Browse Listings in Asia > China > China Cities
Naves Chinensibus usitatae velis arundineis & anchoris ligneis.
A Chinese vessel. Print taken from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. Fro...
- $200 / ≈ €193
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
A Parade of Noblemen in China.
This famous and desirable scene from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. Fr...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Punishment of China.
The Chinese way of a punishment from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. Fr...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Punishment of a criminal in China.
Punishment of a criminal in China from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Feast of China.
A scene of a Chinese dinner feast from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Funeral in China.
A scene of a funeral in China from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. From...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Chinensium in Bantam Superstitio et idololatria. 18. ( How the Chinese worship their idols in Bantam)
How the Chinese worship their idols in Bantam. As can be seen here, the Chinese worship their idol, which takes the form of a devil. They lay offerings of fruit on an alt...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1609
Fine panoramic view of Peking. From Olfert Dapper mission to China, 1662-1663. Printed by Jacob van Meurs, title of the book: Gedenckwaerdig bedrijf der Nederlandsche Oos...
- $200 / ≈ €193
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1670
La Reine de la chine.
Very rare and decorative costume plate. In the background : Palais Royal Peking. Beneath the plate a descriptive text about the Queen of China.Bears the address : Se vend...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1685
Description d'un des plus fameux temples des Chinois..
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates.Divided in 3 panels, respectively showing the most important gods in the Chinese deities ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Idolle des Chinois.
Print of a Chinese divinity. Tome 3 Page 377 in upper left corner. From the French reissue of the account of early Dutch voyages first published in 1608 by Commelin. The ...
- $75 / ≈ €72
Place & Date: Amsterdam, J.F. Bernard, 1725
Palais de Lamthau à la Chine.
View of a Mandarin's Palace at Lantau Island, showing the palace wall, 3 gates and guards in the inner palace where the Mandarin meets with the officers.. Tome 3 Page 392...
- $75 / ≈ €72
Place & Date: Amsterdam, J.F. Bernard, 1725
Jonques de la Chine.
A depiction of two Chinese junks. Tome 3 Page 377. From the French reissue of the account of early Dutch voyages first published in 1608 by Commelin. The French translati...
- $75 / ≈ €72
Place & Date: Amsterdam, J.F. Bernard, 1725
Habillement de l'Empereur de la Chine & des Dames de son Palais..
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates.Divided in 3 panels, showing examples of costumes of Chinese ladies and those of the king...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1728
Plan du Tien-tang ou du temple, où l'empereur sacrifie à Chang-ti sous le titre de souverain seigneur de la terre.
Nice example of d'Anville's plan of Tien-tang 天堂 [Tiantang] temple, from "Atlas général de la Chine..."" prepared by Jesuit mission...
Place & Date: Paris, P.G. Le Mercier, 1735
Selling price: $8
Sold in 2017
Plan du Ti-tang ou du temple, où l'empereur sacrifie à Chang-ti sous le titre de souverain seigneur de la terre
A plan of the temple of the soil god (社稷壇, Shèjìtán, "Altar of Soil and Grain")—under the name "Titang" (地堂, dìtáng, "Hall of Di...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Paris, P.G. Le Mercier, 1735
Villes de la province de Petche-li.
Five town plans : Peking (with forbidden town), Yung-ping-fou, Long-men-hien, Yuen-keou/Tching-sse-yu/Si-yang-keou/Hoang-tou-in, Tchin-ting-fou. From "Description ge...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Paris, P.G. Le Mercier, 1735
Idole que les chinois appellant, le dieu de l´immortalité, et qu´ils disent presider a leur Fortune. . .
Four fascinating engraving on one sheet depicting Chinese gods. "Idole que les chinois appellant, le dieu de l´immortalité, et qu´ils disent presider a leur Fortu...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Amsterdam, J.F. Bernard c.1736
Charlatans qui se mêlent de vendre le vent de la Chine. Dévots mendiants de la Chine et charlatans qui se promènent sur des tigres apprivoisés, . . .
Two fascinating engraving on one sheet depicting Chinese charlatans. Engraved by Bernard Picart. Published in Jean Frederic Bernard's monumental "Cérémonies et cou...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Amsterdam, J.F. Bernard c.1736
Chinese Temples. Sin-Ko-Tsyen. Canton, Sancian Isle. Ma-Kao.
An attractive print divided into four areas, two depicting Chinese temples and the other two with maps of the city of Canton, the island of Sancian and the island of Ma-K...
- $75 / ≈ €72
Place & Date: London, 1745-1747
Kantong [The Dutch Folly Fort off Canton]
Charming 18th water color on paper depicting The Dutch "Folly Fort" off Canton. Probably made by a western artist visiting China.Forts were built in several pla...
Place & Date: Canton?, c.1750
Charming 18th water color on paper depicting Kancheu. Probably made by a western artist visiting China.
