Browse Listings in Europe
Plan De l'Action.. Auprès de Wynendale le 28 Sept. 1708.
A rare broadside sheet represents a conventional battle plan near the town of Torhout with the Castle Wynendale. The plan depicts the situation of 28 September 1708. Incl...
Place & Date: Bruxelles, c.1708
Woman of Brabant.
Very fine view of a woman wearing the traditional dress of Brabant.
Place & Date: London, 1817
Les Provinces des Pays Bas.
RARE. From his first edition of his only folio atlas, the map is relied upon the map of his uncle, Nicolas Sanson. Engraved by I.Somer.A nice map of Netherlands.
Place & Date: Paris 1687
Cornubia, Devonia, Somersetus, . . .
A very nice map showing the south-western part of England. Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Louvain under Gemma Frisius, Dutch writer, astronome...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
Lutzenburgensis Ducatus veriss descript.
Prepared by Jacob Surhon who made a manuscript map of Luxembourg for which he received 500 Livres from Charles V in 1551. For security reasons the map was not published. ...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1609
Nova et recens emendata totius Regni Ungariae una cum adiacentibus et finitimis regionisbus delineatio.
Engraved map by Jan van Deutecum, here the very rare first edition published by Cornelis Nicola in Asterdam in 1596. In very attractive original coloring.A re-issued was ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cornelius Nicol, 1596
Sexta Etas Mundi. Ratisbonna. [Ratisbonne]
A very fine presentation of the city of Ratisbon, in Germany, centered on the cathedral (Dim. : 191 mm W : 525 mm).Overleaf a very nice view of Vienna, with two swans on ...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Provincie Noord-Braband. / Breda, de Langstraat. . .
Decorative and uncommon custume plate lithographed by R. de Vries and published by Frans Buffa & Zonen in Amsterdam. A group of 4 women from the area of Baronie van B...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1857
Provincie Noord-Braband.
Decorative and uncommon costume plate lithographed by Desguerrois & Co. and published by Frans Buffa & Zonen in Amsterdam. 12 illustrations of Brabant costumes: 1...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1857
Currus Veliferi Illmi. Pr. Mauritii Nassouvii. (Prince Maurits' sailing-carriage, designed by Simon Stevin. )
Prince Maurits' sailing carriages had been designed by Simon Stevin. The Prince, always accessible to new inventions of his old instructor, could not please the foreign a...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1649
Vue de Gattweick et de l'embouchure du Rhin, dans la Mer du Nord.
Very decorative view of Katwijk. Signed lower right, Louis Bleuler au chateau de Laufen . Original design by Louis Bleuer. This gouache was the model for his aquatint in ...
Place & Date: 1820
Ducatus Lutzenburgi Novissima et Accuratissima Delineatio.
West to the top. Very detailed and fine map of Luxembourg, including the towns of Namur, Liege, Trier and Metz.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1680
Covers the area of the modern Uppsala, the vicinity of Stockholm, and includes most of Aland.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1639
Het Klooster ten Hage (Marienhage Eindhoven)
Very rare lithography of the ruin of the monastery of Ten Haghe in Eindhoven. Lithographed by M.Mouret, published in "oud-Nederland en de uit vroegere dagen overgebl...
Place & Date: Nijmegen, 1837-1846
Landgraviatus Alsatiae tam superioris..
Alsace, in the far north-eastern corner of France, stands out from other French wine regions thanks to its strong Franco-Germanic influences. Alsace is the only French wi...
Place & Date: Nurenberg, 1710
La Place de Saint Marc a Venise.
A very attractive Town plan of the place St Marc in Venice.Joan Blaeu published during his life three town-books of Italy: Citta del Vaticano, Rome and Napoli. By the yea...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1705
Limburgensis Ducatus Tabula Nova.
Map of Limburg, prepared by the Antwerp expert in law and mathematics Aegidius Martini. After 1600 Jan Baptist Vrients acquired the stock and the plates of Ortelius' Thea...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1606-1612
Carte du Gouvernement de Provence, suivant les nouvelles observations...
Fine copper engraved and decorative map of the Provence region in the south of France. It includes the cities of Nimes, Viviers, Avignon, Aix and Nice. The pictorial cart...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1728
Vue Interieure de la Bourse Royale à Londres.
So-called optical print of the London stock exchange. Daumont was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in Paris. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuri...
Place & Date: Paris, 1760
Franciae orientalis../ Monasteriensis et osnaburgensis..
From 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum [Atlas of the Whole World]' published in Antwerp. French text on verso.The map of Frankenland is prepared by Sebastian Rotenhan (1478-1532) ...
Place & Date: Antwerp, c.1574
Insula Sacra; vulgo Holy Iland; et Farne
Farne and Holy Islands off the coast of Northumberland. The Abbey, the Old Fort and the town are clearly marked. - German text edition.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1646
Dongerdeel.. De vierde grietenij van Ooster Goo.
