Browse Listings

1424 listings found. Showing results 1201 to 1280
[Map of Palestine ]

Map of Palestine from "La Mer des Hystoires" published by Dupré, Paris, 1536 "La Mer des Hystoires" is a translation into French of the famous "...

$3000 / ≈ €2807
Maker / Publisher: MER DES HYSTOIRES
Place & Date: Dupre, Paris, 1536


Carte d'unne partie de l'Arabie Septentrionale Pour suivre les Voyages de Mr. G.A. Vallin. . .

This is the original hand-drawn map by Victor Adolphe Malte-Brun of "Carte d'unne partie de l'Arabie Septentrionale Pour suivre les Voyages de Mr. G.A. Wallin",...

$3000 / ≈ €2807
Maker / Publisher: MALTE-BRUN, V.A.
Place & Date: Paris, November 1855


La Pieuvre Germanique.

Scarce lithographed plate not dated, by Eugène Danzanvilliers, printed by Grandremy in Paris. The plate listed by Adhemar is dated 1874. Eugène Danzanvilliers was a dra...

$3000 / ≈ €2807
Maker / Publisher: DANZANVILLIERS, Eugène.
Place & Date: Paris, 28 Quai de la Rapée, c.1874


Mapa geogra´fico de la mayor parte de la Ame´rica Meridional que contiene los paises por donde debe trazarse la li´nia divisoria que divida los dominios de Espan~a y Portugal. . .

Rare first edition of the map drawn by Francisco Requena (1743-1824) after his expedition to the Amazon in order to delineate the boundary between the Spanish and Portugu...

$3000 / ≈ €2807
Maker / Publisher: REQUENA, F.
Place & Date: Bourquin, F. Philadelphia, ca. 1876


La Chine d'Athanase Kirchere de la compagnie de Jesus, illustrée de plusieurs monuments tant sacrés que profanes et de quantité de recherches de la nature. . .

Athanasius Kircher, S.J., (1601 or 1602-1680) was a 17th-century German Jesuit scholar who published around 40 works, most notably in the fields of oriental studies, geol...

$3000 / ≈ €2807
Maker / Publisher: KIRCHER, A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1670


Tabula Russiae.

One of the most decorative maps of Russia, based on the work of Fedor Borisovich. Visscher's version of Hessel Gerritsz' rare map of Russia. In an inset -130x170mm- a pla...

$3000 / ≈ €2807
Maker / Publisher: VISSCHER, C.J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1651


Waere affbeeldinge wegens het casteel ende stadt Batavia.

A good impression of this finely engraved and detailed plan of Batavia, present-day Jakarta, the Dutch center of trading activities in the East Indies. Copied after Cleme...

$3250 / ≈ €3041
Maker / Publisher: LETI, G.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1681


ISLA DE CUBA [with 2 maps] Plano Pintoresco De La Habana con los numeros de las casas B. May y Ca. 1853. (with) Inset map Puerto y Cereanias De La Habana. (with) 14 views of Havana & prominent buildings.

Lithographic town-plan surrounded with views of the city of Havana including the "Fuente De La India En El Paseo De Isabel 2a." and "Vista Gral De La Haban...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: MAY, B. Y CA.
Place & Date: Havana, 1853



A spectacular woodcut panorama of the ancient city of Constantinople, proporting to show the pre-Turk city (for example naming St Sophia). (235x522mm).One of the earliest...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493


Bern in der Schweitz.

Very fine panoramic of Bern. With a numbered key (1-25) of principal buildings in town.

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: WOLFF HEIRS, J.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1740



A rare panoramic of Naples with over the whole length of the lower part 3 columns of poems in Latin, Dutch and French.Published by Dancker Danckerts (1634-1666).

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: DANCKERTS, D.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1660


Plan de la ville, cite universite et fauxbourgs de Paris comme il est jourddhuy. . .

Detailed town-plan of Paris.Top left and bottom right and left cartouches decorated with views of the top left, Notre Dame, Palace of Orleans, Sorbonne and Val de Grâce,...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: DE FER, N.
Place & Date: Paris, 1694


Group of 21 watercolors of scenes in Iceland, included are vulcanos like Eyjafjallajokull, Öræfajökull, etc.

