Browse Listings in America > South America > Brazil

199 listings found. Showing results 161 to 199
[ Bahia seaport of Ilhéos in Brazil ].

Aquatint view of Bahia seaport of Ilhéos seen from a mountain.Engraved by Fumagalli.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement,...

$130 / ≈ €125
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Selling price: $130
Sold in 2009


[ The Carioca Arches (Os Arcos da Lapa) in Rio di Janeiro in Brazil ].

Early depicting of the Carioca Aqueduct in Rio di Janeiro, used to transfer fresh water from the mountains to the city of Rio de Janeiro.Engraved by Bonatti.From Giulio F...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2009


[ Dancing festival of the Camacani Indians, Brazil. ].

Aquatint depicting Camacani Indians dancing around a camp fire.Engraved by Bonatti.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, d...

$50 / ≈ €48
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2014


[ Heads of Botocudos Indians with tembeitera ].

Aquatint depicting heads of Botocudos Indians with their typical tembeitera.The tembeitera, is a wooden plug or disk which is worn in the lower lip and the lobe of the ea...

$60 / ≈ €58
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2016


[ Kerengnatnuk chief of the Botocudos with his family ].

Aquatint depicting Kerengnatnuk, chief of the Botocudos with his family.Botocudo (from Portuguese for botoque, a plug, in allusion, to the wooden disks or plugs worn in t...

$90 / ≈ €87
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Selling price: $90
Sold in 2009


[ Weapons and artifacts of the Puris Coroados tribes ].

Aquatint depicting an array of weapons and artifacts of the Puris Coroados tribes.The Puri tribe lived along the northern coast of South America and in Brazil. They are e...

$30 / ≈ €29
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Selling price: $30
Sold in 2017


[ Puri indigenous tribes in a forest ].

Aquatint depicting a group from the Puri tribes, marching in a forest. The Puri tribe lived along the northern coast of South America and in Brazil. They are extinct, but...

$40 / ≈ €39
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2017


[ Puris in their Hut. ]

Aquatint depicting the Puri indigenous tribes in their dwellings called "Cuari".Engraved by Gallina closely copied after a print earlier published in Maximilian...

$40 / ≈ €39
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2017


[ Sugar milling machinery ].

Aquatint depicting two sugar mills.Engraved by Raineri.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de la religion,...

$40 / ≈ €39
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2016


[ Sugar milling and crushing machinery ].

Aquatint depicting two sugar mills.Engraved by Fumagalli.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de la religio...

$50 / ≈ €48
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2016


[San Sebastian Street in Rio de Janeiro Brazil ].

Aquatint depicting San Sebastian Street in Rio de Janeiro.Engraved by Fumagalli.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de l...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2009


Partie du la Plata. No.26

PLANO sheet map covering part of present-day Brazil. Including the area north west of the river Paranaíba and Matto Grosso. From his famous Atlas Universel. This atlas w...

$50 / ≈ €48
Maker / Publisher: VANDERMAELEN, Ph.
Place & Date: Brussels, 1825-1827
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2010


Notre-Dame de gloire. (à Rio de Janeiro).

Beautiful Brazilian landscape with the Notre-Dame de gloire church in background. After Auguste Borget (1808-1877), in upper right corner "Plate 2".

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: DESROSIERS, P.A.
Place & Date: Moulins, ca. 1830
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2008


Lower Peru, Brazil & Paraguay.

Daniel Lizars fine map of Brazil, Paraguay, and parts of Peru, pubslished by his son William Lizars. With mountains, rivers, areas, cities, etc. Bolivia and Colombia left...

$30 / ≈ €29
Maker / Publisher: LIZARS, W. H.
Place & Date: Edinburgh, ca 1830
Selling price: $30
Sold in 2019


Brazil, with Guiana & Paraguay.

Plate 99 from Carey & Lea's "Family Cabinet atlas. First American edition..." With text leaf giving names of towns and latitude coordinates. This was the f...

$50 / ≈ €48
Maker / Publisher: CAREY, LEA & BLANCHARD
Place & Date: Philadelphia, 1832
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2015


Plan of the Rivers Ucayali and Amazon from the Mission of Sarayacu to the Rio Negro, from the Observations of Lieut W.m Smyth & Mr Fred.k Lowe.

