Browse Listings in Atlases

30 listings found. Showing results 1 to 10
Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini mathematicor[um] ...Octo libri Geographie. . .

Third edition of "Géographie" by Ptolemy and published in Strasbourg. Illustrated with 50 maps engraved in wood. One of the more important maps is showing the ...

$85000 / ≈ €79536
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMEE, C. / FRIES. L.
Place & Date: Strasbourg, J. Grüninger, 1522


Pomponii Melae De Orbis Situ Libri tres…[with Oronce Fine double-cordiform worldmap].

Third edition with the commentary of Joachim Vadian with some contemporary notes in Latin, issued with the first edition of Oronce Fine full-sheet woodcut map of the worl...

$28000 / ≈ €26200
Place & Date: Paris, (Chretien Wechel), 1530


Theatrum praecipuarum urbium Ducatus Brabantiae. / bound with : [Hogenbergs Geschichtsblätter].

Volume including two series :1st series : [Schut, Pieter Hendricksz]. Theatrum praecipuarum urbium Ducatus Brabantiae… Illustrated with an engraved title page and 43 pl...

$6000 / ≈ €5614
Maker / Publisher: [SCHUT, Pieter Hendricksz.] / VISSCHER, N. J.
Place & Date: (Amsterdam), N. Visscher, 1657 / Cologne, 1566-1579


Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae. Das ist: Ein Reisebuch...

Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae. Das ist: Ein Reisebuch, Uber die gantze heilige Schrifft, in zwey Bücher geteilet... Zuvor gemehret mit einem Büchlein De monetis et mens...

$30000 / ≈ €28072
Maker / Publisher: BÜNTING, H.
Place & Date: Magdenburg, 1587


Novus de Leone Belgico eiusq topographia atq. Historica descriptione liber (…). Rerumque in Belgio maxime gestarum, inde ab anno Christi M.D.LIX. Usque ad annum M.D.LXXXVII perpetua narratione continatus.

ENLARGED EDITION, with 207 (of 208) engravings of a famous eyewitness account of the Dutch Revolt, with the famous "Leo Belgicus" map, here in its second state...

$39000 / ≈ €36493
Maker / Publisher: AITSINGER (EYZINGER), Michael von.
Place & Date: Cologne, Gerardus Campensis for Frans Hogenberg, 1588


Nieuw Nederlandtsch Caertboeck. Waer in volkomentlijcker als oyt te voren vertoont werden de XVII. Nederlanden.

Rare first edition of this atlas of the provinces of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg. Engraved title page, with : "Gedruckt t' Amsterdam by Abraham Goos Plaet...

$2750 / ≈ €2573
Maker / Publisher: GOOS, A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1616


Composite atlas of the Low Countries.

A composite atlas comprising 18 double-page engraved maps by or after Hessel Gerritsz, Theodoor Galle, Jacob van Deventer, Gerard Mercator, Peter Verbiest, Jean Surhon, C...

$100000 / ≈ €93572
Maker / Publisher: GALLE, Theodoor.
Place & Date: [Antwerp, c. 1633


Carte Generalles des Royaumes & Provinces, de la haute et basse Allemagne, Reveües et Corigées, par le Sr. Tassin, Geographe Ordinaire de Sa Ma.té.

Illustrated with 51 (of 52) maps of The Netherlands, Belgiem, Germany, France, Poland, Bohemia...Christophe Tassin, who was active from 1633 till 1655, was appointed 'roy...

$600 / ≈ €561
Maker / Publisher: TASSIN, Christophe.
Place & Date: Paris, [Sébastien Cramoisy], 1633


Histoire de la Navigation.

A fine example of Linschoten's classic illustrated travelogue to the East and West Indies, termed by Lach “the most important of the firsthand accounts published indepe...

$70000 / ≈ €65500
Maker / Publisher: LINSCHOTEN, J.H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Evert Cloppenburgh, 1638


[Two vomlumes, with two Leo maps] De Bello Belgico, Decas Prima / Decas Secunda.

With 2 engraved titles of the 'Leo Belgicus', with one paw resting on a shield bearing the title, large woodcut printer's device on the colophons, and 30 richly engraved ...

$7500 / ≈ €7018
Maker / Publisher: STRADA, Famiano.
Place & Date: Rome, Franciscus Corbelletus, 1632-1647