus, Brahe and Descartes.The tables along the sides id...

$600 / ≈ €578
Maker / Publisher: ALLARD,C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1706
Selling price: $600


Nouvelle carte de la sphere pour faire connoitre les diver mouvemens des planetes et leurs diverses revolutions..

A rare print showing an armillary globe with smaller circular diagrams illustrating the theories of Ptolemy, Copernicus, Brahe and Descartes.The tables along the sides id...

$2200 / ≈ €2120
Maker / Publisher: ALLARD, C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1706
Selling price: $2200
Sold in 2013


Haemisphaerium stellatum boreale cum subiecto ..

Spectacular star chart showing the constellation of the southern hemisphere superimposed upon a globe depicting America with California as an island with a rounded coastl...

$2425 / ≈ €2337
Maker / Publisher: VALK,G./ SCHENK,P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1708
Selling price: $2425


Planisphaerium Ptolemaicum, sive Machina..

This celestial chart shows Ptolemy's theory of celestial system. Circling around the earth are shown the sun, the moon and the five planets then known, impersonalized by ...

$1825 / ≈ €1758
Maker / Publisher: VALK,G./SCHENK,P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1708
Selling price: $1825


Harmonia macrocosmica seu Atlas universalis et novus, totius universi creati cosmographiam generalem et novam exhibens.

Although little is known about the life of Andreas Cellarius (born around 1596), his work Atlas Coelestis, seu Harmonia Macrocosmica is well known among collectors of cel...

$30750 / ≈ €29628
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS, A. / VALK,G. / SCHENK, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1708
Selling price: $30750
Sold in 2015


Planisphaerium Arateum Sive Compages Orbium Mundanorum ex Hypothesis, Aratea in Plano Expressa.

Beautiful celestial chart by Cellarius, published by Schenk & Valk. Based on the theories of the 3rd century Greek astronomer, Aratus, in which the Earth is at the ce...

$1050 / ≈ €1012
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS, A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1708
Selling price: $1050
Sold in 2014


Theoria Solis per eccentricum sine epicyclo.

A fine and decorative celestial chart, from the Valk & Schenk edition of Cellarius.This chart is from the "Harmonia Macrocosmica seu Atlas Universalis et Novus&q...

$650 / ≈ €626
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS, A. / SCHENK,P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1708
Selling price: $650
Sold in 2020


Haemisphaerium stellatum australe antiquum.

Splendid chart showing the constellation of the southern hemisphere. Andreas Cellarius (active from 1656-1702), Dutch mathematician and geographer, rector of the Latin Sc...

$1590 / ≈ €1532
Maker / Publisher: VALK, G. / SCHENK, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1708
Selling price: $1590
Sold in 2018


Typus Selenographicus Lunæ Phases et Aspectus Varios Adumbrans.

Celestial chart showing a selenographic diagram depicting the varying phases of the Moon. More about Celestial charts and globes [+]

$1400 / ≈ €1349
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS, A. / SCHENCK / VALCK
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1708
Selling price: $1400
Sold in 2016


Orbium Planetarum Terram Complectentium Scenographia.

The planetary orbits encompassing the Earth. Showing the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn all orbiting the Earth. In between the Earth and Mercury is the...

$600 / ≈ €578
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS, A. / SCHENCK / VALCK
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1708
Selling price: $600
Sold in 2016


Corporum Coelestium Magnitudines.

A chart indicating distances in the heavens, using the diameter of the earth as the unit of measuring. This chart is richly adorned with elaborate cartouches and baroque ...

$1150 / ≈ €1108
Maker / Publisher: VALK, G. / SCHENK, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1708
Selling price: $1150
Sold in 2021


Creatio Universi... [Genesis]

An attractive and skillful engraving of the creation of the universe, the earth surrounded by planetary orbits, by Tigur Melchior Fuesslinus who flourished as an engraver...

$700 / ≈ €674
Maker / Publisher: Fuesslinus, T.M.
Place & Date: Augsburg, c.1710
Selling price: $700
Sold in 2010


Globus Coelestis in quo omnes Alterismi. . . [twelve engraved gores for a 20cm diameter celestial globe.]

Very Rare. Twelve engraved globe gores for a 20cm diameter celestial globe. There is a magnitude table above Phoenix to the left of the title cartouche, which is labelled...

$1600 / ≈ €1542
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, M.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, ca.1710
Selling price: $1600
Sold in 2014


(Two globes, Paris observatory, Neptune. . .)

Decorative print showing a terrestrial globe and armillary sphere, surveying instruments, Neptune and an observatory in the back ground.Probably by Nicolas de Fer.

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: DE FER, N. ?
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1710
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2015


Nouvelle Carte de la Sphere pour Faire Connoitre les Divers...

A scarce and fascinating engraving showing two great depictions of the Copernican solar system on either side of an armillary sphere with four small maps (Western and Eas...

$230 / ≈ €222
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.,
Place & Date: Paris, 1710
Selling price: $230
Sold in 2017


Celestial globe 15 inch (only 3 other copys known.)

Title below Cetus in a cartouche : Uranographia Caelum omne hic Complectens, Illa pro ut aucta et ad annum 1700 Completum MAGNO ab HEVELIO correcta est: ita, ejus ex Prot...

$18000 / ≈ €17343
Maker / Publisher: VALK, G. / L.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1711
Selling price: $18000


Tabula Selenographica..Hevelii quam Riccioli..

An uncommon, extremely decorative chart of the surface of the moon divided in hemispheres, from the famous "Atlas Coelestis" of Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr. Doppe...

$700 / ≈ €674
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN,J.B.
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1702-1714
Selling price: $700


"Le Systeme de Ptolomée.. / de Copernic. / de Descartes. / Ticho Brahe."

Four decorative print on one sheet showing the systems of Ptolemy, Copernicus, Descartes and Brahe. Engraved by H. van Loon..

$205 / ≈ €198
Maker / Publisher: DE FER,N.
Place & Date: Paris 1717
Selling price: $205


Le Systeme de Ptolomée.. / de Copernic. / de Descartes. / Ticho Brahe.

Four decorative print on one sheet showing the systems of Ptolemy, Copernicus, Descartes and Brahe. Engraved by H. van Loon..

$220 / ≈ €212
Maker / Publisher: DE FER, N.
Place & Date: Paris, 1717
Selling price: $220
Sold in 2011


Systema Ptolomaicum/Systema Copernicanum / Systema Tychonicum/Systema Cartesianum.

Four inset maps, each depicting one of the theories of the Solar System. Each system is enclosed in engraved clouds and stars.Part of a title page from his atlas Atlas me...

$215 / ≈ €207
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN,J.B.
Place & Date: Nüremberg, 1719
Selling price: $215