Browse Listings in America > South America
Il Cuscho citta principale della provincia del Peru.
A very desirable and scarce item of this decorative and early bid's-eye town-plan of the Inca city of Cuzco. Several figures shown inside the city walls and on the hillsi...
Place & Date: Lyons, 1564
(Island of Pearls) Perlarum insula ob unionum copiam sic dicta.
A depiction of Cubagua as the Perlarum Insula (Island of Pearls), with in the foreground, two large ships send dinghies toward busy Native Americans collecting pearl oyst...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
[Navel battle between Portuguese and French Battle off Buttugar (Brazil).]
Navel battle between Portuguese and French in the seas off the Poti guaran Territories in Brazil.Read more about "Les Grand Voyages" by Theodore De Bry [+]
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
Inventio Maris Magallanici.
Allegorical scene allegorical image celebrating the circumnavigation of the earth by Ferdinand Magellan. The image shows Magellan on board of his ship, surrounded by myth...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
Plants Lantor, Assa, Pimenta, Mangostan and Pepper.
Lantor is a kind of coconut palm (or Indian nut) with fronds as long as a human body. These fronds are used as paper. Pimenta del Rabo (or cubebe) grows grape-like on tre...
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1598
Die Spanier treiben allerhand Unzucht mit den Indianischen Weibern die sie in dem läger unnd Wasserbädern ergriffen nach dem Atabaliba gefangen worden.
Spanish soldiers march past a pool where native American women are bathing. Some of the soldiers drag some of the women away. After the defeat of the Inca king, some of t...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Wie der Indianer Brucken seyen von Seilen zusammen geflochten und vom Farth Guaynacapae.
Native Americans cross a net bridge over a river while one group cuts the end of it causing men to fall into the river and drown. Includes war clubs, spears, bows and arr...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Die Spanier hawen die Bäume darauff die Indianer ihre wohnung haben mit Axten umb und stürtzen sie herunder.
Native Americans in trees drop stones on Spanish soldiers who attack from the ground. One man chops at a tree trunk while two others hold boards over his head to protect ...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Die Spanier streiten mit den Indianern welche ihre Wohnung auff den Bäumen haben.
Native Americans in trees drop stones, shoot with arrows, and pour water on Spanish soldiers who attack from the ground. One man chops at a tree trunk while two others ho...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Dess Ferdinandi und Petri de Contreras, gefangene Kriegssknecht werden zu Ranama [sic] durch den Statt Schultheissen mit einem Dolchen durchstochen.
Men are stabbed inside prisons while chests are loaded onto a boat. Includes men hanging from a tree seen through a barred window, chains, shackles, pillory, and knife. T...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Die Spanier gehen gantz Tyraiñsch mit den Indianern umb welche nicht fort kommen mochten . . .
As Pedro de la Gasca advanced from the north with about 1,500 soldiers, the journey from Trujillo to Ayacucho up the Eastern Cordillera was a terrible experience for the ...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Der meinste theil in Peru ubten nur ihren mutwillen under dem schein als ob sie Kay. May. gehorsam leisten.
A Spanish gentleman is stabbed in bed by a soldier. In the background other men are killed or murdered. Includes swords, spears, canopy, and knife. The self-appointed gov...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Blascus Nunnez Vela Königlicher Statthalter ersticht den Guillanum Xuarez Königlichen Proc. . .
Life under the new governor, Vaca de Castro, was no more stable than before and the king of Spain was eventually forced to send out yet another governor to replace him. H...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Die Schlacht zwischen Vaca de Castro, und Almagro dem jüngern.
Even before Pizarro’s death, a new royal governor, Vaca de Castro, was on his way to settle the turmoil in Peru. He refused to accept Almagro the younger, when he heard...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Margraff Pizarrus wird von Didoco Almagro dem jüngern mit hülff seiner Bundgenossen in . . .
Almagro’s son planned to take revenge on Pizarro for his father’s death. In 1541, with the help of Juan de Herrada and other Almagro supporters, they besieged Pizzaro...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Didacus Almagrus wird von dem Ferdinando Pizarro in gefängnuss geworffen darinnen strangul. . .
Almagro returned to Cuzco, disillusioned and embittered from his long and fruitless journey south into Chile, where he had been searching for further wealth. This led to ...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Die Spanier und Indianer halten eine Schlacht für der Stadt Cuzco.
Spanish soldiers, some on horseback, fight before a fortified town against native Americans. Includes guns or muskets, drums, swords, spears, fortifications, and scene of...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Die Stadt Cuzco so die reichste war in gantzen Königreich Peru wirdt von den Spaniern eingenommen.
Spanish soldiers fight in a fortified town against native Americans. Includes guns or muskets, swords, spears, fortifications, and scene of warfare.After Atahualpa was ki...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Franciscus Pizarrus lässt den König Atabaliba wider verheissene trew und glauben auff . . .
