Browse Listings in Atlases

37 listings found. Showing results 1 to 37
Atlas van Zeevaert en Koophandel door de Geheele Weereldt.

Engraved frontispiece, title printed in red and black with engraved vignette, engraved dedication to the Dutch East India Company, 32 double-page engraved charts in very ...

$50000 / ≈ €46786
Maker / Publisher: OTTENS, Reinier and Josua
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1745


ATLAS RUSSICUS mappa una generali et undeviginti specialibus vastissimum Imperium Russicum cum adiacentibus regionibus [repeated in French].

After an unnumbered general map of Russia there are 13 numbered maps that cover European Russia (scale 1, 1.527.000). The other (last) 6 maps cover Asian Russia (Siberia,...

$40000 / ≈ €37429
Maker / Publisher: Akademie von Wissenschaften
Place & Date: St Peterburg, Akademie von Wissenschaften. 1745


Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae. Das ist: Ein Reisebuch...

Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae. Das ist: Ein Reisebuch, Uber die gantze heilige Schrifft, in zwey Bücher geteilet... Zuvor gemehret mit einem Büchlein De monetis et mens...

$30000 / ≈ €28072
Maker / Publisher: BÜNTING, H.
Place & Date: Magdenburg, 1587


Kort begrip der oude en nieuwe staatkundige Geographie: behelzende eene beschryving der heerschappyen, in welken de aarde verdeeld is, haare gelegenheid. . .

Sixth edition- Interesting geographical compendium, prepared by Johann Hubner en W.A. Bachiene. Of particular interest is the section starting with pages 589 with "O...

$650 / ≈ €608
Maker / Publisher: HUBNER, J. / BACHIENE, W. A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Covens / Mortier, Utrecht, Poolsum, 1758


Atlas des Missions de la Société des Missions-Étrangères. . .

This scarce atlas contains maps showing the locations of the Catholic missions belonging to the Société des Missions Étrangères in Asia. It covers India, Burma, Siam,...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: LAUNAY, Adrien
Place & Date: Lille, 1890


[Collection of six maps of Australia and New Zealand.]

Collection of maps including 6 engraved maps by 19th century German, French and English cartographers depicting Australia and New Zealand.This made to order atlas contain...

$6500 / ≈ €6082
Maker / Publisher: Dumoulin-Dumont d'Urville / Kiepert, H./ Weiland, C.F.
Place & Date: Germany, 1832-1852


Histoire de la Navigation.

A fine example of Linschoten's classic illustrated travelogue to the East and West Indies, termed by Lach “the most important of the firsthand accounts published indepe...

$70000 / ≈ €65500
Maker / Publisher: LINSCHOTEN, J.H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Evert Cloppenburgh, 1638


Ch'onha chido.[Atlas of all under Heaven]

A late 18th-century Ch'onha chido atlas with 13 woodblock maps showing the World, China, Korea, Japan, Okinawa, and the 8 provinces. The seas are in black.Slight wear, co...

$5500 / ≈ €5146
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Korea, ca. 1760


Novus de Leone Belgico eiusq topographia atq. Historica descriptione liber (…). Rerumque in Belgio maxime gestarum, inde ab anno Christi M.D.LIX. Usque ad annum M.D.LXXXVII perpetua narratione continatus.

ENLARGED EDITION, with 207 (of 208) engravings of a famous eyewitness account of the Dutch Revolt, with the famous "Leo Belgicus" map, here in its second state...

$39000 / ≈ €36493
Maker / Publisher: AITSINGER (EYZINGER), Michael von.
Place & Date: Cologne, Gerardus Campensis for Frans Hogenberg, 1588


[Two vomlumes, with two Leo maps] De Bello Belgico, Decas Prima / Decas Secunda.

With 2 engraved titles of the 'Leo Belgicus', with one paw resting on a shield bearing the title, large woodcut printer's device on the colophons, and 30 richly engraved ...

$7500 / ≈ €7018
Maker / Publisher: STRADA, Famiano.
Place & Date: Rome, Franciscus Corbelletus, 1632-1647


Atlas Sphéroïdal et Universel de Géographie. Dressé à l'aide des documents officiels, récemment publiés en France et à l'étranger.

World atlas divided in 6 sections : World and spheres, Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Oceania, Illustrated with 63 maps in original colors, 22 double-page maps and 41 ...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: GARNIER, F.A.
Place & Date: Paris, Veuve Jules Renouard, 1862


Pomponii Melae De Orbis Situ Libri tres…[with Oronce Fine double-cordiform worldmap].

Third edition with the commentary of Joachim Vadian with some contemporary notes in Latin, issued with the first edition of Oronce Fine full-sheet woodcut map of the worl...

