Browse Listings in VOC & Trading Companies > V.O.C.
'S Lands Magazijn en Werf. [&] Het Oostindischehuis.
Two decorative lithographies on one sheet. View of the 'T Landts Magazyn , or 'Scheepvaartsmuseum' (Maritime Museum) on top. On the bottom the East Indian House , the hea...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1840
Oostindische Zeemagazijn. & De Werf van Het Oostind. Zeemagazijn.
Two decorative lithographies on one sheet, illustrating the V.O.C. East Indian Arsenal and the naval shipyard.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1840
s'Lands en Oost-Indische Lynbanen. & t'Oost-Indisch-Huys.
A decorative print of the Lynbanen a place were V.O.C. ship riggings and ropes were produced and kept.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1760-1767
Le Chantier d'Amsterdam.
Decorative lithography representing the head quarters of the V.O.C. and shipyard in Amsterdam. The building serves nowadays as the Maritime Museum. After a painting by A....
Place & Date: Brussels, J. B. A. Jobard, 1825
Portrait of Jan Maatzuiker.
Portrait of Jan Maatzuiker, Governor-General of the East Indies from 1653 till 1678. From Kok's Woordenboek . Engraved by Reinier Vinkees in 1790.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1790
D' Admiralyteyts Huys - La maison de l'Amirauté.
Decorative print of the Admiralty House of the V.O.C., now-a-days Maritime Museum in Amsterdam.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1720
s'Lands en Oost-Indische Lynbanen.
A decorative print of the Lynbanen a place were V.O.C. ship riggings and ropes were produced and kept.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1760-1767
A decorative print of the East Indian House, the headquarters of the V.O.C., a place for meeting, trading and storage of spices and ship equipment. The maps and charts we...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1760-1767
Arcenal de l'Amirauté.
A decorative print of the 'T Landts Magazyn , or 'Scheepvaart Museum' (Naval Museum).
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1700
Muitery op het O:I: Comp. schip Barbestein in Duins.
Anonymous engraving of a mutiny of the VOC ship Barbestein .
Place & Date: Amsterdam c.1790