Browse Listings in Asia
Uncommon map of Asia. Engraved by Marco di Pietro.The map is of interest for the use of G. di Corea, for the sea between Korea and Japan.Published by Carlo Antonio Barbie...
Place & Date: Milan, 1807
Chinae, olim Sinarum Regionis, nova descriptio. Auctore Ludovico Georgio.
The first map of China ever to appear in a Western atlas, west to the top. The first state without "las Philiooinas" somewhere in 1587 added to the plate. When ...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1584
L'Asie divisée en ses principaux Etats..
Finely and crisply engraved map of Asia, decorated with an ornamental title cartouche in the lower-left corner. The map is of interest for the use of Mer de Corée for th...
Place & Date: Venice, 1776 - 1784
Kaartje van Asia. . .
Attractive and rare map of Asia. From Atlas Portatif . With a curious and oversized Hokkaido. The map is of interest for the use of Corease Zee for the sea between Korea ...
Place & Date: Deventer, 1742
DANSEUSE. Costumes Persans 9.
A beautiful hand colored lithograph of an elegant dancing girl from Persia published in the French work "Galerie Royale de Costumes peints d´après nature par diver...
Place & Date: Paris, Chez Aubert & Cie., 1842-1848
Penisola Dell India di la dal Gange Diusa ne i Regni, che in essasi contengono et accresciuta di varie notizie. Da Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola e conforme le Relationi di alcuni Padri della Compa di Giesu di Monsu Tavernier . . . 1683
Giacomo Rossi's fine late 17th century map of Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and part of Sumatra.. Engraved by Franciscus Donia. Issued in Il Mercurio geografico In lower r...
Place & Date: Rome, 1683-1688
Insularum Moluccarum Nova description.
Exquisite map of the famous Spice Islands based on the islands described by Jan Huyghen van Linschoten. This map was the first large-scale map of the region and depicts t...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1730
Overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch oost Indischen Archipel.
Very detailed map of Indonesia, taken from "Atlas van Nederlandsch Oost- en West-Indie," prepared by a doctor I. Dornseiffen, and published by Seyffardt's Boekh...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Seyffardt, 1884
Text engravings from "Premier livre de l'histoire de la navigation aux Indes Orientales, par les hollandois, et des choses a eux advenues . . . ", being the cla...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cornille Nicolas, 1609
L'illustration, journal officiel hebdomadaire.
L'Illustration, the first French illustrated newspaper from 1843, became the first magazine in the world in 1906 and is distributed in more than 150 countries.The mythica...
Place & Date: Paris, 1908
Allerneuester geographisch- und topographischer Schau-Platz von Africa und Ost-Indien. . .
An early issue of this important book by Johann Wolfgang Heydt's describing the Dutch factories, settlements and stations at the hands of the Dutch East India Company in ...
Place & Date: Wilhermsdorf, Tetscher u. Nürnberg, Homanns Erben, 1744
Tabula Sexta Asia (Arabian Peninsula)
This is a very desirable early Ptolemaic woodblock map of the Arabian Peninsula, here called Arabia Felix. The map is presented on a trapezoidal projection with par...
Place & Date: Vienna, 1525 -1541
Asia secunda pars in forma Pegasi.
UNRECORDED PLATE or STATE. Asia depicted as the flying horse Pegasus. Below the depiction 3 lines of engraved Latin text. Double page copper engraved map from Heinrich BÃ...
Place & Date: Brunswick, ca. 1635
Asia secunda pars terrae in forma Pegasi.
Asia depicted as the flying horse Pegasus. Thiscartographical curiosity, double page copper engraved map, was published in Heinrich Bünting's “Itinerarium Sacrae Scrip...
Place & Date: Brunswick, 1640
Isola Di Ceylan. (Manuscript map of Sri Lanka)
Manuscript map of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Inland filled with a good number of place names, mountains.
Place & Date: Italy, ca. 1750
Small detailed map of the Arabian Peninsula. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 162 outside border top right.
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1749
Die Insel Formosa neu abgemessen auf Befehl Kaysers Kamhi.
One of the earliest obtainable printed map of Taiwan or Formosa Island. It was issued around 1726 to illustrate Joseph Stöcklein's [Stoecklein] compellation of Jesuit mi...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1726
Straat Riouw onder opzicht van de commissie tot verbetering der Indische Zeekaarten..
Very large and rare so-called Blue Back centered on the strait passing between the Riau Islands. It contains an inset map with enlarged details of Riouw Harbor on Bintang...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1843
Sumatrae et insularum Locorumque nonnullorum circumiacentium. . .
Fine depicting the Island of Sumatra and the southern coasts of Malaysia from Quedo to Johore.North is orientated to the left of the page.Singapore is probably identifie...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1660
SETTSU MEISHO ZUE. Illustrations of famous places in Settsu.
Settsu Meisho Zue was printed in two series of 8 and 4 volumes. The principal illustrator was Takehara Shunchosai, but many illustrations in the 4 volumes supplement are ...
Place & Date: Osaka, Yanagiwara Kibei, Kansei 8-10 or 1796-1798
Koreische Fischerfamilie. Famille de pecheurs de Corea.
A Korean family of fishermen playing a board game. No.9' above image. From "Schinz Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen des Menschen der verschiedenen Rassen und Stämme&...
