Bataille de Zenta, Donnée le 11 de Septembre 1697.
Decorative etching of the siege by Prince Eugène de Savoie of Zenta in Serbia by the French on 11 September 1697. The town, river Tisza and the Ottoman troupes are shown...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1700
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2010
Mahomet V. Türkischer Kayser.
Portrait of Mahomet V. son of Mustapha II. succeeded in 1730, on the deposition of his uncle, Achmet III.Mahomet was more respectable for his pacific disposition, than hi...
- $150 / ≈ €140
Place & Date: Germany, c. 1720
Accurate Vorstellung der Orientalisch Kayserlichen Haupt- und Residenz-Stadt Constantinopel samt ihrer Gegend und Zweyen . . .
The upper part shows Constantinople with adjoining regions. The view shows the former Christian church Hagia-Sophia, the Blue Mosque, three Egyptian obelisks, Sultan Sule...
- $1250 / ≈ €1170
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1720
Bosphore de Thrace.
This handsome folio sheet present three views of the strategically important Bosporus. At top is a large decorative bird's-eye view of Istanbul as viewed from across the ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Viandes & breuvages des Turcs . . . / La manière dont les Turcs mangent . . .
Interesting sheet with a detailed views illustrating the lunch time in turkey, with descriptive French text, from Chatelain's monumental 7 volume Atlas Historique. In upp...
- $55 / ≈ €51
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Carte De L'Asie Inferieure Selon Les Auteurs Anciens, Enrichie de Remarques Historiques sur les Changemens qui y sont arrivez.
Text page with inset map ( of Turkey, including Cyprus from Chatelain's monumental 7 volume "Atlas Historique". Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684 – 17...
- $200 / ≈ €187
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Antiquez curieuses qui se trouvent aux environs de Smyrne, et sur le chemin d'Ephese.
Folio sheet describing and depicting ancient Greek monuments and ruins in Smyrna (Izmir). From Chatelain's monumental 7 volume "Atlas Historique". Henri Abraham...
- $75 / ≈ €70
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Mariage des Turcs & des Armeniens, avec la ma niere dont se font les demonstrations d'amour . . .
Showing the marriage rituals and lives of Turks and Armenians. Five engravings set round a text panel in French. From Chatelain's monumental 7 volume "Atlas Historiq...
- $150 / ≈ €140
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Osmann der altiste sohn Achmats der Ersten.
Portrait of Osmann (1605-1622) by Franz Christoph Khevenhiller, from Annales Ferdinandei, oder warhaffte Beschreibung Käysers Ferdinandi des anderen, mildesten Gedächtn...
- $80 / ≈ €75
Place & Date: Leipzig, Weidmann 1721-1726
Turquie en Asie, suivant les nouvelles observations..
Uncommon edition of this map of Turkey, Holy Land, Armenia, including Cyprus. With decorative title cartouche lower left corner.This example is unusual in having the addi...
- $200 / ≈ €187
Place & Date: Leiden, 1728
Turkey in Asia: or Asia Minor &c.
Herman Moll's map of the Turkish Empire in Asia, published in London during the first half of the eighteenth century. It shows the eastern Mediterranean, including Crete ...
- $150 / ≈ €140
Place & Date: London, ca 1729
Constantinopolis Constantinopel.
Very rare and decorative panoramic view of Istanbul prepared by Friedrich Berhard Werner and published by Martin Engelbrecht. The engraving is done by Johann Georg Ringli...
- $3500 / ≈ €3275
Place & Date: Augsburg, M.Engelbrecht, ca.1730-1740
Constantinople ville de Romanie et capitale de l'Empire des Turcs.
A very decorative and extremely rare of Istanbul, including a numbered legend in lower part. Published by Jacques Chéreau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first ...
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1750
Tschanibei Ally Bassa. Türckischer Gross-Böthschafter um Kayserl.
Engraving by Johann Martin Bernigeroth (1713-1767) showing a full portrait of the Turkish ambassador in Vienna Ally Bassa.
Place & Date: Leipzig, c. 1750
Imaginary view of a square with Muslims festival.
Imaginary view of a square with Muslims festival. A so called optical print.
- $200 / ≈ €187
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Turquie Asiatique. Par le Sr. Robert Geog. Ord du Roi avec Privilege 1748.
Small detailed map of Turkey. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 161 outside border top right. First and only state.
- $80 / ≈ €75
Place & Date: Paris, 1754
Alexandri magni imperium et expeditio per Africam. . .
Scarce map of Imperium of Alexandre the Great, centered on Turkey, Armenia, etc. prepared by Nolin and published by L.J. Mondhare for his Atlas Général a l'usage des co...
- $75 / ≈ €70
Place & Date: Paris, 1781
Turquie Asiatique Suivant des derniers Mémoires de J.B.Nolin Géographe du Roi.
