Browse Listings in Asia > Malaysia / Singapore
A nice miniature map of Malacca, A Malaysian state on the southern Malay peninsular, next to the Strait of Malacca. North is orientated to the left Published by Petrus B...
- $300 / ≈ €289
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606
Mercatorum Extra. Neorum in Bantam Alia. Effigiatio. (People of Malacca)
People of Malacca.Theodore de Bry, a German engraver and book dealer, began a compilation of early voyages in 1590 and had published six parts at the time of his death in...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1609
Sumatra Insula.
A miniature map of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, including Singapore and the various islands directly south of it. Containing detailed geography and nomenclature aroun...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1609
FIRST IMPRINT FROM THE NEWLY ENGRAVED PLATES IN 1616. - A rare miniature map of Malacca, Borneo, part of Sumatra . Latin text on verso.First published in 1598 in his Caer...
- $500 / ≈ €482
Place & Date: Amsterdam, J. Hondius, 1616
Presqu''isle de LINDE de là le Gange.
Scarce miniature map of Southeast Asia extends from Burma and China in the north to a portion of Sumatra in the south. From Pierre Duval's La Geographie Universeille date...
- $250 / ≈ €241
Place & Date: Paris, 1676
Indiae extra Gangem Pars Septentrionalis. Indiae extra Gangem Pars Meridionalis.
The map on the left depicts the northern portion of the India Ganges region, representing Burma (Myanmar), Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. The right one depicts th...
Place & Date: Utrecht / Amsterdam, J.Halma, 1683
Partie Meridionale de l'Inde en deux presqu'isles. . .
Sanson's important mid-seventeenth century map of India and Southeast Asia, with the engraved date 1686, with the address "Aux Galleries du Louvre" added in bro...
- $800 / ≈ €771
Place & Date: Paris, 1686
Penisola Dell India di la dal Gange Diusa ne i Regni, che in essasi contengono et accresciuta di varie notizie. Da Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola e conforme le Relationi di alcuni Padri della Compa di Giesu di Monsu Tavernier . . .
Giacomo Rossi's fine late 17th-century map of Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and part of Sumatra. The region is shown divided into kingdoms, including Tonkin, Cochinchina, ...
- $2200 / ≈ €2119
Place & Date: Rome, 1683-1688
Penisola Dell India di la dal Gange Diusa ne i Regni, che in essasi contengono et accresciuta di varie notizie. Da Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola e conforme le Relationi di alcuni Padri della Compa di Giesu di Monsu Tavernier . . . 1683
Giacomo Rossi's fine late 17th century map of Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and part of Sumatra.. Engraved by Franciscus Donia. Issued in Il Mercurio geografico In lower r...
Place & Date: Rome, 1683-1688
Penisola dell India di là dal Gange. . .
Giacomo Rossi's fine late 17th-century map of Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and part of Sumatra. Issued in Il Mercurio geografico In the lower right-hand corner a large ti...
- $2500 / ≈ €2408
Place & Date: Rome, 1683-1688
Prequ Isle de L'Inde deca Le Golfe du Gange (and) Prequ Isle de l'Inde dela le Golfe du Gange.
A very rare double map of India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives islands, together with a separate map of Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia and North Sumatra. The map shows Bangkok...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Brussels, Antwerp, 1706
Le détroit de Malacca . . .
Map of Malacca. The map details the Strait of Malacca from P. Peru and Tanjong Goeree to Lingen and Pulu Panjang. Malacca and Ihor (Johore), along with numerous other coa...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1712
Les Indes Orientales sous le Nom de queles est compris L'Empire du Grand Mogol, Les Deux Presqu'Isles Deca et de la Le Gange, Les Maldives, et L'Isle de Ceylan . . . 1721
Rare map of the region including India, Malaysia with "Sincapur", Thailand, Sumatra, the eastern part of Java. The map is extended in the right border with Maca...
Place & Date: Paris, 1721
Fine print showing Dutch vessels offshore the city of Malacca and it is located 2 degrees north of the equator by the shore of the Straits of Malacca between Singapore to...
- $175 / ≈ €169
Place & Date: Amsterdam, J.F. Bernard, 1725
L'Inde de la le Gange, suivant les nouvelles observations...
Decorative map of Malaysia, Thailand, Indo China and the Northern parts of the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. Singapore marked as Sincapour.Although not renowned for the ...
- $600 / ≈ €578
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1728
L'Inde de la le Gange, suivant les nouvelles observations...
Uncommon edition of this map of Malaysia, Thailand, Indo China and the Northern parts of the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. Singapore marked as Sincapour. With decorative...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1728
Presqu'Isle de l'inde deça le Golfe du Gange/Presqu'Isle de l'Inde dela le Golfe du Gange.
Two maps on one sheet, one depicting India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives Islands (13,5 x 8 cm) and the otherone Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia (13,5 x 8 cm). F...
- $300 / ≈ €289
Place & Date: Leon de Francia (Lyon), Jaime Certa, 1739
Nouvelle carte des mers comprises entre le détroit de Banca et P°. Timon avec la partie orientale du détroit de Malacca.
Important French chart of the tip of Malaysia with Singapore. Latitude and longitude scales, compass rose and system of rhumb lines, soundings near coast and in bay areas...
Place & Date: Paris, 1745
Carte de l'Isle de Sumatra. . .
Map of Sumatra, also showing the tip of the Malay Peninsula and the Straits of Singapore. An unusually detailed map of the area, showing many coastal features, shoals, ba...
