Browse Listings in Africa > North Africa
Carthage, etc. [Foliu XL ]
VERSO: Portraits of scholars, and an imaginary view on Carthage in Tunisia (12x17cm.) Page from the famous Liber chronicarum of Hartmann-Schedel 1493, the first and Latin...
Place & Date: Nuremberg 12 July 1493
Tabula Prima Africa.
The map apart from depicting Morocco also shows southern Spain and the Balearic Islands. In north Africa the map extends eastwards toward modern day Algeria and to the we...
Place & Date: Strasbourg, 1513
.Tabu nova partis Aphri.
Based on Waldseemüller's map. The maps show Northern Africa as it was known to Europeans at the first part of the 16th century. There is great details across north Afric...
Place & Date: Lyons, M. Servetus, 1535
Tabula IIII Aphricae. [with Prester John]
Early Ptolemaic woodcut map of the regions of Africa that were known to the ancients. The twin lake sources of the Nile are located near the Mons Lune (Mountains of the M...
- $950 / ≈ €915
Place & Date: Vienna, 1522- 1535
.Aphricae Tabula secunda continet.
An important early map of the northern coast of Africa and including parts of the islands of Sicily and Sardine.
Place & Date: Vienne, 1541
Tabula Africae IIII.
Gastaldi's map of the Northern Africa, based on Ptolemy. Showing all of the Mediterranean, Ethiopian Interior, the Red Sea, Egypt, the source of the Nile, Red Sea, Dead S...
- $400 / ≈ €385
Place & Date: Venice, 1548
[Lot of 25 leaves of Africa and Egypt]
Twenty-five text leaves with wood block illustrations relating to Africa and Egypt illustrated with maps, animals, plants.... From the 1552 Latin text edition of Münster...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Basel, 1552
Egitto nuova tavola.
Fine early map of Egypt and the Nile delta. Extends east to the Upper Red Sea and West to "Deserto De Marmarica". Nice detail in the lower Nile regions. Page ta...
- $200 / ≈ €193
Place & Date: Venice, 1561
Tingis, Lusitanis, Tangiara. / Tzaffin. / Septa. / Arzilla/ Sala.
Views of the five northern and western African coastal town-view on one sheet: Latin text.From the greatest publication in this genre!. The Civitates was compiled and wri...
- $600 / ≈ €578
Place & Date: Cologne, 1580
Tingis, Lusitanis, Tangiara. / Tzaffin. / Septa. / Arzilla/ Sala.
Views of the five northern and western African coastal town-view on one sheet: Latin text.From the greatest publication in this genre!. The Civitates was compiled and wri...
- $600 / ≈ €578
Place & Date: Cologne, 1580
Barbariae et Biledulgerid, nova descriptio.
North-West Africa. Koeman speculated: In view of the important trading relationship between Antwerp and Africa, it is not impossible that the original was a manuscript ma...
- $300 / ≈ €289
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1587
Natoliae.. Aegypti recentior.. Carthaginis ( 3 maps on 1 sheet)
Three maps on one sheet. Map to the left east to the top. Detailed map Turkey, including Cyprus and Crete. Also map of the Nile delta and another map of Tunis. From "...
- $750 / ≈ €722
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1587
AFRICAE PROPRIAE TABULA In qua, Punica regna vides; Tyrios, et Agenoris / urbem.
AFRICAE PROPRIAE TABULA In qua, Punica regna vides; Tyrios, et Agenoris / urbem. Antique map of North Africa with Carthage. A very decorative map of North Africa wi...
- $350 / ≈ €337
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1590
Barbariae et Biledulgerid, nova descriptio.
North-West Africa. Koeman speculated: "In view of the important trading relationship between Antwerp and Africa, it is not impossible that the original was a manuscr...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1598
Fortezza di Gerbi.
Rare and early plan the fortress in present-day Jarbah Hawmat-as on the Tunisian island of Djerba, the largest African island in the Mediterranean.The fortress is still o...
