Browse Listings in America
Novi Belgii novae que Angliae nec non partis Virginiae..
The third state with Fort Kassimier and Philadelphia and nearby placenames added. To the south the Dutch colony of Nieu Amstel. New nomenclature and a key appear around t...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1684
Amerique Septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties. . .1685. [California as an Island]
Engraved by Cordier. Spectacular example of Jaillot's map of North America, showing California as an Island, based upon Sanson's landmark map of 1656. This map shows the ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1685
Archipelague du Mexique ou sont les Isles de Cuba..
Scarce map of Caribbean. A visually stunning map with a large title cartouche. This large one-sheet map was produced by the Venetian cosmographer Vincenzo Coronelli when ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1688
Amerique Septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties. . .1692. [California as an Island]
A very good impression of Jaillot's large map of North America, showing California as an Island, based upon Sanson's landmark map of 1656. A first state.The map shows the...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1692
Belgii novi, angliae novae, et partis Virginiae . . .
This example is state 3 of the original Janssonius plate, printed after Schenk acquired the plates at public auction in 1694 from the heirs of Jansson van Waesberge. The ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1694
Stoel des Oorlogs in America Waar in Vertoont Werden Alle Desself Voornaamste Eylande . . .
Large impressive map of the West Indies with the Gulf of Mexico and Florida. The map shows prominently in the center Cuba, Haiti, the Bahamas and Florida, which is here m...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1720
A new map of the English Empire in America. . .
This fine English map of eastern North America including Canada engraved by John Harris and first published by Robert Morden. John Senex acquired and made minor alteratio...
Place & Date: London, 1720
Tabula Americae Specialis Geographica Regni Peru, Brasiliae, Terra Firmae & Reg: Amazonum, Secundum relationes de Herrera, de Laet & PP d Acuña & M. Rodriguez . . .
A good and clean copy of Homann's map of the northern part of South America. The map is on the Valley of the Amazon and delineates the Amazon and its labyrinth of tributa...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1728
Carte qui contient..Iles & Terres..L'Amerique..Jamaique..
Eight maps on one sheet. From Chatelain's Atlas Historique et Méthodique . Including maps of Bermuda, Jamaica, New England with Long Island, Carolina, Chesapeake and Del...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1728
Virginie, Grande Region l'Amerique Septentrionale...
Pierre van der Aa used the old copper plate of Meurs and re-did the engraving, changed the large pictorial cartouche, a new scale of German and French leagues is provided...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1729