Copperplate engraved map of the Amazon, engraved by John Walker. Published by John Murray, Albemarle Street, London.Smyth and Lowe of the Royal Navy followed the Amazon i...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: SMYTH, William & LOWE, Frederick.
Place & Date: London 1836
Selling price: $100


Carte du Bresil

A fine, detailed map of Brazil from Columbia to the Atlantic Ocean. The map also includes parts of the neighbouring countries of Chile, Peru and the Caribbean. Engraved b...

$86 / ≈ €83
Maker / Publisher: LAPIE, M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1838
Selling price: $86
Sold in 2016



A large, detailed steel engraved map of the vast South American state of Brazil. The only Portuguese speaking colony in The Americas. It is the largest state in Latin and...

$150 / ≈ €144
Maker / Publisher: ARROWSMITH, John
Place & Date: London, 1839
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2017


Rio de Janeiro

A handsome, seldom seen early 19th century plan of Rio de Janeiro and its famous bay. The map identifies the city's major thoroughfares, expanses and important points of ...

$420 / ≈ €405
Maker / Publisher: DUFOUR, A.H.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1840
Selling price: $420
Sold in 2008


Empire du Brésil.

Finely engraved map prepared by A.H.Dufour and engraved by Giraldon-Bovinet. Published by Jules Renouard in his uncommon atlas "Le globe Atlas classique Universel de...

$80 / ≈ €77
Maker / Publisher: DUFOUR, A.H.
Place & Date: Paris, Jules Renouard, ca.1840
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2012


Plan de la Baie de Rio-Janeiro..

A detailed chart of the Rio de Janeiro bay with towns, buildings, banks, isles and soundings made in brasses a French measure of depth of water corresponding to the fatho...

$900 / ≈ €867
Place & Date: Paris [1829] 1843
Selling price: $900
Sold in 2008


18 plates taken from <I>Rio de Janeiro Pitoresco.</I>

Group of 18 very rare lithographes made Heaton e Rensburg active in Rio de Janeiro. Edited by L. Buvelot after design of Auguste Moreau. Originating from RIO DE JANEIRO P...

$3125 / ≈ €3010
Maker / Publisher: BUVELOT,L / MOREAU,A.
Place & Date: Rio de Janeiro 1845
Selling price: $3125


Fazenda du Secretario.. .Manicipe de Vassouras.

Scare lithograph of Fazenda du Secretario. Lithographed by Jacottet. After a photograph of Victor Frond.

$275 / ≈ €265
Maker / Publisher: LEMENCIER
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1845
Selling price: $275
Sold in 2015


Fazenda du Secretario Manicipe de Vassouras.

Scare lithograph of Fazenda du Secretario. Lithographed by Jacottet. After a photograph of Victor Frond.

$210 / ≈ €202
Maker / Publisher: LEMERCIER
Place & Date: Paris, 1845
Selling price: $210
Sold in 2015



A detailed map of Brazil in South America from Adam & Charles Black, who were among the leading publishers of atlases and travel books in the 19th Century in England....

$10 / ≈ €10
Maker / Publisher: HALL, S.
Place & Date: London, 1846
Selling price: $10
Sold in 2021



A very decorative steel-engraved map of Brazil, highly detailed with place names, rivers, hills, bays, etc. Attractively illustrated with vignette style views of "Bo...

$58 / ≈ €56
Maker / Publisher: TALLIS, J.
Place & Date: London, ca 1850
Selling price: $58
Sold in 2017



A highly decorative and detailed map of Brazil which was drawn and engraved by J. Rapkin (vignettes by H. Winkles & W. Lacey ). Showing Boats on Lake Negro, Monte Vid...

$55 / ≈ €53
Maker / Publisher: TALLIS, J.
Place & Date: London, Edinburgh & Dublin 1851
Selling price: $55
Sold in 2020



A highly decorative and detailed map of Brazil which was drawn and engraved by J. Rapkin (vignettes by H. Winkles & W. Lacey ). Showing Boats on Lake Negro, Monte Vid...

