Browse Listings in America > South America > Argentina
Carte d'une partie des Cotes Orientales de L'Amerique Meridionales. . .
A large marine chart of the eastern coast of Argentina, from the mouth of the River Plate, south to the Gulf of St. George. Filled with nautical information depth levels,...
Place & Date: Paris, 1851
Selling price: $70
Sold in 2019
Plano Topografico de las Calles de la Ciudade de Buenos-Aires. . .
Folding-map of Buenos Aires Inset of the city sky line with a key map.
Place & Date: ca. 1870
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2008
Plano de la Ciudad de Buenos-Aires.
Folding plan of Buenos Aires orientated with north towards the right edge, scale c. 1½ inches to 1 kilometre. Original color to water and parks, street names printed in ...
Place & Date: (Offered by the Pintureria of Monserrat, Buenos Aires). 1890
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2012
Plano de la capital para el trafico general de conformidad con la ordenanza 3 Agosto 1897.
City plan of Buenos Ayres in August 1897. With a color key in lower right corner.
Place & Date: Italy, 1897
Selling price: $475
Sold in 2018
Central Argentina.
A large scale map of Argentina by George Philip & Son The map shows provincial boundaries, and is very high in contemporary detail.Published in London for The London ...
Place & Date: London, 1900
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2016
Buenos Aires Capital de La Republica Argentina. Una Nacion Socialmente Justa Economicamente Libre. . .
A beautiful pictorial town plan of the Argentinian Capital Buenos Aires, as published in 1950. The downtown area of side streets and attractive wide avenues are covered w...
Place & Date: Buenos Aires, ca 1950
Selling price: $850
Sold in 2019