Place & Date: Zürich, 1845
Carte de la Corée d'après la Carte du Dictionnaire coréen-français par les Missionnaires de Corée. . .
Map of Korea called "Corée", which was produced by the French organization Mission Etrangères de Paris (MEP) in 1880. Supposedly, the map was based on Father ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1880
Nieuwe Kaart van het Eyland Sumatra..
Fine chart depicting the Island of Sumatra and the southern coasts of Malaysia from Quedo to Johore. North is orientated to the left of the page. Singapore is probably id...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1726
Nieuwe Caart der Eylanden van Banda.
Decorative map of the Banda Islands.François Valentijn (1666-1727), a missionary, worked at Amboina from 1684 to 1694 and 1705 to 1713 and travelled extensively in the V...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1726
ARMENIEN. Costumes de l'Empire Ottoman 9.
A beautiful hand colored lithograph of an Armenian published in the French work "Galerie Royale de Costumes peints d´après nature par divers artistes et lithograph...
Place & Date: Paris, Chez Aubert & Cie., 1842-1848
AFGHAN de CABOULE. Costumes Persans 8.
A beautiful hand colored lithograph of an elegant Afghan from Kabul published in the French work "Galerie Royale de Costumes peints d´après nature par divers artis...
Place & Date: Paris, Chez Aubert & Cie., 1842-1848
Morokoshi Meisho Zue [Illustrated Description of Famous Sites of China].
Published in Osaka, Kawachiya Genhichiro, et al. [8 book sellers], slightly later issue but apparently in Edo period, using all the same woodblocks of original first edit...
Place & Date: Osaka, Edo, slightly later than Bunka 3, year of the tiger - 1806
Plan de la rade de Macao (chine) Levé d'après les ordres mr. Rocquemaurel.
Very detailed chart of Macao and several of the surrounding Islands, and features numerous depth soundings throughout. Prepared by captain, Gaston de Rocquemaurel. Logo o...
Place & Date: Paris, c.1856 / 1863
Carte générale de L'Empire Ottoman en Europe et en Asie dressée par Henri Kiepert . . .
Large School wall map of Turkish Empire printed in chromo-lithography. Published by Dieter Reimer and printed by Ferdind Barth in Berlin. This rare map has two insets in ...
Place & Date: Berlin, Verlag von Dietrich Reimer, 1867
Imperii Sinarum nova descriptio.
Schenk and Valk's rare early 18th century issue of Janssonius milestone map of China, Korea and Japan after Martino Martini. Engraved by Johannes van Loon. The overall ba...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Nouvelle Carte De L'Asie Avec Des Tables Alphabetiques Pour Trouver Sans Peine Les Etats Des Principaux Princes De Cette Partie Du . . .
Chatelain's map of Asia. The title is in two lines across the map. On each side border appears an index to the map's contents.The map is of interest for the use of Mer Or...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1719
Kiepert's Physikalische Wandkarten IV. ASIEN. . .
Wall map of Asia printed in chromo lithography. Published by "Stich und Druck der lith. Anst. Von Leopold Kraatz in Berlin". Physical map showing the Asian cont...
Place & Date: Berlin, D. Reimer, 1873
Arabia Felice Nuova Tavola.
Fine early map of Arabian peninsula, being one of the earliest modern maps of the region.Girolamo Ruscelli first published the map in his "La Geographi di Claudio To...
Place & Date: Venice, 1598
Carte nouvelle des Terres de Cucan..
Prepared by H.Reland (1676-1718) a professor active in Utrecht and specialized in Asian languages, geography and religions. His first map was a map of Japan copied after ...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1728
Le Grand Mongol. . .
Rare full portrait of the Mongol emperor of Indostan, published by map seller, François Jollain, the Elder (1641-1704), active in Paris, rue St. Jacques à la ville de C...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1686
Published in Hondius' editions of the Mercator Atlas from 1606 onwards, showing China, Korea as an island, and the northern Pacific coast of America showing the two conti...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1633
Parliamentary Papers - Foreign Office - Annual Series - Diplomatic and Consular Reports on Trade and Finance.
Very scarce - Only for the British Parliament and the British Crown printed - and not for the trade! Accounts about the Korean country during the time span of the last th...
Place & Date: London, Harrison and Sons, 1882-1906
Karte von dem groessten Theil des Landes Jemen Imame, Kaukeban &c.
Large map of Yemen from "Allgemeiner grosser Atlas" published by P. J. Schalbacher - 1786-1800. Based on the observations of the Danish explorer Carsten Niebuhr...
Place & Date: Vienna, 1789
Mapa De la parte de la Isla Formosa sa perteneciente al Emperadotde la China sacado por Ord. De S.M.
Extremely rare map of the west coast of Taiwan, the Punghu or Pescadore Islands, and the Fokien or Fujian coast of China. Several ancient Taiwanese cities are noted, incl...
Place & Date: Manilla, Seminario Conciliar, y Real de San Carlos, 1788-1792
A new & accurate map of Asia, Drawn from the most approved modern maps & charts / by Thos. Bowen.
The map is of interest for the use of Sea of Korea, the sea between Korea and Japan.Detailed map of Asia from Saudi Arabia, Persia, Russia, India, China, Japan to Southea...
Place & Date: London, J.Cooke, 1777-1778
Selling price: $600
Sold in 2023