Place & Date: c.1750
[Lot of 13 prints of the Chinese court] Habillement de l' Empereur dela Chine & des Dames de son Palais aves quel...
Prints of the Chinese court.[Lot of 13 prints]- Salle Imperiale De L'Audience, tiree de Nieuhof (1760)- Pagodes ou Statues; Miniso ou la Volupté (1749- Pagodes ou sta...
- $400 / ≈ €385
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1750
1. Seigneure Delassa tirés de Grueber. 2. Trophée à l'honneur du Grand Lama. (Tibet).
Fanciful European depiction of people from Tibet and Lhassa. A somewhat larger image appeared in "Abbe A.F. Prévost, Histoire Generale des Voyages".
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Vue de la Rue des Marchands Chinoises a Nankin.
So-called optical print illustrating a parade of vessels. Engraved by F.X. Habermann (1721-1796). The Academie Imperiale was a well-known publisher of optical prints, est...
- $450 / ≈ €433
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1760
Vue d'une Rue Nanking.
A well-known publisher of optical prints, established in Augsburg. After a design by P.van Blankaert.In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, there were many popular s...
Place & Date: Augsburg 1760
Le dedans du Palais de l'Empereur de Chine à Peking.
This so called optical print shows the imperial palace, the Forbidden City in Peking, China. In the foreground a large courtyard is depicted, surrounded by buildings. Thr...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1760
Vue perspective de la grande Ceremonie du Couronnement de l'Empereur de la Chine.
So-called optical print illustrating the crowning of the Chinese emperor. It shows the throne at the center.Mondhare was a well-known publisher of optical prints, establi...
- $450 / ≈ €433
Place & Date: Paris, 1761
Vue perspective de la grande Ceremonie du Couronnement de l'Empereur de la Chine.
So-called optical print illustrating the crowning of the Chinese emperor. It shows the throne at the center.Mondhare was a well-known publisher of optical prints, establi...
Place & Date: Paris, 1761
Plans de Quelques Villes de la Province de Hou-Quang. / Grondtekening [floor plan] van eenige Steden van't Landschap Hu-Quang.
Interesting set of three local town plans each with extensive titles :"Yong Chew Fu, ou Yong Tcheou Fou." Centre: "Vu Chang Fu, ou Vou-Tchang-Fou Capitale:...
- $90 / ≈ €87
Place & Date: The Hague, Pieter de Hondt, 1747-1767
Cité de Nang Hyong Fu, tiree the Nieuhof. De Stad van Nan-Hyong-Fu, uit Nieuhof.
Interesting view of Nan-Hyong-Fu with harbour and fort.Prepared by Jacques Nicolas Bellin and included in a Dutch edition of Prévost d' Exile's "Histoire des Voyage...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: The Hague, Pieter de Hondt, 1747-1767
Vue perspective de la grande Rue de Nanquin ancienne Ville de la Chine.
So-called optical print of a street in Nanking. The wide boulevard is lined with merchants displaying their wares with colorful flags and signs. The street is filled with...
- $600 / ≈ €578
Place & Date: Paris, c.1780
Vue perspective de la grande Rue de Nanquin ancienne Ville de la Chine.
So-called optical print of a street in Nanking. The wide boulevard is lined with merchants displaying their wares with colorful flags and signs. The street is filled with...
- $500 / ≈ €482
Place & Date: Paris, c.1780
Ceremonie de la grande Feste que les Chinois celebre le 24 de la Lune d'Aoust dans la principale Place de Pekin.
So-called optical print illustrating the festivities on the 24th of August in Beijing.Mondhare was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in Paris, at rue ...
- $500 / ≈ €482
Place & Date: Paris, c.1780
Mandarin accompagne de ses Bourreaux.
A copperplate taken from volume 2 of the work by Sonnerat titled: 'Voyage aux Indies Orientales et a Chine, fait par ordre du Roi, depuis 1774-1781…'.This colored coppe...
- $125 / ≈ €120
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1782
Observatoire de Peking.
The observatory of Mateo Rizzi in Peking, in which there are very large instruments, an Equinoctial Sphere, a Celestial Globe, a Zodiacal Sphere, Azimuthal Horizona, Quad...
- $200 / ≈ €193
Place & Date: Paris, GROSIER Jean-Baptiste, 1785
[assorted Chinese musical instruments].
A delightful copperplate print of 15 assorted Chinese musical instruments including violin, flute, trumpet, guitars, cymbals etc.
- $30 / ≈ €29
Place & Date: Germany, ca. 1812
[assorted Chinese musical instruments].
A delightful copperplate print of 15 assorted Chinese musical instruments including gong, bell, drum, cymbals etc.
- $35 / ≈ €34
Place & Date: Germany, ca. 1812
Garde Imperiale. Cavalier et Fantassin.
A decorative, colored lithograph of a Guard in the Chinese Imperial Army, and that of a Cavalier. From the work by Malpiere titled: " La Chine, Moeurs, Usages, Arts ...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1825
[LXXXI. Amida e Xaca ].