Rare map of Turkey, prepared by J.B.Nolin and published by Monhare for his Atlas Général a l'usage des colleges et maisons d'education.Louis Joseph Mondhare published s...
- $125 / ≈ €117
Place & Date: Paris, 1783
Turquie Asiatique. . .
Scarce map of Turkey prepared by Nolin and published by L.J. Mondhare for his Atlas Général a l'usage des colleges et maisons d'education.. Louis Joseph Mondhare was ac...
- $100 / ≈ €94
Place & Date: Paris, 1783
Die Asiatische Turkey begreift in sich Natolien, Georgien, Armenien, Mesopotamien Syrien, und Arabien. . .
Map of Turkey bordered by the Black Sea to the north, Syria and Sinai Peninsula to the south, Turkey in Europe to the west, with a small title cartouche. Explanatory text...
- $200 / ≈ €187
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1789
Turkey in Asia.
An attractive map covering Asia Minor, Syria, Armenia, Georgia, Kurdistan, Iraq, Syria, Cyprus and the Black Sea. Shows towns, rivers, mountains, lakes, etc. In pretty or...
- $65 / ≈ €61
Place & Date: London, 1794
Vue du sperbe Temple de St.Sophie .. a Constantinople.
A fanciful depiction of the Aya Sofya in Istanbul. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were many popular speciality establishments in Paris, Augsburg and Lon...
Place & Date: Paris, 1800
A Map of the Environs of Constantinople Drawn from a great number of accurate astronomical & geographical manuscripts and printed documents, by A. Arrowsmith 1801 and 1804.
Arrowsmith’s large and detailed map of the Ottoman Empire and the Black Sea, with Cyprus, Crete and the Greek Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Albania, Bosnia and Herz...
Place & Date: London, No.10 Soho Square, 4th September 1804
Turquie d'Asie . . .
Map of Turkey, including Cyprus, Palestine, etc. , from Atlas moderne portatif composé de vingt-huit cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre .. A l'usage des Co...
- $100 / ≈ €94
Place & Date: Paris, Prudhomme, Levrault, Debray, 1806
Turquie d'Asie.
Map of Turkey, including Cyprus and part of the Near East. From Atlas de la Géographie de toutes les parties du monde.. Ouvrage destiné pour l'education, et nécessaire...
Place & Date: Paris, Prudhomme, Levrault, Debray, 1806
Femme de la Carie [together with] Pretre Indous.
Set of two originally hand-colored mezzotints of a woman from the region of Bodrum in Turkey and an Hindu Priest engraved by Félix Mixelle and Lachaussée Jeune after Ja...
- $50 / ≈ €47
Place & Date: Paris,1801-1806
Karte der Hauptstraßen von der niederen Donau bis Constantinopel … / Spezialkarte des Meerbusens von Burgas . ..
Uncommon map of the routes of the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. prepared by C. Zirbeck The map has two insets "Meerbusen von Burgas oder Mesambri" (Bay ...
- $550 / ≈ €515
Place & Date: 1820
Modern Asia Minor. Drawn & Engraved for Dr. Playfair's Geography.
Detailed map of Black Sea, Cyprus and Turkey engraved by Samuel John Neele (1758-1824) and published by Alexander Macredie. Originally engraved for James Playfair's "...
- $175 / ≈ €164
Place & Date: London / Edinburgh, 1824
[Gyap, father of the young Teschou Lama
Aquatint print with Gyap, father of the young Teschou Lama "and his wife and the" portrait of the Grand Lama. - Tibet. Plate N° 8. From Giulio Ferrario's work ...
- $80 / ≈ €75
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Das Osmanische asien oder die Asiatische Türkey. . .
Decorative map showing 'Asia Minor' with its neighboring countries. Prepared by Karl Ferdinand Weiland The eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea with Cyprus is as well sh...
- $200 / ≈ €187
Place & Date: Weimar, 1836-1838
Die Asiatische Türkei. Die Kaukasusländer und West Persien.
Detailed map of Ottoman Asia or the Asian Turkey. Below the title a colored key to Turkish, Iran, Kurd, Caucasus and Russian possessions.Map prepared by H. Kiepert.
- $75 / ≈ €70
Place & Date: Weimar, 1836-1838
Turkey in Asia.
A lovely looking steel engraved map of Turkey in Asia. Map extent is Asia Minor, Syria, Holy Land, across to the Caucasian peoples that inhabit the lands between the Blac...
Place & Date: London, 1839
Turquie d'Asie.
Finely engraved map of Turkey, Cyprus, Palestine, Kurdistan and Iraq, prepared by A.H.Dufour and engraved by Giraldon-Bovinet. Published by Jules Renouard in his uncommon...
- $50 / ≈ €47
Place & Date: Paris, Jules Renouard, ca.1840
Carte physique et politique de la Turquie d'Europe et d'Asie contenant la Syrie, une partie de l'Egypte . . .