A group of water colors made during visits of the artist F. de Boungne to Iceland, among them are contemporary artistic impressions of the now world-famous volcano Eyjafj...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: DE BOUNGNE, F.
Place & Date: Iceland, 1933-1944


Venecie. [Venice] Foliu XLIIII

A very fine of Venice (192x525mm.) Verso a view of Padua. Schedel's view of Venice is one of the earliest obtainable views of the city. The view is based on the view of ...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493


Runde Strasse in Peking.

Finely executed water color made by Henri Dieth of a charming street scene in Peking. The water color is made after Eduard Hildebrandt (1818-1869). Hildebrandt, was born ...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: DIETH, H.
Place & Date: Germany, 1882


Valletta citta nova dimalta.

Early copper engraved map of the towns of Valletta, Borgo, Sanglea di Sto. Michele, and the church of St. Salvator -known as the Three Cities., engraved by Henry Raignaul...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: RAIGNIAULD, H.
Place & Date: Paris, Michael Soly, 1629


Valletta ou Valete ville Forte, de l'Isle de Malta.

A beautifully engraved and richly detailed birds-eye plan of the harbour and city of Valletta seen from the northwest. In lower part extensive key, identifying 57 feautur...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J. / MORTIER, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1705


Carta terza Generale del' Asia.

Rare first state of this important chart showing part of the north coast of New Guinea and islands of the Pacific Ocean. To the north of Japan the landmass of Isola di Ie...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: DUDLEY, R.
Place & Date: Florence, 1646


Shinkan Nagasaki no Dzu.

The oldest of these so-called Nagasaki pictures (Nagasaki-zu) were two panoramic prints by the artist Chikujuken that served as guides to the city of Nagasaki for visitor...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: BAIKO-DO.
Place & Date: Nagasaki, 1801


Cruydt-Boeck van Remberus Dodonaeus. . .

Scarce, the last edition of Dodoens' Cruydt-Boeck, one of the most influential and important botanical works of the 16th and 17th centuries. With richly engraved frontisp...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: DODONAEUS, R.
Place & Date: Leyden, 1612


SETTSU MEISHO ZUE. Illustrations of famous places in Settsu.

Settsu Meisho Zue was printed in two series of 8 and 4 volumes. The principal illustrator was Takehara Shunchosai, but many illustrations in the 4 volumes supplement are ...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: AKIZATO, Rito - TAKEHARA, Shunchosai
Place & Date: Osaka, Yanagiwara Kibei, Kansei 8-10 or 1796-1798


Quantung, e Fokien, Provincie della China...

A beautifully engraved decorative map of Southern China extending from Hainan in the West to Formosa in the East and centered on the Pearl River Delta with Macao and the ...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, V.M.
Place & Date: Venice, 1691


Ducatus Prussiae tam Polono Regiae. . .

This is a rare issue of Frederick de Wit's attractive map of the northern part of Poland, Prussia and the Baltic regions.Very decorative title cartouche, including three ...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: DE WIT, F.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1698


Urbium Londini et West-Monasterii nec non Surburbii Southwark Accurata Ichnographia ,., Neuester Grundris der Staedte London und West-Munster, Samt der Vorstadt Southwark ,.,

Detailed plan of London, extending from Grosvenor Square in the west to Mile End to the east, To the right inset views of St, James's Square, and Custom House, elevations...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN, J,B.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1736


Belgii sive Germaniae Inferioris accuratissima tabula.

Very rare and very decorative map with in the right and left borders costumed figures and town plans alternately. In top and bottom border town plans and views.Separate p...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: HONDIUS, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1631


Europa recens descripta à Guilielmo Blaeuw.

On either side columns depicting the manner of dress in the major countries of Europe, surmounted by nine city views and plans.For European mapmakers their own continent ...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644


Eight Indian paintings, accordion mounted.

SUPERB SET of eight remarkable free miniatures, presenting couples in natural decorations. The miniatures are painted in Iran or India in late 19th - early 20th century]....

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: IRAN or INDIA
Place & Date: Iran, India, ca. 1900


Carte de la Charte de L'Antique . . .

The rare French version of this decorative pictorial world map by MacDonald Gill. "This magnificent map drawn up while the Second World War still raged is already en...

