Browse Listings in VOC & Trading Companies
'T Eilandje Desima verblyf plaats der Hollanders in Japan.
Bird's-eye view of Dejima copied from a manuscript by Voogt, who was second-in-command on Deshima in 1713. The island is viewed from the landside, depicting the developme...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1739
A fine bronze cannon.
Cannon built up of two truncated conusses, differing in size, the steps marked by mouldings shaped as flat bands preceded by ogees: base ring similar; breech with ogee-sh...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1755
Lyste vande prysen der goederen ingekoft by de Kamer. . .
Rare price list of meat, bacon, wheat, rye, butter, cheese, olive oil, Spanish wines, Bordeaux, brandy etc.On front page in letter press Lyste Van de Pryfen der Goederen,...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1685
Vue du Magazin de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales. . .
So-called optical print of the formerly the V.O.C. warehouse and arsenal for the Admiralty of Amsterdam, now-a-days the Scheepvaartmuseum (Maritime Museum).In the eightee...
Place & Date: France, 1780
Nader prolongatie van het Octroy voor de Westindische Compagnie voor den tyd van nog dertig jaaren. . .
A proclamation by the Dutch States General, dated 1761, extending the charter of the Dutch West India Company for another thirty years. Like the 1730 proclamation, it has...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1761
Portrait of Jan Maatzuiker.
Portrait of Jan Maatzuiker, Governor-General of the East Indies from 1653 till 1678. From Kok's Woordenboek . Engraved by Reinier Vinkees in 1790.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1790
Gustaaf Willem Baron van Imhoff.
Decorative portrait of Gustaaf Willem Baron van Imhoff, who was Governor for the V.O.C. (Dutch East Indian Company) in Indonesia.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1745
Muitery op het O:I: Comp. schip Barbestein in Duins.
Anonymous engraving of a mutiny of the VOC ship Barbestein .
Place & Date: Amsterdam c.1790
Extract uit de Resolutien door Heeren Bewindhebberen der Oost-Indische Compagnie gecommitteerd ter Vergadering van 17e binnen Amsterdam genomen op Donderdag
Contains a list of resolutions dated from 27th November 1783 and reports about the dumping of oil, tar etc. into the sea.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1751
Extract uyt de Resolutien, door de Vergadering der Heeren Zeventienen, van de Generale Nederlandsche O. I. Compagnie binnen Amsterdam, genomen op Woensdag den 2 April 1774.
Contains a list of resolutions dated from 2nd April 1774 and concerning health care. Boarding crew had to be examined by the ship's surgeon. People with illnesses were to...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1751