$28000 / ≈ €26200
Place & Date: Paris, (Chretien Wechel), 1530


Atlas Méthodique et Elémentaire de Geographie et d'histoire Dedie a Monsieur le President Henault. [4 volumes]

This is a very fine, typical French atlas, complete in its four volumes and very nice contempt. calf binding. It is in its rare first edition. The first edition of this a...

$8500 / ≈ €7954
Maker / Publisher: BUY DE MORNAS, C.
Place & Date: Paris, 1761
Selling price: $6800
Sold in 2024


Atlas historique ancien et moderne renfermant toutes les cartes anciennes, du Moyen Age, et Modernes....

This comprehensive atlas includes 33 maps of the known World as described by sources from Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Rennaissance and Age of Discovery, the Early Mo...

$1200 / ≈ €1123
Maker / Publisher: ANSART, F.
Place & Date: Paris, chez l'Auteur, 1838
Selling price: $960
Sold in 2024


Atlas de Géographie Physique, Politique, Ancienne et Moderne contenant les cartes générales et particulières toutes les parties du Monde.

Complete with title page, contents page, and all 35 double-page maps of European and regional maps of the world, including Oceania, the Americas, Asia, Africa, etc. All i...

$1600 / ≈ €1497
Maker / Publisher: BRUE, A. E.
Place & Date: Paris, 1875
Selling price: $1280
Sold in 2024


Atlas usuel de Géographie Moderne…

Complete with title page, contents page, and all 32 double-page maps of European and regional maps of the world, including Oceania, the Americas, Asia, Africa, etc. All i...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: ANDRIVEAU-GOUJON, E.
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1865
Selling price: $1200
Sold in 2024


Atlas Contractus sive Mapparum Geographicarum…

Rare variant of the first edition of Peter Schenk's "Sanson's atlas", compiled shortly after he had moved to the Vijgendam in 1706, hence the date "1706&qu...

$20000 / ≈ €18714
Maker / Publisher: SCHENK,
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1708
Selling price: $16000
Sold in 2024


[A unique, pre-publication, of the Parergon, in quo Veteris geographiae aliquot tabulae.)

This is a unique, made-to-order atlas of Ortelius's Atlas, "Parergon" or "Atlas of the ancient world." In 1579, Ortelius published his first Parergon ...

$49000 / ≈ €45850
Maker / Publisher: ORTELIUS, A.
Place & Date: Antwerp, ca. 1601-1640


Atlas général. [Composite atlas].


$27000 / ≈ €25264
Maker / Publisher: ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, Gilles / SANSON, N.
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1743


Le Nouveau et Curieux Atlas Geographique et historique, ou Le Divertissement des Empereurs, Roys, et Princes. Tant dans la Guerre que dans la Paix. Dédié A Son A.R. Monseigneur le Duc d'Orléans Regent du Roîaume de France.

Charming world atlas with double hemisphere world and the North American map feature the Island of California. In Asia and the Pacific, Australia is incompletely mapped a...

$2300 / ≈ €2152
Maker / Publisher: CHIQUET, J.
Place & Date: Paris, 1719


Beschrijving van Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien. Vervattende een Naukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands Mogentheyd [...] met meer dan thien honderd en vyftig Prentverbeeldingen verrykt...

"The most comprehensive work on Asia published in Europe during the early colonial period" (Landwehr). The first book to give a comprehensive account in text an...

$25000 / ≈ €23393
Maker / Publisher: VALENTIJN,
Place & Date: Dordrecht /Amsterdam, 1724-1726


Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini mathematicor[um] ...Octo libri Geographie. . .

Third edition of "Géographie" by Ptolemy and published in Strasbourg. Illustrated with 50 maps engraved in wood. One of the more important maps is showing the ...

$85000 / ≈ €79536
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMEE, C. / FRIES. L.
Place & Date: Strasbourg, J. Grüninger, 1522


Nouvel atlas geographique & historique.. / Nieuwe en geographische en historische Atlas..

This second edition of this charming travel compendium is becoming relatively scarce nowadays.Illustrated with a charming frontispiece, two uncolored plates of a sphere, ...

$2750 / ≈ €2573
Maker / Publisher: DE LET,H./ BAALDE,S.J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1778


Les jeunes voyageurs en Europe, ou description raisonnée des divers pays compris dans cette partie du monde.

The second edition of this fine travel companion is illustrated with 16 very decorative maps, each map surrounded by local products and specialties of the region. Include...

$1200 / ≈ €1123
Maker / Publisher: (BRIAND, P.-C.).
Place & Date: Paris, Thiériot, 1827


Manuscript atlas.