Atahualpa who is chained to his chair is garroted or executed in a room with Spanish soldiers and blacks [slaves]. Includes spears, gun or musket, headdress, pole and rop...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Als dem König Atabaliba zugesagt war dass er widerumb ledig werden solt schickte er die. . .
Spanish soldiers on horseback supervise native Americans who bring gold and silver vessels and statues to a fortified city. Includes vessels, animals such as a lobster, a...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Atabaliba kompt mit Francisco Pizarro ubereyn der Rantzion halben die er für sein erledigung bezahlen solte. . .
Atahualpa or Atabaliba talks to Francisco Pizarro in a room with Spanish soldiers. Includes spears, guns or muskets, and dwellings. Accompanying Pizarro was a monk called...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Der König Atabaliba kompt mit grossem Pracht zu Caxamalca an.
The Inca king, Atahualpa or Atabaliba, holding a scepter in the shape of a sun is carried on a litter by native American soldiers. In the background is a fortified city. ...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Ferdinandus de Soto Hauptmann uber das Kriegssvolck wardt sampt etlichen anderen von Pizarro, zu dem König Atabaliba abgesandt.
Hernando de Soto on horseback greets a native American carrying a scepter in the shape of a sun.They are surrounded by native American and Spanish soldiers. Includes war ...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
Gonsaluus Pizarrus wird uberwunden gefangen und enthauptet.
Pizarro returned to Spain in 1528 and appealed to the king to grant him permission to conquer Peru. With him, he brought gold and silver, as evidence of their potential w...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1607
VII. Quorundam ob Delicta sua misere mutilatorum effigies.
This shows Sebald van de Weert, the Dutch sailor who emerged from the Magellan Straits in 1600 and spotted the rocky islands off the coast of South America. For most of t...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1609
Caarte vande nieuwe Passagie bezuijden de Strate Magellan. . . / Description de nouveau passage vers le zud du destroit de Maggellan. . .
Map showing the new route around the bottom of South America discovered by Schouten and Le Maire: through the Le Maire Strait, around the Barnevelt Islands, and past Cape...
- $600 / ≈ €578
Place & Date: Frankfurt am Main, 1619
Descripcion del audiencia del Nuevo Reino 9.
The earliest map to include information from the previously secret manuscript maps of the Spanish cosmographer, Juan López de Velasco, showing present-day Colombia and V...
- $450 / ≈ €433
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Michel Colin, 1622
Descripcion Del Destrieto Del Audiencia De Lima. (Peru, and parts of Colombia, and Brazil)
Rare early map of the Audiencia of Lima, locating rivers and settlements, the earliest map to include information from the previously secret manuscript maps of the Spanis...
- $475 / ≈ €457
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Michel Colin, 1622
Venezuela, atque Occidentalis Pars Novæ Andalusiae.
The coastline of Venezuela with little interior development. Including Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, etc. This scarce map was prepared by Hessel Gerritsz (1581-1632), a forme...
- $600 / ≈ €578
Place & Date: Leiden, 1625
Hanc Tabulam continens Laetam Pharnambuci.. . [Brazil].
An extremely rare and decorative map of coast-line of Pernambuco. With one inset: In the upper left corner a map of Brazil, with title in five lines Dutch and five lines ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
Venezuela, atque Occidentalis Pars Novæ Andalusiae.
Coastline of Venezuela with little interior development. Including Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, etc. Scarce map prepared by Hessel Gerritsz (1581-1632), former apprentice of...
- $600 / ≈ €578
Place & Date: Leiden, Elzevier, 1630
Sudseite des Landts Terza del Fuoco, abgezeichnet durch Iohan von Walbeck.
Map showing Cap Horn and the Terra del Fuego.From a German text edition of Theodor de Bry's travel book. The original copper plate is now shortened at the left side and h...
- $550 / ≈ €530
Place & Date: Frankfurt am Main, 1630
[Isle la Moche].
Scarce print with a German text sheet showing the Dutch fleet anchored off the Island of Mocha, near Concepción in Chile. The islanders sat on wooden stumps and watched ...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Cavendish reaches Morro Moreno.]
Scarce print with a German text sheet showing Cavendish’s fleet anchor at a place called Morro Moreno, on the coast of Chile. The Indians came down from the high cliffs...
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[French seizure of Chiorera.]
Scarce print with a German text sheet showing the French torching and looting Chiorera. From de Bry's "Great American Voyages". Johann Theodor de Bry (1561-1623...
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Sir Walter Ralegh meets the King of Arromaia].
Scarce print with a German text sheet. During Ralegh’s voyage up the Orinoco in search of El Dorado, he met an old man who said he was the king of Arromaia. He claimed ...
- $125 / ≈ €120
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Murder of Dominican monks in Cumana or Cubagua Island].
