Browse Listings in World Maps

43 listings found. Showing results 31 to 40
McCormick's Map of the World.

Colorful promotional map of the 20th century spice trade.What better way to showcase the global composition of a multi-national company than with a world map? This lovely...

$350 / ≈ €328
Maker / Publisher: MC CORMICK CO.
Place & Date: United-States, 1931


Japanese Stereotype Map of the World from 1932 Share Hitome de wakaru Manga sekai genjō chizu. At a glance: Cartoon Map of the Current World Situation. 目でわかる 漫画世界現状地圖

An extraordinary satirical map of the world was seen through Japanese eyes in the early 1930s as Japanese imperial ambitions strengthened. The map was published as an edi...

$6500 / ≈ €6082
Maker / Publisher: SHISHIDO SAGYO
Place & Date: Tokyo, Showa 7, or 1932


Carriers of the New Black Plague.

A powerful satirical commentary on totalitarian control of speech from the first issue of Ken Magazine. "Caught here in all their peculiar beauty by the soul searchi...

$250 / ≈ €234
Maker / Publisher: COTTON, W.
Place & Date: Chicago, 1938


Nous vaincrons parce que nous sommes les plus forts. Souscrivez aux bons d'armement.

We win because we are the strongest. Support good armaments". Quote by the French Prime Minister Paul Reynaud. French wartime propaganda poster. colored world map - ...

$600 / ≈ €561
Maker / Publisher: DECHAUX, M.
Place & Date: Pars, ca. 1939


British Empire Trade Map WWII Eric Fraser.

Original vintage World War Two period British Empire trade map poster with the stylised text in Spanish reading: For more than two centuries the British fleets have kept ...

$2200 / ≈ €2059
Maker / Publisher: FRASER, E.
Place & Date: England, 1941


Carte de la Charte de L'Antique . . .

The rare French version of this decorative pictorial world map by MacDonald Gill. "This magnificent map drawn up while the Second World War still raged is already en...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: MACDONALD GILL, L.
Place & Date: London, Alf Cooke Ltd, 1943


Renault Savane 1951 L. La nouvelle voiture mixte 6 / 7 places 800 kg moteur

Original advertising poster for the French car brand Renault, printed by Barreau.Read more about Poster History [+]

$900 / ≈ €842
Maker / Publisher: MORIN. L
Place & Date: Paris, 1951


AIR France - Sur les ailes d'Air France découvrez le monde à votre tour.

Promotional poster of a double hemisphere world map designed by Lucien Boucher for AIR France. The map depicts the entire world in rich blues and burgundies with gold hig...

$2400 / ≈ €2246
Maker / Publisher: BOUCHER, L.
Place & Date: Perceval, Paris, 1952


AIR France - Super constellation, Lockhead L - 10 - 49.

Promotional poster attributed to Lucien Boucher showing of a Lockhead L - 10 - 49 on a Mercator projection world map. The map depicts a pictorial map of the entire world ...

$1600 / ≈ €1497
Maker / Publisher: BOUCHER, L.
Place & Date: Perceval, Paris, 1953


(World map). Americus Vespucio novo te Duce Ducta Freto Ambivi Meritoqs Vocor.

Manuscript world map showing the American and African continent and the southern parts of Asia. In the Indian Ocean a large depiction of Amerigo Vespucci 1454 – 1512) o...

$2500 / ≈ €2339
Maker / Publisher: FOGLY, A.
Place & Date: Italy, ca. 1954