- $2200 / ≈ €2119
Place & Date: Rome, 1586 / 1602
A fine miniature map of Egypt, published by Petrus Bertius in Amsterdam early in the seventeenth century. The lovely map and has a strap-work title, in the lower left cor...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606
A nice miniature map of the north African region known as 'Barbary', published by Petrus Bertius in Amsterdam early in the seventeenth century. This lovely map also depic...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606
Carthaginensis Sinus.
A beautifully miniature map by Petrus Bertius of the ancient city of Carthage and the more modern town of Tunis, first published in 1598. There are numerous features tha...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606
Fessae Regnum.
Charming small map of the northwestern tip of Africa with Fez showing as the principal city. Decorative title cartouche.From a Latin-text edition of Jodocus Hondius' Atla...
- $120 / ≈ €116
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1608
Tunetanum Regnum.
Small map representing Tunisia and Algeria, surrounded by text in Dutch.Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Include...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
A small map focused on the Nile Delta, where the Nile divides into several branches.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der R...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Tunetanum Regnum.
Small map representing Tunisia and Algeria, surrounded by text in Dutch.Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Include...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Small map focused on the Nile Delta, where the Nile divides into several branches.Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-16...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Small map illustrating the eastern part of the Mediterranean Basin, namely the African side. Surrounded by text in Dutch.Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engra...
- $75 / ≈ €72
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Canariae I.
Small map of the Canary Island. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, wae...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
The rare Samuel Purchas' edition of the Mercator/Hondius Atlas Minor atlas map. Early map of Egypt published in his famous collection of voyages His Pilgrimes . With desc...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: London, 1625
Fessae et Marocchi Regna.
One of the new maps added by Hondius, when he took over publication of the Atlas, a finely engraved and decorative map of north-west Africa, with the Canaries. With an in...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
[Attack of Dutch fleet commanded by Pieter van der Does of Gran Canaria in 1599].
Attack of Dutch fleet commanded by Pieter van der Does of Gran Canaria in 1599. Scarce print (150x177mm.) on a German text sheet taken from a first edition of Johann Ludw...
- $180 / ≈ €173
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
Barbaria. / Egypt / Tunesia.
Three maps on one sheet. Upper part, it shows the coast of Barbaria from Morocco to Egypt: the map on the left corner of Tunis includes a plan of Goletiae, and the right ...
- $300 / ≈ €289
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1641
Fezzae et Marocchi regna Africae celeberrima.
North to the right. Showing the Atlas Mountains in the south to the southern coast of Spain, along the coast at Ceuta, Tangiers, and Arzilla.A finely engraved, decorative...
- $650 / ≈ €626
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Marocchi Regnum.
From the Mercator/Hondius Atlas Minor. Early map of Morocco.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645
Esclave More. (38)
Sought-after copper engraved plate of a Moor slave from North Africa. Plate from Laonikos Chalcocondyle’s "L'histoire de la décadence de l'empire grec et establis...
- $75 / ≈ €72
Place & Date: Paris, Mathieu Guillemot, 1650
Femme moresque de Tripoly en Barbarie. (60)
Sought-after copper engraved plate of a woman with child from Tripoli. Plate from Laonikos Chalcocondyle’s "L'histoire de la décadence de l'empire grec et establi...
- $45 / ≈ €43
Place & Date: Paris, Mathieu Guillemot, 1650
Fille Moresque esclave en Alger ville de Barbarie. (63)
Sought-after copper engraved plate of a young slave from Algeria. Plate from Laonikos Chalcocondyle’s "L'histoire de la décadence de l'empire grec et establisseme...
- $45 / ≈ €43
Place & Date: Paris, Mathieu Guillemot, 1650
.Caarte voor een gedeelte der Canarise Eylanden als Canaria, Tenerifa, Forteventura, etc.