Aquatint depicting Amida (or Amideva who is a celestial Buddha) and the God Xaca, engraved by A.Rancati. Plate N°81.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Mode...
- $40 / ≈ €39
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[XXXII. Dio Quante-Cong].
Aquatint depicting Chinese Idol Quantecong, who was the first Emperor, engraved by G Zancon, Plate N°32.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histo...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Soldato nel suo compito uniforme (Chinese soldier in full battle dress)
Aquatint with original coloring by Antonio Rancati, taken from Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume ancien et moderne ou histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de la religi...
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Tende, Stendardi (Chinese Military Equipment)
Aquatint with original coloring by Antonio Rancati, taken from Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume ancien et moderne ou histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de la religi...
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Macchine idrauliche. (Chinese hydraulic machines)
Aquatint with original coloring by G. Rossi, taken from Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume ancien et moderne ou histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de la religion, des...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[XXIII Infanteria ].
Aquatint depicting Chinese infantry engraved by G Bigatti, Plate N°23.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice,...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[XXV Cavalleria ].
Aquatint depicting Chinese cavalry engraved by G Bigatti, Plate N°25.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, ...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[LVI. Strada di Nan-King].
Aquatint depicting a street in Nanking (Nanjing) engraved by G Zancon, Plate N°56.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, d...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[XIX. Principali persone componenti la marcia ec..].
Aquatint depicting a Chinese procession, engraved by G. Zacon, Plate N°16.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de la mil...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[LXXXIII. Nozze].
Aquatint depicting a Chinese wedding ceremony engraved by A. Rancati, Plate N°83.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[Antico Imperatore nel suo carro].
Aquatint depicting an Emperor in his chariot engraved by G. Bigatti, Plate N°13.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de ...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[LXVIII. Abiti de' cittadini e de' contadini].
Aquatint costume plate showing Chinese citizens and farmers engraved by G. Bigatti, Plate N°68.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du go...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[XL. Sepolcro di un Grande].
Aquatint depicting the tomb engraved by L. Rolsi. Plate N°40.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de la re...
- $40 / ≈ €39
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Chinese Export watercolor.
Chinese watercolor with in lower margin Chinese text : Chinese watercolor - " A farmer's thief, a book, a big manuscipt, a filial piety, a martial art. " [Googl...
- $1000 / ≈ €963
Place & Date: China, ca. 1850
En Chine.
From the series "Caricatures du Prussien - Guerre des Duchés". Lithographed by Julés Pelcoq.
Place & Date: Paris, 1864
Attaque & prise des forts du Pei-Ho Le 21 Août 1860, par les troupes Françaises et Anglaises.
In 1860, an Anglo-French force gathered at Hong Kong and then carried out a landing at Pei Tang on August 1, and a successful assault on the Taku Forts on August 21.This ...
- $500 / ≈ €482
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1865
Runde Strasse in Peking.
Finely executed water color made by Henri Dieth of a charming street scene in Peking. The water color is made after Eduard Hildebrandt (1818-1869). Hildebrandt, was born ...
Place & Date: Germany, 1882
Designs for porcelain vases with Chinese motif.
Hand colored design of 13 vases with attractive patterns of a classic Chinese motif. In right "Planche d'aquarelle N° 04004" and the numbers 7.404, 2.074, 8.93...
Place & Date: Desvres, 1905 - 1925
Designs for porcelain vase with Chinese motif.
With attractive pattern of a classic Chinese motif. In top "Planche d'aquarelle N° 04510" and the numbers 2,198. Original design created by the Sevres artist G...
Place & Date: Desvres, 1905 - 1925
Designs for two porcelain bowls with Chinese design.
With numbers 4.601, 4.818. In top "Planche N° d'ordre : 03004.Original design created by the Sevres artist Gabriel Fourmaintraux ( 1886 - ) at about 1910 to serve a...
Place & Date: Desvres, 1905 - 1925
Designs for Porcelain ware with Chinese design.
In left hand side "Planche d'aquarelle N° 05501". Original design created by the Sevres artist Gabriel Fourmaintraux ( 1886 - ) at about 1910 to serve as guide...
Place & Date: Desvres, 1905 - 1925
Designs for porcelain plate with Chinese design.
In right hand side "Planche d'aquarelle N° 06502". And the numbers 11.153, 11.154, 11.155. Original design created by the Sevres artist Gabriel Fourmaintraux (...
Place & Date: Desvres, 1905 - 1925
A Map and History of Peiping; formerly known as Peking; capital of provinces, princedoms and kingdoms since 1121 B.C. . .
The uncommon second edition of this very decorative and informative pictorial map of Beijing and surrounding areas whimsically illustrates the Forbidden City, essential e...
Place & Date: The Peiyang Press, Ltd. Tientsin-Peiping, 1936