$17 / ≈ €16
Maker / Publisher: TALLIS, J.
Place & Date: London, Edinburgh & Dublin 1851
Selling price: $17
Sold in 2021



A fine map of Brazil, from Guiana and Venezuela in the north to Uruguay and Buenos Aires in the south. Filled with places names and also some reference to Indians. Two in...

$18 / ≈ €17
Maker / Publisher: MITCHELL, S. A. / COWPERTHWAIT, T.
Place & Date: Philadelphia, 1854
Selling price: $18
Sold in 2020


West India Islands.

This is the uncommon and slightly later edition by Rapkin based on Tallis' maps. The vignettes have been removed and the map is issued in black and white. The map extends...

$80 / ≈ €77
Maker / Publisher: RAPKIN, J.
Place & Date: London 1855
Selling price: $80


Atlante della Guida generale per la navigazione delle coste settentrionali ed orientali dell' America de Sud dal Rio della Plata al Parà...

A good example of the first edition, extra illustrated. The Atlante is a rare and important collection of lithographed charts, plans, and city views of the Atlantic coast...

$3700 / ≈ €3564
Maker / Publisher: RODRIGUEZ, Eugenio.
Place & Date: Naples, Caro Batelli, 1857
Selling price: $3700
Sold in 2018


Impero del Brasile Parte Nord.

Uncommon map of Brazil northside prepared by Francesco Costantino Marmocchi. Above the map "Geografia Commerciale". From "Il Globo Atlante di carte Geograf...

$15 / ≈ €14
Maker / Publisher: MARMOCCHI, F.C.
Place & Date: Genova, Paolo Rivara fu Giacomo, 1858
Selling price: $15
Sold in 2022


Brasile Parte Sud Argentina, Chili, Uruguay e Paraguay.

Uncommon map of Brasile Southside, Argentina, Chili, Uruguay and Paraguay. northside prepared by Francesco Costantino Marmocchi. Above the map "Geografia Commerciale...

$15 / ≈ €14
Maker / Publisher: MARMOCCHI, F.C.
Place & Date: Genova, Paolo Rivara fu Giacomo, 1858
Selling price: $15
Sold in 2022



Excellent lithograph published by Fullarton. Shows two maps of Brazil: "East Coast of Brazil" & "Province of Rio de Janeiro" both by H.Mahlmann a...

$35 / ≈ €34
Maker / Publisher: FULLARTON, A.
Place & Date: London, Edinburgh, Dublin, c.1861
Selling price: $35


Carta das Lagoas dos Patos, Mirim e dos Canaes que as ligao a Barra do Rio Grande do Sul..

Large lithography illustrating the coastal area of the Brazilian state "Rio Grande do Sul", namely the 2 large lagoons Merin and dos Patos.With 3 inset maps sup...

$700 / ≈ €674
Maker / Publisher: ROBIN, P.
Place & Date: Rio de Janeiro, 1882
Selling price: $700
Sold in 2013


Carte Particuliere de la Cote du Bresil.

Large detailed map of the coast of Brazil from The Bay of Sapetiba to the Island of Sao Sebastia. It was priced at two francs when produced. Depot de la Marine (1720 - ...

$99 / ≈ €95
Maker / Publisher: DEPOT DE LA MARINE
Place & Date: Paris, 1884
Selling price: $99
Sold in 2013


Carte des rcifs Arbrohos (Cote du Bresil).

Large detailed marine chart of the coast of Brazil from San Mateo to the Itacolomis. The cost of the chart was printed on the map and was two francs. Depot de la Marine...

$95 / ≈ €91
Maker / Publisher: DEPOT DE LA MARINE
Place & Date: Paris, 1887
Selling price: $95
Sold in 2015


Brazil Railway Company.

Map of Brazil railway structure, from Rio de Janeiro to Rio de la Plata. Including a map of general South America. The map also shows part of Paraguay and Argentina.

$70 / ≈ €67
Maker / Publisher: WATERLOW & SONS
Place & Date: London, 1912
Selling price: $70
Sold in 2020


Océan Atlantique Sud, ile de Fernando-Noronha.

Striking and highly detailed chart of Fernando de Noronha, an archipelago of 21 islands and islets in the Atlantic Ocean.Fernando de Noronha is a volcanic archipelago abo...

$150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Paris, 1929, corrected to 1939
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2020