Very rare chart of the Canaries. Showing Palma, Ferro, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Forteventura, Lancerota. In upper right hand corner inset of harbour of Lancerota.
- $1000 / ≈ €963
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1666
De Cust van Barbaria, Gualata, Arguyn, en Gene..heo, van Capo S.Vincente tot Capo Verde.
An eye-catching chart of the north western coast of Africa. Including Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands and Azores.Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675) was one of the most import...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1666
De Cust van Barbaryen van out Mamora tot Capo Blanco..
Six charts on one sheet. The two upper charts covering an area from Cape Blanc to Casablanca. In lower part four insets with detailed charts of islands as Madera, Porto S...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1666
Royaume de Fez. . .
Map of Morocco prepared by N.Sanson and published by Pierre Mariette.Published in an early edition of the small Sanson atlas L'Europe Dediée a Monseigneur . . . Le Telli...
- $120 / ≈ €116
Place & Date: Paris, P. Mariette, 1667
Partie de la Barbarie ou est le royaume d'Alger. . .
Coastal map of North Africa prepared by N.Sanson and published by Pierre Mariette.Published in an early edition of the small Sanson atlas L'Europe Dediée a Monseigneur ....
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Paris, P. Mariette, 1667
Partie de la Barbarie ou sont les royaumes de Tunis et Tripoli. . .
Coastal map of Tunisia and Libya prepared by N.Sanson and published by Pierre Mariette.Published in an early edition of the small Sanson atlas L'Europe Dediée a Monseign...
- $750 / ≈ €722
Place & Date: Paris, P. Mariette, 1667
Royaume et desert de Barca, et Aegypte divisee. . .
Map of Egypt prepared by N.Sanson and published by Pierre Mariette.Published in an early edition of the small Sanson atlas L'Europe Dediée a Monseigneur . . . Le Tellier...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Paris, P. Mariette, 1667
Le Royaume de Fez.
Rare map of Morocco published by Jollain in 1667. Published in "Trésor Des Cartes Geographiques Des Principaux Estats de Lunivers".This atlas is based upon Boi...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Paris, 1667
Le Royaume de Marroc.
Rare map of Morocco published by Jollain in 1667. Published in "Trésor Des Cartes Geographiques Des Principaux Estats de Lunivers".This atlas is based upon Boi...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Paris, 1667
Rare map of the Barbary Coast of Africa published by Jollain in 1667. Published in "Trésor Des Cartes Geographiques Des Principaux Estats de Lunivers".This atl...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Paris, 1667
A very nice view of the town of Azemmour in Morocco. With a verse in two languages underneath the picture.The poet and topographer from Comothau, Daniel Meisner (1585-162...
- $80 / ≈ €77
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1623-1678
Paskaart van de kust van Maroca beginnende van Larache tot aan C. Cantin. . .
A nautical sea chart of the coast of Morocco. Insert at top right: 'Nieuwe Afbeelding van de Rivier Rio Rebata in 't Groot".Bottom right: chart number '32'. Compass ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca.1682
Paskaart van de Kuste van, Gualate en Arguyn. Beginnende van C. Bajador tot C. Blanco. . .
A nautical showing the northwestern coast of Africa, along Western Sahara from Cape Bojador to Cape Blanc. Ornate title cartouche in top right corner shows two main figur...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca.1682
Nieuwe Pascaert van de Kust van Maroca en Zanhaga. . .
A very fine sea chart of the west coast of Morocco between C.Cantin tot C.Bajador and the Canary Islands, Lanzerote and Fuerteventura. With a very large decorative title-...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca 1685
Alexandrie Ville d'Egipte sur la mer Méditeranée..
A very RARE panoramic view of the city of Alexandria, including a legend in the lower part. The plate is numbered in brown pencil in the upper right corner.Engraved by Pi...
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1690
Bocche del Fiume Negro et Isole di Capo Verde. . .