A detailed map including Turkey, Greece, Black Sea, Holy Land, Georgie, Iran, Iraq, Armenia.
Place & Date: Brussels, 1840
Turquie d'Asie.
Detailed map of Asian Turkey with Cyprus, prepared by Charles V. Monin (fl.1830-1880) a French cartographer of Caen and Paris. Published in Atlas Universel de Géographie...
- $45 / ≈ €42
Place & Date: Paris, 1845
Infanterie Turque (chasseurs). 7 novembre 1837.
Beautiful lithography by Auguste Raffet (1804 -1860 ) and printed by Auguste Bry.
Place & Date: Paris, Gihaut frères, 1848
Plan de Constantinople, non compris ses faubourgs. Grave d'apres les documents du ministere de la Guerre par E. Olivier.
A very rare lithographic town-plan of Istanbul, Scale 98 yards to one inch., printed in Pera, Istanbul by E. Olivier. The ornate design on the top of the title is a tugh...
Place & Date: Péra, Istanbul, 1851
Die Asiatische Turkey 1854.
Steel engraved map, hand colored in outline when it was published. The detailed map shows the Asian part of Turkey, most of Syria, Iraq, Cyprus and the southern reaches o...
- $70 / ≈ €66
Place & Date: Hildburghausen, Bibliograph Institut,1854
Das Osmanische Reich 1854.
From Meyer's Neuester Zeitungs Atlas. The map is well engraved in the German style with plenty of detail but minimal decoration. Inset map of the Nile Delta.
- $40 / ≈ €37
Place & Date: Heidelberg, 1854
Das osmannische Reich und dessen Schutz-Staaten, nach seiner grossten Ausdehnung im XVIIten Jahrhundert.
Karl von Spruner's historical map of the Ottoman empire at the end of the 17th century. Showing Bosnia to Egypt and as far east as Persia. Including northern part of the ...
- $175 / ≈ €164
Place & Date: Gotha, J.Perthes, ca. 1854
Carte de la Mer Noire. (5e Feuille). Du Cap Zefiros au Cap Kerempeh. . .
Very detailed chart of the Turkish part of the Black Sea including the towns of Sinop, Samsun, etc. Showing soundings in meters, lighthouses are marked with yellow and re...
- $200 / ≈ €187
Place & Date: Paris, 1860
(Untitled view from Scutari with a view of Constantinople)
Panoramic view from Scutari with a view of Constantinople in the distance, after a design by Johann Schranz. Published by J. Missiriè.
Place & Date: Paris, 1860
Specialkarte der Asiatischen Turkey : 1. Blatt Anadoli (Klein - Asien)
Steel engraved map of western part of Turkey, engraved by Ifslieb and J. Grassl.
- $75 / ≈ €70
Place & Date: Hildburghausen, 1860
Az Europai és Asiai Torok Birodalom Kozonséges Foldképe
Hungarian map of Turkey, including Greece, Cyprus, etc.
- $150 / ≈ €140
Place & Date: Pesten, 1864
Carte générale de L'Empire Ottoman en Europe et en Asie dressée par Henri Kiepert . . .
Large School wall map of Turkish Empire printed in chromo-lithography. Published by Dieter Reimer and printed by Ferdind Barth in Berlin. This rare map has two insets in ...
Place & Date: Berlin, Verlag von Dietrich Reimer, 1867
Carte général de L'Empire Ottoman en Europe et en Asie. . . dressée par Henri Kiepert.
Large School wall map of Turkish Empire printed in chromo-lithography. Published by Dieter Reimer and printed by Ferdind Barth in Berlin.This rare map has two insets in l...
- $700 / ≈ €655
Place & Date: Berlin, Dieter Reimer, 1867
Carte de la Mer Noire. (1e Feuille). Du Bosphore à Mangalia et du Bosphore au Cap Kerempeh.
Very detailed chart of the Turkish part of the Black Sea including the towns of Constantinople (Istanbul) , Bourgas. Showing soundings in meters, lighthouses are marked w...
Place & Date: Paris, 1860, updated for 1870
Veduta di Istambul. [Gouache]
Very decorative view depicting Istanbul, in the style of Neapolitan gouaches. Features different Mosques and the shores of the Bosporus. Many ships, small and large, are ...
Place & Date: Italy ?, ca. 1870
[Map of Turkey in Ottoman script]
Map of Turkey, including Cyprus, with text in Ottoman script. In the bottom a color key to the different regions. Published by Elbemühl Graphische Industrie in Vienna (f...
Place & Date: Vienna, ca. 1915
Anamu Buru to Latakia including Iskenderun Körfezi.
A highly corrected version of Admiralty chart 2632 originally published 25 November 1955 under the Superintendence of Captain K.SB. Collins. Edition Date 1984 Detailed ch...
- $100 / ≈ €94
Place & Date: London, 1955 - 1984