Very decorative map centered on Dokkum, Metzerwier, and Pasens from the Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland prepared by Schotanus. With decorative title cartouche lowe...
Place & Date: Leeuwarden, F.Halma, 1718
The map of Europe has been identified as the work of Hieronimus Münzer (1437-1508), a Nuremberg physician who supplied the geographical contents of the chronicle. The Eu...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1493
Nieuwe Kaart van de Westfaalse Kreits..
Isaac Tirion was born in Utrecht ca. 1705. He came to Amsterdam ca. 1725. Tirion published a number of important books, many of which are still in demand for their intere...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1745
Slusa, Teutonicae Flandriae opp. . . (Sluis)
Bird'eye view of the town of Sluis.From the greatest publication in this genre!. The Civitates was compiled and written by George Braun, Canon of Cologne Cathedral. Braun...
Place & Date: Cologne, 1580
A miniature map of the Berry. Fine cartouche in the upper left corner.First published in 1598 in his Caert-Thresoor, the plates were executed by the most famous engravers...
Place & Date: Amsterdam/Frankfurt 1609
Die Zyp / La Zype.
A miniature map showing the polder of De Zype. Title cartouche in the upper side.First published in 1598 in his Caert-Thresoor, the plates were executed by the most famou...
Place & Date: Amsterdam / Frankfurt, 1609
Hydrograhica descriptio
This very rare chart is important as the first printed sea chart of the Mediterranean coast of Spain, Gibraltar, also depicting the northern coast of Marocco.Willem Bar...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, W.Blaeu, 1612
Tabula Bergarum ad Zomam Stenbergae et novorum ibi operum.
The map gives an outline of the Scheldt from Bergen op Zoom to Antwerp, with all the ramparts built between 1622 and 1627.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1647
Hassia Landgraviatus.
Centered on the town of Kassel.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1650
Uncommon and decorative lithography published by Carl Johan Billmark and printed by Lemercier in Paris, 55 rue de Seine, the leading firm in Europe at that time. From: It...
Place & Date: Paris, c.1859
Die Republic Holland oder die Verenigte Niederlande..
Charming map of the Netherlands, with inset maps of Novi Belgium area in America and Indonesia. With a fine cartouche.
Place & Date: Leipzig 1749
Over deese grietenije.. Eerste van Wester Goo..
Very decorative map centered on Menaam, Marsum and Boxum from the Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland prepared by Schotanus. With ornamental title cartouche lower righ...
Place & Date: Leeuwarden, F.Halma, 1718
Desciption de lopulente et manifique ville de Venise.
Extremely rare panoramic view of Venice and neighboring islands (Murano, Burano, Torcello and Mazorbo), clearly depicting the city's architectural landmark. The surroundi...
Place & Date: Paris, 1646
Profil de la renomée ville et port d'Emstredam cappitalle des estats de Hollande.
Extremely rare panoramic town-view of Amsterdam seen from the river IJ.Exceptional bright, sharp example.The print is skillful copy of the print of Matthieu Merian, now w...
Place & Date: Paris, 1647
Pascaerte Van't Westelyckste der Middelandsche Zee. . .
An eye-catching chart of the western part of the Mediterranean Sea.Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675) was one of the most important cartographer, engraver, publisher and print s...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1666
Episcop. Ultraiectinus.
A very detailed map based on Utrecht. Scale cartouche held by a surveyor. Based on the map by B.F.van Berckenrode (1620-21) and engraved by the master engraver Evert Sijm...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630-1632
Candia cum Insulis.. Corfu Zante, Milo, Nicsia, Santorini.
Four views on one sheet: A large map of Crete, with three smaller views across the top showing the Ionian Islands of Kerkira (Corfu), Cephalonia and Zakinthos (Zante.) Th...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
Vuë de l'ancien Palais d'hiver de sa Majesté Imperiale et du Canal qui Joint la Moika avec la Neva, a St. Petersburg.
So-called optical print illustrating a perspective view of St. Petersburg, namely the ancient Winter Palace and the canal which joins the Moika to the Neva.In the eightee...
Place & Date: Paris, 1760
Vue d'un Feu d'Artifice tiré devant l'Hotel de Ville en réjouissance de la Paix.
Optical view, illustrating a fireworks display in front of the Paris city hall.In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were many popular speciality establishment...
Place & Date: Paris 1760
Contado di Zelanda..
A most attractive and decorative map by Vincenzo Coronelli. An elaborate title cartouche garlanded with intertwined flowers and dedicated to Vincenzo Caualli. The remarka...
Place & Date: Venice 1692
Pianta della citta di Lucca.