This is a splendid map of the northwestern coast of Africa and the Cape Verde Islands.The map provides details of the various Portuguese discoveries in the region in the ...
- $600 / ≈ €578
Place & Date: Venice, 1696
Mauritana et Africa Proria nunc Barbaria.
A pleasantly engraved map of the north-western part of Africa with the Canary Islands by Phillip Clüver after Strabo. With one cartouche.Phillip Cluver was a German geog...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Leiden, 1697
Aegyptus Et Cyrene.
A fine coastal region of Libya, also known as Pentapolis in antiquity. From "Introductio in Universam Geographicam" and edited by Johann Friedrich Heckel Philli...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: London, 1697
An uncommon and delightful map of Northern Africa extends from today's territory of Morocco as far as the Red Sea.With Inset maps of the Nile Delta and the Gulf of Tunis.
- $100 / ≈ €96
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1700
'T Koninkryk van Marocco, verdeelt in Zeven Landschappen, enz. . .
A Dutch edition of this finely engraved map of Morocco filled with mountain ranges, oases and cities. The map is adorned with a decorative cartouche.
- $90 / ≈ €87
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1705
Nouvelle carte du Roiaume D'Alger divisée en toutes ses provinces, avec une partie due cotes D'Espagne . . .
Rare and detailed map of the coast of Algeria. Large inset map of the Bay of Alger (El-Jazir). Shows a coastline of Spain around Alicante. Two compass roses in the Medite...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Description des piramides d'Egypte tant au départ qu'au dehors . . .
Engraved text page with 5 views of the pyramids and an image of the Sphinx. From Chatelain's monumental 7 volume "Atlas Historique".Henri Abraham Chatelain (168...
- $36 / ≈ €35
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Habillemens Des Arabes & Des Juifs qui sont au Caire avec une partie de leurs divertissements & quelques restes de L'Ancien Idolatrie des peuples D'Egipte.
Decorative set of images the costumes of the Arab and Jewish inhabitants of Cairo, with French text, from Chatelain's monumental 7 volume Atlas Historique. Henri Abraham ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1728
Description du Nil, de ses sources, de son cours depuis les cataractes jusques le Caire . . .
Detailed map of the course of the Nile, from the cataracts of the Nile at the south (top of the image) to Caïro and Giza. At the right, one of the Pyramids is shown (140...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1728
Carte de L'Egypte de la Nubie de L'Abissinie..
Prepared by l'Isle. Uncommon issue by Hendrik de Leth. Very detailed map of northeastern Africa, the Red Sea and the Arabian peninsula shows the political divisions ...
- $500 / ≈ €482
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1740
Carte de L\'Egypte de la Nubie de L\'Abissinie. . .
Prepared by l'Isle. Uncommon issue by Hendrik de Leth. Very detailed map of northeastern Africa, the Red Sea and the Arabian peninsula shows the political divisions ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1740
Le cours entier du grand et Fameux Nil. . .
Scarce. A splendid map of ancient Egypt. West is at the top and the Nile bisects Egypt. A inset shows modern Egypt to good detail. With the Red Sea and part of the Arabia...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1760
[69] Barbarie.
Charming chart of the harbour of the province of Barbarie in Syria. Showing town and harbour plan, with soundings, anchorages, rocks, shoals, fortifications and lighthous...
- $75 / ≈ €72
Place & Date: Marseille 1764
[71] Barbarie.
Charming chart of the harbour of the province of Barbarie in Syria. Showing town and harbour plan, with soundings, anchorages, rocks, shoals, fortifications and lighthous...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Marseille 1764
Charta exhibens Situm antiquum Carthaginis, Uticae. . . / A Bird's View of the Situation of Antient Carthage.
A pair of engravings of ancient Carthage in North Africa, from Charles Rollins' "The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, medes &...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: London, ca 1768
Le Kaire (Cairo). Vue de la place Ezbekyeh, côté du sud
A very fine view of Cairo.