Charming manuscript atlas with 6 maps, pen and ink and water color, showing France, Europe, Africa, Palestine, North America and South America.The atlas is done by a youn...

$2200 / ≈ €2059
Maker / Publisher: BERNARD.
Place & Date: France, 1835


Atlas Universel Par M. Robert Geographe ordinaire du Roy

The first edition of one of the most important 18th-century atlases and one of the great achievements of the French Enlightenment and one of the first atlases based on sc...

$12000 / ≈ €11229
Maker / Publisher: VAUGONDY, R. de
Place & Date: Paris, 1757


Aou, Tōkei. Kokugun Zenzu [Atlas of Provinces and Counties of Japan]. (volume 1 only)

First edition. Very attractive early Japanese Atlas of detailed maps of Japanese regions compiled by six Japanese civilians in the eighth year (1837) of the Tenpō era (...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: [Nagoya]: Tōheidō, Tenpō 8 = 1837


Diverses cartes et tables pour la géographie ancienne, pour la chronologie et pour les itinéraires et voyages modernes.

Edition without date. Variant edition containing three parts : "Cartes géographiques dressées pour bien entendre les Historiens… / La Chronologie en plusieurs Ta...

$7500 / ≈ €7018
Maker / Publisher: DUVAL, P.
Place & Date: Paris, l'Auteur, no date ca.1669


A unique composite atlas with updated Porro maps.

Unique composite atlas containing in total 84 maps - 82 maps engraved by Girolamo Porro and heavenly reworked around 1686 and 2 newly engraved maps; Piccola Tartaria (Cr...

$35000 / ≈ €32750
Maker / Publisher: PORRO, G./ MAGINI
Place & Date: Venice, 1686


CH'ONHA CHIDO [Atlas of all under Heaven]

The Ch’onha chido [Atlas of all under Heaven] is a late 18th century copy of the traditional Korean atlas produced in the early Choson dynasty (1392-1910). One of the m...

$30000 / ≈ €28072
Maker / Publisher: Anonymous
Place & Date: Korea, ca. 1790


't Hooge Heemraedschap van Delfland met alle de Steden, Dorpen, Ambachten, Litmaten, Polders, (etc.).

The so-called Kruquius map is a wall-map of the Delfland water board district. The map consists of 25 engraved map sheets. Several maps flanked by fine large armorial car...

$4750 / ≈ €4445
Maker / Publisher: KRUIKIUS, N. / J.
Place & Date: Delft, 1712-1750


Atlas in elephant folio.

Most of D'Anville's atlases were made up for the individual customer, so no two appear alike. Many of the 59 pages are multi-sheet maps, so the actual map sheet count is ...

$20000 / ≈ €18714
Maker / Publisher: ANVILLE (Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'
Place & Date: Paris, 1771-1786


Tablaeu de l'Univers premiere partie/ .. seconde partie.

Uncommon and interesting manual containing a double hemisphere world map (with fine outer decoration and showing an imagined great sea in West America, easily the size of...

$750 / ≈ €702
Maker / Publisher: DESOER, F.J.
Place & Date: Luik, Belgium, 1784


Bibliomappe. Chronologie Historique et Géographique par MM. Année et Vivien bound with : Bibliomappe, ou Livre-Cartes: Leçons Méthodiques de Chronologie et de Géographie, . . .

With 67 maps (1 folding) by A.M. Perrot. Published in Paris. Most maps have original color. The atlas is complete very rare, as it was issued in 15 separate installments ...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: ANNEE et VIVIEN / [BAILLEUL, Jacques-Charles].
Place & Date: Paris, Renard, 1827 / 1824-1826


Chorographica descriptio provinciarum, et conventum fratrum minorum S. Francisci Capucinorum...

All maps are good and dark impressions. Several maps with slight foxing and browning, the folding map with 2 splits (top right part 10 cm and lower left part 6 cm into en...

$15000 / ≈ €14036
Maker / Publisher: MONTECALERIO, Ioannis. A / GUCHEN, Maximus.
Place & Date: Turin, 1649


Nieuw Nederlandtsch Caertboeck. Waer in volkomentlijcker als oyt te voren vertoont werden de XVII. Nederlanden.

Rare first edition of this atlas of the provinces of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg. Engraved title page, with : "Gedruckt t' Amsterdam by Abraham Goos Plaet...

$2750 / ≈ €2573
Maker / Publisher: GOOS, A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1616


Ch'onha chido. [Atlas of all under Heaven]

A late 18th-century Ch'onha chido atlas with 10 woodblock maps showing the World, China, and the 8 province maps of Korea (Hamgyeong, Gangwon, Jeolla, Gyeongsang, Pyeonga...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Korea, ca. 1780