Very finely engraved and detailed plan of Lucca. Coat of arms of the town on the upper part. Engraved by V.Angeli and included in: Atlante Geografico dell Italia .To the ...
Place & Date: Rome, 1860
Carinthiae et Goritiae... / Histria tabula.../ Zarae, et Serebenici ..
Three maps on one sheet. The left hand is centered on the eastern part of Austria. The right upper hand map is centered on northern Yugoslavia, and the last map is center...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1598
(Lübeck) Lvbeca vrbs. imperialis libera. civitatvm. Wandalicarvm. . . .
Impressive more than 3 meters wide panoramic town view after a woodblock engraving from Elias Diebel, initially made in 1552. Of this original woodblock, Bachmann mention...
Place & Date: Germany, c. 1855
Shell : 9 Februari 1911-1951.
Decorative design-drawing in lead pencil offered to mr. J.E. Talens for his 40 years jubilee at the Shell foundation : Aangeboden aan J. E. Talens ter gelegenheid van zij...
Place & Date: Gouda, ca. 1951
Maria De Medices D. G Galliae et Navarrae Reg. Uxor Henr. IIII.
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Marie de' Medici, queen consort of France .Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delf...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
III. Carte de la Hollande.. Over-Yssel.
Attractive small map centered on the delta of the River Ijssel, where it discharges into the Zuiderzee.From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded st...
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1748
VI. Partie du Duche de Gueldre où se trouve la Veluwe.
Attractive small map covering the northwestern part of Gelderland. In the center "'t Loo". From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state...
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1748
Plan de Palma ville capitalle de l'Isle de Majorque.
Bird's eye-view of Palma de Majorca. Wind rose in the lower left corner. Nicolas de Fer [1646-1720] was one of the most prolific and influential French geographers and ca...
Place & Date: Paris, 1715
Plan de Prague.
Rare and separately published plan of Prague published by Joan Baptista Nolin with the address à l'enseigne de la Place des Victoires et chez le Sr. Humblot rue St. Jacq...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1742
Veue de la Ville, et du Port de Calais, di côte de la terre.
Showing the town of Calais; landscape with, in the left foreground, group of cavalrymen led by an officer and going to right, at right two soldiers walking alongside a ca...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1680
Carte particulière des environs de St Peters-bourg. . . / Plan de la ville faubourg et environs de St Petersbourg. . . / Carte pour l'intelligence de la guerre de Moscovie et de Suede. . .
A scarce and unusual plan of Saint Petersburg shown at a large scale and also, in a separate compartment, shown in its geographical context between the Gulf of Finland an...
Place & Date: Paris, c.1741
Rotterdamse Diergaarde. . .
Decorative view of Zoo of Rotterdam. To the right the house of the manager of the zoo. Decorated with personages in typical dress watching lions.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1860
De Texel Stroom met de gaten vant Marsdiep. [with] Caarte van De Mase ende het Goereesche Gat.
Two decorative charts on one sheet, one depicting Texel and the entrance of the Zuider Zee with an inset showing the north coast of West-Friesland, the other depicting th...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1660
Nieuwe kaart van het oostelykste deel van Holland. . .
Detailed map covering the area of Gouda, IJsselstein, s'Hertogenbosch, Zevenbergen, Dordrecht.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1749
s'Lants Zee-Magazyn en Scheeps Timmer-werf.
Decorative view of the back yard of the formerly the V.O.C. warehouse and arsenal for the Admiralty of Amsterdam, now-a-days the Scheepvaartmuseum (Maritime Museum).The p...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1694
Gezicht van het Admiraliteits-Magazyn en Scheeps Timmerwerf.
Formerly the V.O.C. warehouse and arsenal for the Admiralty of Amsterdam, now-a-days the Scheepvaartmuseum (Maritime Museum). Taken from the "Atlas of Amsterdam"...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1780
A Perspective View of the Admiralty Office, Dock-Yard, Storehouses &c. at Amsterdam.
Decorative engraving giving good detail of the intense activity in the Amsterdam dockyards.Engraved for BANKES's New System of Geography
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1780
Walachia Servia, Bulgaria, Romania.
The cartographer of this map was Gerard Mercator. This attractive map of the Eastern Balkans is centered on Bulgaria and includes the Bosphorus and Constantinople. The Da...
Place & Date: Oxford, 1680
Beschrijvinge vande de zee Cuften va Vlanderen en Picardien. . .
DUTCH TEXT EDITION. A detailed chart of the coast of Flanders and Normandy decorated by a large colorful baroque title cartouche, and the coat of arms of Flanders with a ...
Place & Date: Leiden, Plantijn, 1585
De zee cuften tufschen Dovere en Orfords nesse, daer de Teemse de Vermaerde Rivire van Lonen gelegens is. . .