- $450 / ≈ €433
Place & Date: Paris, 1749
Carte de L'Isle de Sumatra Dressee sur les Journaux des Navigateurs . . .
Detailed map of Sumatra and Malacca, centered on Singapore and including the southern portion of the Malaysian peninsula. With "Detroit de Sincapour" and severa...
- $350 / ≈ €337
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Carte de L'Isle de Sumatra Dressee sur les Journaux des Navigateurs . . .
Detailed map of Sumatra and Malacca, centered on Singapore and including the southern portion of the Malaysian peninsula. With "Detroit de Sincapour" and severa...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Carte de l'Isle de Sumatra. . . / Kaart van het Eiland Sumatra. . .
Map of Sumatra, also showing the tip of the Malay Peninsula and the Straits of Singapore. An unusually detailed map of the area, showing many coastal features, shoals, ba...
Place & Date: The Hague, Pierre d'Hondt, 1753
Carte Plate de la partie Septentrionale du Detroit de Malac, depuis de la rade d'Achem jusqu'a Malac.
French chart of the Island of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula separated by the strait of Malacca in Indonesia.Latitude and longitude scales, compass rose and system of rh...
- $500 / ≈ €482
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1775
Regni D'Aracan Del Pegu Di Siam Di Camboge E Di Laos . . . 1785
Striking regional map centered on Thailand and Vietnam, extending from the Singapore to India, and north to Tibet. Decorative scroll title cartouche.
- $500 / ≈ €482
Place & Date: Venise, 1785
La Penisola delle Indie di la' dal Gange con parte delle Isole della Sonda delineate sulle ultima osservazioni.
First edition on laid paper. Cassini’s splendid early map of Indochina, from Bangladesh in the west to central Borneo in the east, and southern China in the north, to B...
Place & Date: Rome, 1797
Early view of Singapore after Paris and engraved in aquatint technique by Sigismond Himely (1801-1872). Published as plate 28 in Voyage autour du monde par les mers de l'...
Place & Date: Paris, Finot, 1835
La Penisola delle Indie di la' dal Gange con parte delle Isole della Sonda delineate sulle ultima osservazioni.
Cassini’s splendid early map of Indochina, from Bangladesh in the west to central Borneo in the east, and southern China in the north, to Bali in the south. Good detail...
Place & Date: Rome, Calcography, 1797-before 1839
Le Insole della Sonda
Cassini’s splendid early map of Philippines, and Indonesia..Taken from the ""Nuovo Atlante Geografico Universale delineato sulle ultime osservazioni", pu...
Place & Date: Rome, Calcography, 1797-before 1839
Praos Malais.
A pair of attractive Malay fishing boats. Plate 133 taken from the 'Voyage au Pole et dans L'Oceanie…' Departing in late 1837 in the Astrolabe and Zélée, Dumont D'Urv...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Paris, 1842
Carte des Détroits Singapore, Durain..
An exceptionally rare nautical chart of Singapore and direct vicinity issued by Urban Dortet de Tessan, under the patronage of Louis Philippe I of France. When Singapore...
- $5000 / ≈ €4816
Place & Date: Paris, 1848
View of Singapore
Very rare view of Singapore from the Singapore River Basin. With a numbered key (1-19) underneath the illustration. In the center Government Hill with Governer's House (1...
Place & Date: ca. 1850
Carte Des Detroits De Singapour Durian, Jombol et Rhio Dressee d'apres les travaux Anglais et Hollandais les plus recents . . . 1866
Rare separately issued chart of Singapore, extending to Johore, Battam, Bintang, Rempang, Galang, Jombol, Suji, Sanbon and neighboring islands, depicting coastal features...
Place & Date: Paris, 1870
Mer de Chine - Detroit De Singapour Partie Comprise Entre Singaour et Le Dett. De Malacca d'apres les travaux du Commr. J.W. Reed de la Marine Royale d'Angleterr...
Mer de Chine - Detroit De Singapour Partie Comprise Entre Singaour et Le Dett. De Malacca d'apres les travaux du Commr. J.W. Reed de la Marine Royale d'Angleterr, execute...
- $2500 / ≈ €2408
Place & Date: London, 1871
Mer de Chine - Carte des Iles et Détroits entre Singapoure et le Détroit de Banca. Dréssée d'après le stravaux Anglais et Hollandais plus récents, par Mr. L. Manen . . . 1866
A nautical chart of Singapore and neighboring islands. The first edition of the chart was published in 1866 from French and English sources, this is the corrected version...
- $2000 / ≈ €1926
Place & Date: London, 1866-1871
Mer de Chine - Detroit De Singapour Partie Comprise Entre Singaour et Le Dett. De Malacca d'apres les travaux du Commr. J.W. Reed de la Marine Royale d'Angleterr, ...
A detailed chart of Singapore Strait, drawn from an English Chart by J.W. Reed, who surveyed Singapore and environs between 1865 and 1869, aboard the H.M.S. Rifleman.The ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1873
Singapura em poder das Japoneses. [Singapore in Japanese Power]
An uncommon large Portuguese language and produced broadside celebrating the Japanese invasion of Singapore during WWII. It was published on behalf of the German Army Hig...
- $750 / ≈ €722
Place & Date: Portugal, ca 1942
Chart of Southern part of Malaysian peninsular showing good detail on of Singapore. Map with legend and scale.
Place & Date: London, 1944
Singapore. - Sheet 134h Keppel harbour.
Map of Singapore. Map with legend and scale. According to a note "Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General Malaya from the following sources materials : ...
- $750 / ≈ €722
Place & Date: Kuala Lumpur, 1958