$3500 / ≈ €3275
Maker / Publisher: MACDONALD GILL, L.
Place & Date: London, Alf Cooke Ltd, 1943


(The City And Harbour Of Sydney From Near Vaucluse.)

One of the most sought after views of the city and harbour of Sydney seen from Near Vaucluse, 1852. Magnificent hand-colored tinted lithograph and finished by gum-Arabic....

$3750 / ≈ €3509
Maker / Publisher: ANGAS, G.F.
Place & Date: London, J. Hogarth, 1852


Pascarte van Europa Beginnende vande Canael tot aen Spitbergen, en van Ysland tot aen Nova Zemla . . .

An eye-catching chart of northern Europe with a coastline from northern Russia to the Dutch English Channel in the south. Good detail on Iceland. North to the top.In the ...

$3750 / ≈ €3509
Maker / Publisher: VAN KEULEN, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, after 1666



A spectacular panoramic view of Florence taken from Montoliveto, with legends numbered from 1- 63 in Italian. With the title in a banderol. After a design by Friedrich Be...

$3750 / ≈ €3509
Maker / Publisher: WOLFF, J.
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca 1740


(Sea-chart of Catalunia, Languedoc, Provence, Cote d'Azur, Riviera, Corsica with Marseille, Cannes, Nice, Monaco.)

This very rare chart is important as the first printed sea chart of France's Mediterranean coast, also depicting Catalunya's northern coast, the Italian Cote d'Azur till ...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: BARENTSZ, Willem.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1607


Hydrograhica descriptio

This very rare chart is important as the first printed sea chart of the Mediterranean coast of Spain, Gibraltar, also depicting the northern coast of Marocco.Willem Bar...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: BARENDTSZ, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, W.Blaeu, 1612


Amerique Septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties. . .1685. [California as an Island]

Engraved by Cordier. Spectacular example of Jaillot's map of North America, showing California as an Island, based upon Sanson's landmark map of 1656. This map shows the ...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: JAILLOT, A.H.
Place & Date: Paris, 1685


Carolinae Floridae nec non Insularum Bahamensium cum partibus adjacentibus delinatio ad Exemplar Londinense in lucem edita . . . Ao. 1755.

The German edition of this map of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands in full original colors. Published in Seligmann's "Sammlung verschiedener auslaendischer ...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: SELIGMANN, Ioh. Michael.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1755


Constantinople ville de Romanie et capitale de l'Empire des Turcs.

A very decorative and extremely rare of Istanbul, including a numbered legend in lower part. Published by Jacques Chéreau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first ...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A.
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1750


Atlas des Missions de la Société des Missions-Étrangères. . .

This scarce atlas contains maps showing the locations of the Catholic missions belonging to the Société des Missions Étrangères in Asia. It covers India, Burma, Siam,...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: LAUNAY, Adrien
Place & Date: Lille, 1890


Angliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae, sive Britannicar : Insularum descriptio.

A rare and ornate map with inset portraits of James First, Henry Prince of Wales Princess Anne of Denmark.Janssonius acquired the copperplate of van den Keere's 1604 Brit...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1621


Terra Promissions.

A beautifully executed and very rare map of the Promised Land, divided into the 12 Tribes. The shore line runs in north-southwesterly direction from Sidon as far as Pelus...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: HONERVOGT, J.
Place & Date: Paris, c.1655



Second state of this rare "carte à figures"- map of Germany, The Netherlands, Poland and central Europe. Bordered on three sides with portraits and views. In t...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1607


La marca d'Ancona. Marchia Anconitana Picaenum olim dicta. . . Romae apud Joannem Orlandini formis Rome 1604.

A re-issue of the plate by Vicentium Luchinù of 1564 now with the address of Orlandini and the dates 1602 / 1604.Collector's item. A unique opportunity to acquire a fine...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: ORLANDI, J.
Place & Date: Rome, 1604


Carte de la coste orientale de la Chine depuis Amoy, jusqu'à Chusan avec une partie de l'Isle Formose [with] Plan du port d'Amoy ou Emouy.