A detailed chart of the English Channel coastland. Decorated by a colorful title cartouche and scale cartouche, one compass rose, several vessels and sea monsters. A very...
Place & Date: Leiden, Plantijn, 1585
Belchrijuinghe vande zee custen van Engelandt. . .
A rare Dutch text edition of this detailed early chart of the northern coast of England. West to the top. The mileage cartouche has no Latin captures. Decorated by a colo...
Place & Date: Leiden, Plantijn, 1585
Zee caerte vande Sondt tvermaerste van Danemarcke . . .
A detailed chart of the coast of Denmark and its islands, Copenhagen in the center of the chart. West to the top. It is decorated by a title, scale and descriptive cartou...
Place & Date: Leiden, Plantijn, 1585
Plan de la Ville et Port d'Antibes.
An attractive chart centered on the Mediterranean. With a scale and large compass-rose. Dated 1727, with the privilege of the King. From : Recueil des Plusieurs plans des...
Place & Date: Marseille, 1730
Erfolgte Kapitulation zwischen dem General Bonaparte und den Gross Leister von Malta. Vor der Hauptstadt Walette zu Maltha, am 10 Juni 1798.
Copper engraving with three scenes and one portrait on one sheet. In upper a view of Bonaparte arriving at Valletta. Published in "Allgemeine Welt-Chronik oder neue ...
Place & Date: Zittau, 1798-1800
Royaume de Bohéme, Marquisat de Moravie, et Silésie Autrichenne.
Small detailed map of today Czech Republic. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 32 outside border top right. Mary...
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1749
Pianta Geografia delle Isole di Malta, e Gozo della Sagra Religione Gerosolimitana di S. Giovanni delineata, ed incisa in quest anno 1761.
A rare map of Malta and Gozo printed by the priest Antonio Bova (1688 - 1775), who was active as engraver in Palermo ca. 1727-1773. He produced cartographic engravings, s...
Place & Date: Bova Ant., Palermo, 1761
Nova et Accurata totius EUROPAE Descriptio Authore Frederico de Wit Amstelodami.
General map of Europe richly ornamented with small compass rose and Europa shown riding Zeus in the form of a bull, and several putti holding the title banner aloft.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1680
The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and mounted it on larger paper: she colored it in pastel colors, adding extensive cl...
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1700
[Crimea]. Carte de la Cromée.
Mapmaker, Captain Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen (1735-1819). Published by H. Friesman in 1787. This map first appeared in 1776 and was the first Russian map of the newly ann...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, H. Frieseman, 1787
Vienna.. / Buda..
Pair of views on one sheet, the first showing the Austria capital of Vienna with fields, and figures in the foreground.Lower view shows the Hungarian capital of Budapest....
Place & Date: Cologne 1580
Carte historique de la France, et l'Angleterre depuis la naissance de Jésus-Christ jusqu'à l'an 1700, qui contient en abrégé les événements ...
A rare wall map showing a chronological tree of French and English historical events from the year of the birth of Christ until 1700. The map is prepared by Jérôme Andr...
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1721
Anverpia, nobile in Barbantia oppidum, parrim maritimum . . . [Antwerp]
The bird's-eye plan provides an excellent view of the citadel, city, docks and fortifications. The city was defended by a line of fortification and a moat constructed und...
Place & Date: Cologne, 1585
Pascaerte Van't Westelyckste der Middelandsche Zee. . .
An eye-catching chart of the western part of the Mediterranean Sea.Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675) was one of the most important cartographer, engraver, publisher and print s...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1666
[ Manuscript map of the Ligurian coast from Pietra to Genova ].
Very detailed French manuscript map of the Ligurian coast from Pietra and Finale, Savone to Genoa with the Maritime Alps in the background. The Liguria coast borders to n...
Place & Date: France, ca. 1790-1800
[Page with imaginary towns in Hungary. ] CCLXVIII
Page with imaginary towns in Hungary (230x225mm.) This leaf is from an edition of Hartmann Schedel's Liber chronicarum or Nuremberg Chronicle. The Chronicle was published...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1493
Picardie Meridionale Le Cambresis et leurs Environs.
Map showing the region of Picardie in Northern France. Including the towns of Abbeville, Amiens, Compiegne, Soisson, Chambray, etc.
Place & Date: Paris, 1737
Nova Helvetiae Tabula.
A most decorative "carte à figures" map with panoramic views of Lucern, S.Gal, Bern, Solothurn, Schafhausen in upper border and Basel and Zurich in lower left ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
Bern in der Schweitz.
Very fine panoramic of Bern. With a numbered key (1-25) of principal buildings in town.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1740
Anglia regnum.
Counties are shown in outline and named. The coast of Ireland is shown across the Irish Sea.Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Louvain under Gemma...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630