Murder of Dominican monks in Cumana or Cubagua Island in what is now Venezuela. Scarce print (150x177mm.) on a German text sheet taken from a first edition of Johann Ludw...
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[A Typical Tupi Feast.]
Once a year the Indians from all the surrounding villages would get together for a feast. With decorative head-dresses, cloaks and belts of colored feathers, three or fou...
- $200 / ≈ €193
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Rituals for those that were dying.]
When one of the villagers was dying, the others would not feed or care for him but sing and danced as usual. Once he was dead though, the women would start lamenting by h...
- $200 / ≈ €193
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Staden forecasts an Indian attack.]
Staden told the Indian chief that he could tell the future and, who lived in the nearby village of ‘Arirab’ (probably Cairussú). He predicted an attack from rival In...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Indians attacked near Cartagena.]
When the governor of Cartagena, Alonso de Ojeda, led a party of Spanish soldiers into the interior to search for gold, they were attacked by Indians with such ferocity th...
- $125 / ≈ €120
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Indian market at Cartagena.]
The natives of the province of Cartagena had plenty of fruit, fish, salt and peppers, which they exchanged for other necessities of life. In times of peace, the natives o...
- $120 / ≈ €116
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[How Incas wrought their gold.]
The goldsmiths of Huayna-Capac were master craftsmen who wrought gold into magnificent artefacts with the simplest of tools. They used clay furnaces, heated by coals and ...
- $200 / ≈ €193
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[The ritual of the killing.]
On the day of the killing, the rope is untied from the prisoner’s neck, then put round his body and pulled tightly from both ends. A fire burns in front of the prisoner...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Revenge for Juan de Ayola's death.]
During Ayolas’s travels in Paraguay, he founded the fort at La Candelaria, near Corumba but later, while returning to Asunción, he and his entire party were killed by ...
- $120 / ≈ €116
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Atahualpa captured by Spanish.]
Accompanying Pizarro was a monk called Valverde, who confronted Atahualpa with a crucifix and breviary. The interpreter said the Spanish had been sent by their emperor to...
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Incas lay siege to Cusco.]
Atahualpa’s brother, Manco, organized a long and bloody siege to reoccupy the Inca capital, which eventually spread to open rebellion throughout the land. Pizarro, who ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
(Native population of Tierra del Fuego attacking some Dutchmen)
Native population of Tierra del Fuego attacking some Dutchmen. In the background anchored ships. Illustrating the account of the expedition of Jacobus L'Hermite.With nati...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Another Dutch fleet reaches Lima].
In 1624 a heavily armed Dutch fleet sailed from the Juan Fernandez Islands to Lima. The leader of the fleet, Jacob l’Hermite, was in such poor health that he had to han...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[A prisoner of the Indians of Tupinamba, covered in feathers . . .]
A graphic scene of fighting and extreme violence. One man is seen covered in feathers, before being sacrificed and killed before the Brazilian tribe of Tupinamba. In 1631...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[How natives of Paria cope with illness] / Vespucci reaches Lake Maracaibo]..
Two engravings. [421b] When the natives of those parts, they were bathed in a cold stream, then chased round a blazing fire until they had dried out. Then they were put t...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[How the Inca nobility are buried] / [Bridge of Huaynacapaco]
Two engravings. [470] The funeral of an Inca king was a ceremony of great splendor. After digging a large pit, the Indians would decorate the corpse with gold and silver ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[The bloody battle at Chupas] / [Francesco Pizzaro is killed].
Two engravings. [492] Even before Pizarro’s death, a new royal governor, Vaca de Castro, was on his way to settle the turmoil in Peru. He refused to accept Almagro the ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Spanish take over Cusco] / [Atahualpa is garrotted].
Two engravings. [486] After Atahualpa was killed, Pizarro set out with his troops to find the city of Cuzco, which he had heard was rich in gold. The journey from Cajamar...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Spilbergen's fleet visits the island of Santa Maria] / [The Dutch visit Isla Mocha].
Two engravings. [514] On 29th May, 1615, Spilbergen’s fleet anchored further north, off an island called Santa María that was separated by a narrow stretch of water (A...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
Praelium Divrnum. [Spanish fleet defeated by the Dutch] / Nocturnum Praelium [Dutch and Spanish at sea off Lima].
Two engravings. [498] On the evening of 17th July, 1615, Spilbergen’s Dutch fleet encountered, off the coast of Peru near Lima, the powerful fleet of the Spanish, under...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
De Sota meets the Inca king near Cajamarca.]
When the Spanish arrived in Cajamarca, they found only a few inhabitants. The Inca army was camped in the surrounding hills and the residence of the Inca king, Atahualpa,...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[How the Indians mined the silver at Pitosi.]
The mountain shown here is probably the Cerro Rico, which stand above the city of Potosí and has the distinction of being the richest mountain in all the Americas. The I...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[The strange sheep-like creatures that carried the silver .]
