Browse Listings in Nuremberg Chronicle
[Text page with Kings, Queens, Saints and Popes. Sexta Etas Mundi. Folium. CXI].
Recto text page with woodcuts of Kings. Verso text page with woodcuts of Saints and Popes. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chronicle, p...
$80 / ≈ €75
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Quita Etas Mundi. Folium. CII
Text page with wood block cuts on recto MARY AND THE APOSTLES. The Virgin Mary is seated on a throne surrounded by the apostles, among whom we are able to identify Pe...
$150 / ≈ €140
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
[Moses and Joshua descending from Mount Sinai] Quita Etas Mundi. Folium. XXXI
The Latin text page is illustrated with a large woodblock cut depiction Moses and Joshua descending from Mount Sinai with the tablets of the Law broken and found the Isra...
$250 / ≈ €234
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493