Important French chart of the China Sea with the coast of Northern China, including a large depiction of Formosa.Latitude and longitude scales, compass rose and system of...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Place & Date: Paris, Jean-François Robustel, 1745


Tabula Secunda Europe (Spain & Portugal)

Wood block printed large-format Ptolemaic map of the Iberian Peninsula from the 1513 edition of Waldseemüller's Geographia.This Ptolemaic map comes from the first so cal...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMY, C. / WALDSEEMÜLLER, M.
Place & Date: Strasburg, 1513


Gesigt van den Vermaakelyken Overtoom Gelegen buyten de Leydsche Poort der Stad Amsterdam te sien naar de groote en kleyne overhaal. Vüe agreable de l'overtoom, hors de la porte de leide, pres de la ville d'astersdam…

A view of the Overtoom in the eighteenth century. Etching on two joined sheets of paper, after A.Rademaker. By the eighteenth-century, numerous country villas had been b...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: SCHENK, L. [after] RADEMAKER, A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1760


A Map of the Environs of Constantinople Drawn from a great number of accurate astronomical & geographical manuscripts and printed documents, by A. Arrowsmith 1801 and 1804.

Arrowsmith’s large and detailed map of the Ottoman Empire and the Black Sea, with Cyprus, Crete and the Greek Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Albania, Bosnia and Herz...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: ARROWSMITH,A.
Place & Date: London, No.10 Soho Square, 4th September 1804


[Set of 6 maps] Charta öfver Storfurstendömet Finland på Friherre S. G. Hermelins Anstalt och Omkostnad. Sammandragen och författad af C. P. Hällström. Philos. Magister och Auscultant i Kongl. BergsColl. 1799.

This is the beautiful set of key map and separate maps of Samuel Gustav Hermelins map of Finland. The maps have been engraved by Fredrik Akrel, a very skilled and product...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Place & Date: Källa: J.Strang & E.- S. Harju: Suomen karttakirja 1799


Cunard White (Queen Mary et Queen Elizabeth de la Cunard Line).

Rare original vintage travel advertising poster for Cunard White Star, the fastest Ocean Service in the World. Stunning Art Deco style illustration of the two majestic fl...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: ROQUIN, A.
Place & Date: Paris, 1938


A Map of the most Inhabited part of New England containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island.

A copper engraving in four sheets, published in Georges Louis Le Rouge, in his "Atlas Ameriqua in Septentrional Contenant les details des differentes provinces, de c...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: LE ROUGE, G. L.
Place & Date: Paris, 1777


I Europa / Das dritteil der Welt.

Very early wood cut printed map of Europe with South to the top. In the lower-left corner we see Poland, Livonia and parts of England and Ireland in the lower right corne...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: STUMPF, J.
Place & Date: Zurich, Christoffel Froschover, 1548,1552-1566


Tabula nova Poloniae et Silesiae.

Second state, dated 1630 underneath the title. A finely engraved carte á figures with cartouche representing in the four corners of the map : Kings ( on the left side Si...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: VISSCHER, N.J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630


Asia secunda pars terrae in forma Pegasi.

Asia depicted as the flying horse Pegasus. Thiscartographical curiosity, double page copper engraved map, was published in Heinrich Bünting's “Itinerarium Sacrae Scrip...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: BÜNTING, H.
Place & Date: Brunswick, 1640


[Title page colored by Georg Mack Jr. to : Hortus Eystettensis, Sive Diligens et Accurata Omnium Plantarum, Florum, Stirpium,. . .]

Title page to the first edition, one of about 300 copies printed, from one of the largest and most magnificent of the great flower books, depicting more than 1000 flowers...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: BESLER, Basilius (1561-1629)
Place & Date: Nuremberg, ca 1613


A Newe mape of Poland Done into English by I.Speede.

A wonderful map of Poland. Incorporated into Speed's 'Prospect Of The Most Famous Parts Of The World.' Includes birds-eye views of Cracow, Dantzick, Posna, Crossen, Sando...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: SPEED,J./ HUMBLE, G.
Place & Date: London, 1627


Tabula nova utriusque Indiae.