- $500 / ≈ €482
Place & Date: Paris, ca 1780
Carte de La Barbarie de La Nigritie et de la Guinée.
A detailed engraved map of north west Africa including the Canary and Cape Verde Islands. Engraved by Inselin. Address and date changed, now with the imprint "A Pari...
Place & Date: Paris, 1781
L'Egypte Ancienne et Moderne..
Rare map of Egypt, prepared after J.B.Nolin and published by Monhare for his Atlas Général a l'usage des colleges et maisons d'education.. Louis Joseph Mondhare publish...
- $300 / ≈ €289
Place & Date: Paris, 1783
Carte de l'Egypte Ancienne et Moderne..
Attractive map showing part of the course of the river Nile. Boundaries are outlined in hand color.Ornated with a decorative title cartouche representing a crocodile flan...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Paris, ca 1783
L'Egypte. . .
Scarce map of Egypt, prepared by Nolin and published by L.J. Mondhare for his Atlas Général a l'usage des colleges et maisons d'education.. Louis Joseph Mondhare was ac...
- $75 / ≈ €72
Place & Date: Paris, 1783
Partie septentrionale de l'Afrique contenant l'Egipte. . .
Scarce map of northern part of Africa, prepared by Nolin and published by L.J. Mondhare for his Atlas Général a l'usage des colleges et maisons d'education.. Louis Jose...
- $150 / ≈ €144
Place & Date: Paris, 1783
Carte de l'Egypte Ancienne et Moderne..
Map of Egypt illustrating part of the course of the river Nile. From Atlas de la Géographie de toutes les parties du monde .. Ouvrage destiné pour l'education, et néce...
Place & Date: Paris, Prudhomme, Levrault, Debray, 1806
Alger Vue générale prise du port.
Decorative lithography taken from "Voyage pittoresque dans la régence d'Alger" printed in 1835 by Charles Motte. Prepared by WYLD William Wyld (1806-1889) and ...
- $40 / ≈ €39
Place & Date: Paris, 1835
Alger, Mosquée à Bone.
Decorative lithography taken from "Voyage pittoresque dans la régence d'Alger" printed in 1835 by Charles Motte. Prepared by WYLD William Wyld (1806-1889) and ...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Paris, 1835
Alger, moulin arabe.
Decorative lithography taken from "Voyage pittoresque dans la régence d'Alger" printed in 1835 by Charles Motte. Prepared by WYLD William Wyld (1806-1889) and ...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Paris, 1835
Alger, Baib-El-Oued.
Decorative lithography taken from "Voyage pittoresque dans la régence d'Alger" printed in 1835 by Charles Motte. Prepared by WYLD William Wyld (1806-1889) and ...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Paris, 1835
Alger, Marchand de la rue de Chartres.
Decorative lithography taken from "Voyage pittoresque dans la régence d'Alger" printed in 1835 by Charles Motte. Prepared by WYLD William Wyld (1806-1889) and ...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Paris, 1835
Alger, Mosquée rue de la percherie.
Decorative lithography taken from "Voyage pittoresque dans la régence d'Alger" printed in 1835 by Charles Motte. Prepared by WYLD William Wyld (1806-1889) and ...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Paris, 1835
Decorative lithography taken from "Voyage pittoresque dans la régence d'Alger" printed in 1835 by Charles Motte. Prepared by WYLD William Wyld (1806-1889) and...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Paris, 1835
Alger, rue Bab-Azoun.
Decorative lithography taken from "Voyage pittoresque dans la régence d'Alger" printed in 1835 by Charles Motte. Prepared by WYLD William Wyld (1806-1889) and ...
- $50 / ≈ €48
Place & Date: Paris, 1835
Quite a striking, large steel engraved map of Egypt. Following the course of the River Nile from Lower Egypt southwards to Upper Egypt, then crossing the border with Nubi...
Place & Date: London, 1839