When the Spanish discovered the silver mines of Potosí, they organised the transporting of the rich ore, westward by llama trains across the Altiplano and down to Arica ...
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[How the women tease their captives.]
The Indian women led their captive, Staden, into the middle of the hamlet. Then they decorated his head with feathers and his legs with rattles. After forming a circle ro...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[How the Indians cross the river.]
The Indians of Peru had strange ways of crossing rivers. They tied a rope between two poles on either side of a river, then they hung a large basket from this rope and wh...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Ralegh arrives at Orocotona.]
On reaching the rapids of the Caroní, further up the Orinoco, Ralegh’s expedition was unable to proceed further by river, so they continued overland, eventually arrivi...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
Freti Magellanici ac novi Freti vulgo Le Maire. . .
A fine map of Tierra del Fuego. With an explanatory text of the passage by Barent Jansz. Potgieter who accompanied captain Sebald de Weert to the Straits in 1599/1600, be...
- $750 / ≈ €722
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1633
[The Dutch covalesce on the Isle Santa Clara.]
Fanciful map of the Island of Santa Clara (Isla Do Francez), as seen by the Dutch in 1599, during the exploration of Olivier de Noort, published by Theodore de Bry, one y...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Diego de Almagro is killed.]
Almagro returned to Cuzco, disillusioned and embittered from his long and fruitless journey south into Chile, where he had been searching for further wealth. This led to ...
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Royal Governor of Peru is killed.]
Life under the new governor, Vaca de Castro, was no more stable than before and the king of Spain was eventually forced to send out yet another governor to replace him. H...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Columbus taken prisoner, and sent back to Spain.]
This engraving depicts the arrest of Columbus and his brothers. Bobadilla (sent by Spain, at Columbus’ request, to settle a revolt) reached Santo Domingo August 23, 150...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Last of the Pizzaro brothers killed.]
Conflict between Gonzalo Pizarro and the latest officially appointed governor of Peru, Pedro de la Gasca, reached a climax in 1548 when Gasca’s forces crossed the Apuri...
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
Paraguay o Prov. de Rio de la Plata cum regionibus adiacentibus Tucuman et Sta. Cruz de la Sierra.
Blaeu's map of the Rio de la Plata region of South America. Originally engraved for Jodocus Hondius II, at his death in August 1629 this map was, among 39 other copper pl...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1634
Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan.
A handsome map of modern-day Panama and Colombia. The cartouches and decoration are colored in an artistic way. Very fine and rare with this type of coloring.From "l...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1635-1638
Guiana sive Amazonum Regio.
Willem Blaeu’s decorative map of the Guianas, Lake Parima (Parime Lacus), and the route to El Dorado was initially issued in 1630 (with some variants were published wel...
- $400 / ≈ €385
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638
Guiana sive Amazonum Regio.
Nice map extending from the Isla Margarita in the northwest to the coast of northern Brazil near Sao Luis east of the Amazon delta. The map locates at its center a large ...
- $500 / ≈ €482
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1640
Terra Firma et Novum regnum Granatense et Propayan.
Fine copy, with wide margins of this handsome map of the Isthmus of Panama and northwestern South America including most of present day Columbia and part of Venezuela. Te...
- $400 / ≈ €385
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1640
Paraguayo prov. de Rio de La Plata cum regionibus..
A beautiful map of Paraguay, and parts of Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia. Much of the area was still "Terra Incognita" so there are few towns and ci...
- $500 / ≈ €482
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Willem Blaeu's very decorative map of Chili with two large and beautiful cartouches, a compass and ships. From early on Willem Jansz. Blaeu aimed of publishing an atlas ...
- $900 / ≈ €867
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE OF THIS MAP. Decorated with ships and monsters in the sea. Orientated with east at the top. With the signature of G. Blaeuw lower right corner....
- $1000 / ≈ €963
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Tabula Magellanica.
A map with Willem Blaeu's signature, but published by his son Joan, of South America's extremity. A dedication to Constantijn Huygens. From early on Willem Jansz. Blaeu ...
- $1000 / ≈ €963
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Venezuela cum parte Australi Novae Andalusiae.
A finely engraved, decorative map of Venezuela. The islands of Trinidad and Tobago, Margarita, Aruba and Curaçao are shown. Local animals are depicted, sheep, birds, mon...
- $1100 / ≈ €1059
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1644
Terra Firma et Novum regnum Granatense et Propayan.
Handsome map of the Isthmus of Panama and north-western South America, including most of present day Columbia and part of Venezuela.Terra Firma is Panama, Veragua is Cost...
- $350 / ≈ €337
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1644
Guiana sive Amazonum Regio.
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline when published. A highly decorative map showing Guiana extending westwards to Trinidad and Margarita Island, dominated by a huge...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645