This is the fourth and last edition of this map based on Waldseemüller's first "modern" map of Asia. It follows that cartography without change but adds an int...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMY,C. / FRIES, L.
Place & Date: Vienne, 1541


Nieuwe en Nette Afteekening van het Eyland Corsica en het Eyland Elba vertoonende alle desselfs Havenen, Steeden en Rivieren . . .

Highly decorative large sea chart of Corsica, Sardinia and Elba, including multiple sailing ships, compass roses, cartouche, coat of arms, rhumb lines, topographical deta...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: VAN KEULEN, G.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1710


Naaukeurige Platte Grond van den Staat en den Loop van Rio de Berbice Met derzelver Plantagien in de Geoctrojeerde Colonie de Berbice Gelegen. . .

Uncommon large-scale map of Berbice with Rio de Berbice and Rio de Canjewith at the bottom left a list of plantation owners. In top 3 x 3 coats of arms in cartouches. The...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: DE LETH, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1742


Atlas Sphéroïdal et Universel de Géographie. Dressé à l'aide des documents officiels, récemment publiés en France et à l'étranger.

World atlas divided in 6 sections : World and spheres, Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Oceania, Illustrated with 63 maps in original colors, 22 double-page maps and 41 ...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: GARNIER, F.A.
Place & Date: Paris, Veuve Jules Renouard, 1862


Lutetia Furens. Das ist : Die wütende Statt PARIS.

Rarissime placard dirigé contre la Ligue et le duc de Mayenne. La gravure est signée I.S. (marque inconnue). Ce placard en latin et en allemand est une reprise de l’e...

$4000 / ≈ €3743
Maker / Publisher: /. S.
Place & Date: France ca.. 1594


Paris, Lutetia, Parisii, Ville Capitale du Royaume de France.

View of Paris seen from the hill "Belleville based on that of Merian (1616) but updated with the new gates Saint-Denis and Saint-Martin. With a key 1-78 and A-Z. Sur...

$4200 / ≈ €3930
Maker / Publisher: AVELINE, P.
Place & Date: Paris, after 1676


[Crimea]. Carte de la Cromée.

Mapmaker, Captain Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen (1735-1819). Published by H. Friesman in 1787. This map first appeared in 1776 and was the first Russian map of the newly ann...

$4250 / ≈ €3977
Maker / Publisher: KINSBERGEN, J.H. van
Place & Date: Amsterdam, H. Frieseman, 1787


Les Villes forts et châteaux de Malte capitale de l'isle de ce nom. Dessignée sur le lieu par un Ingr du roy.

A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Valetta, including a numbered legend in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and...

$4400 / ≈ €4117
Maker / Publisher: CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A.
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1750


La Place de Saint Marc a Venise.

A very attractive Town plan of the place St Marc in Venice.Joan Blaeu published during his life three town-books of Italy: Citta del Vaticano, Rome and Napoli. By the yea...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J. / MORTIER, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1705


(Lübeck) Lvbeca vrbs. imperialis libera. civitatvm. Wandalicarvm. . . .

Impressive more than 3 meters wide panoramic town view after a woodblock engraving from Elias Diebel, initially made in 1552. Of this original woodblock, Bachmann mention...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: DIEBEL, E. after
Place & Date: Germany, c. 1855


Nouvelle Mappa Monde.

State 2 of this fine double hemisphere world map, from an unusual perspective, with a "Mer de L'Ouest" or "Sea of the West". Paris is located at the c...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: SANTINI, P. / REMONDINI, M.
Place & Date: Venice, 1776 - 1784


Carte des côtes du Golfe du Mexique compris entre la pointe sud de la presqu'Ile de la Floride et la pointe nord de la presqu'Ile d'Yucatan: Dresée d'après le observations et las plans des espagnols, ...

Detailed and important early chart of the Gulf Coast and Florida and dated 1800. First French edition of "the first printed [map] to show and name Galveston Bay&qu...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Place & Date: Paris, 1800


Pas-Kaat vaneen gedeelte van de Aethiopische Zee behelsende de Kusten Zanguebar, Ajan en Abex, en een gedeelte van de Arabische Kust. . .

A finely engraved and detailed chart of the most eastern tip of Africa, including Somalia, Djibouti, Yemen, Mauritius, and many other islands in the Indian Ocean.Very rar...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: VAN KEULEN, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1753


Il regno della China detto presentente Catay e Magnin. . .

A rare and decorative Italian map of China and Japan, with Japan closely modelled on the indented Cardim outline and Hokkaido, called Yuppi , shown as an Asian peninsula....

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: ROSSI, G.
Place & Date: Rome, 1682


Tabula Prima Africa.

The map apart from depicting Morocco also shows southern Spain and the Balearic Islands. In north Africa the map extends eastwards toward modern day Algeria and to the we...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMY, C. / WALDSEEMÜLLER, M.
Place & Date: Strasbourg, 1513



A spectacular panoramic view of Paris, with legends numbered from 1-70 in French. With the title in a banderol.After a design by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690-1776) who...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: WOLFF, J.
Place & Date: Augsbourg, ca. 1740


Nouveau Plan Routier de la Ville et Faubourgs de Paris // Avec ses principaux Edifices et Nouvelles Barrieres.

Decorative wall map of Paris, published by M. P|chon in Paris and engraved by Michel Glot. The plan is framed by a floral border and there are 27 Parisian views of places...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: GLOT, M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1834


(Northern celestial planisphere with a pasted volvelle.)

Probably by the Vienna astronomer Melchior Klayber who used the Copernican precession theory, which is closely connected with the chart (Ptolemy - 6° 40' and Ptolemy - 5...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: KLAYBER, Melchior ?
Place & Date: Vienna, ca. 1569


Transom of a ship in gilded carved wood bearing the inscription "DUMONT- DURVILLE"

Decorative transom sign in gilded carved wood bearing the inscription "DUMONT- DURVILLE" in a foliage environment. The transom usually kept the name of the ship...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: France, ca. 1880


Coeli Stellati Christiani Haemisphaerium Prius.

Scarce first issue. This spectacular celestial chart presents the constellations according to Christian symbolism. The view of the constellations is based on the work of ...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS, A.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1660


Nieuwe en zeer accuraate Zee-Caart van de Hollandse Wal strekkende van de Maas tot Texel opgenomen door Jan Rokusz Douw, , ,

A very fine and rare chart of the coast of Holland, Prepared by Jan Rokusz, Douw and Agge Roskam Kool.Embellished with a very decorative cartouche with a dedicational tex...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: VAN KEULEN, J,
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1750


Pascaerte vande Caribische Eylanden, vande Barbados tot aende Bocht van Mexico ‘t Amsterdam By Hendrick Doncker. . .

First state. Rare. “This chart appeared in the first edition of Hendrick Doncker’s Zee-Atlas, of which no surviving example is known” -- Burden. This is an example ...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: DONCKER, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1659


Calendrier de la cour, tiré des éphémérides, pour l'Année bissextile.. / Notebook bearing silver plates with the VOC monogram.

A personal gift, only made for the trustees of the V.O.C. The silver plate was probably made by Drick van Hengel and Company because an entry in the diary of mintmaster J...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: HÉRISSANT, Ve.
Place & Date: Paris, 1787


Frisia occidentalis.

A rare separately published carte-a-figures of Friesland by Geelkercken in its first state. The title and the coats of arms of the eleven Frisian towns appear in the cent...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: GEELKERCKEN, Nicolaes van.
Place & Date: [Leeuwarden], Dierick Albertsen, 1618


Ch'onha chido. [Atlas of all under Heaven]

A late 18th-century Ch'onha chido atlas with 10 woodblock maps showing the World, China, and the 8 province maps of Korea (Hamgyeong, Gangwon, Jeolla, Gyeongsang, Pyeonga...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Korea, ca. 1780


A fan combines views of Hong Kong (right), Canton (left), China, ca 1850-1860.

The fan shows nice images of Hong Kong and Canton on onside and on verso a garden with 39 characters welcoming a rider on his white horse. Their clothes are heightened in...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: China, ca. 1850-1860


L'Africa divisa nelle sue Parti secondo le pui moderne . . .

A beautiful and rare two-sheet map of Africa. The title cartouche is depicted on a drape surrounded by native animals.A most noticeable feature of the decoration on the m...

$4500 / ≈ €4211
Maker / Publisher: CORONELLI, V. M.
Place & Date: Venice, 1690