Browse Listings
Royaume de Bohéme, Marquisat de Moravie, et Silésie Autrichenne.
Small detailed map of today Czech Republic. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 32 outside border top right. Mary...
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1749
Oostindische Zeemagazijn. & De Werf van Het Oostind. Zeemagazijn.
Two decorative lithographies on one sheet, illustrating the V.O.C. East Indian Arsenal and the naval shipyard.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1840
'S Lands Magazijn en Werf. [&] Het Oostindischehuis.
Two decorative lithographies on one sheet. View of the 'T Landts Magazyn , or 'Scheepvaartsmuseum' (Maritime Museum) on top. On the bottom the East Indian House , the hea...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1840
ANTIBES, Ville et Port de Mer de Provence, sur la Mer Mediterranée.
Early plan of Antibes. From his "Introduction à la fortification".
Place & Date: Paris, 1693
[The Dutch covalesce on the Isle Santa Clara.]
Many of the Dutch were in poor health after their Atlantic crossing and when they found an island to the north of Rio de Janeiro, called Santa Clara, (I. do Francez) they...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
Plan of the Borough of New Rochelle, Westchester Co. N.Y.
Fine lithographed map of the plan of the Borough of New Rochelle. The map provides the names of specific homeowners, as well as information about the occupations and phys...
Place & Date: New York, 1867
Map of Formosa. My hunting place.
An unusual hand drawn map of Formosa with an inset plan ‘My hunting place’. The map has the major cities marked in red ink and was made during Japanese occupation. Th...
Place & Date: Chiayi, Formosa, ca. 1940
Partie Orientale de la Carte des Anciennes Monarchies. . .
This map depicts the eastern part of the Ancient World, Partie Occidentale de la Carte des Anciennes Monarchies including the Near East, Cyprus, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, I...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1800
Le Curieux.
A risqué but delightful French engraving produced in the late eighteenth century. It is simply titled The Curious, and shows a young lady lying on her side on a divan, w...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1790
Cazal. (Casale Monferrato)
A rare panoramic of Casale Monferrato in the Piedmont region. Engraved by Pierre Aveline (Paris, c.1656 - 23 May 1722). He was also a print-publisher and print-seller. H...
Place & Date: Paris, 1690-1730
Koreische Fischerfamilie. Famille de pecheurs de Corea.
A Korean family of fishermen playing a board game. No.9' above image. From "Schinz Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen des Menschen der verschiedenen Rassen und Stämme&...
Place & Date: Zürich, 1845
Leaf on vellum from a printed Book of Hours.
21 lines of printed text, surrounded by Renaissance borders decorated with flowers and little miniatures with figures on both sides.From the press of the leading Parisian...
Place & Date: Paris, Germain Hardouyn, c. 1520-1540
A panoramic view of the Helmond, seen from the Kromme Steenweg .
Place & Date: Arnhem, 1613
Porte de Harlem (Heemstede/Haarlem)
Showing the Haarlemmer Poort (gate) in Heemstede near Haarlem. Likely published by Mondhard, who was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in rue St.Marti...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Finely etched depiction of a vessel, with a lettered key. With explanatory text on verso.From the French text edition of Description d'Univers.. (5 volumes), 1683. By All...
Place & Date: Paris, 1683
[Title page] La Sphere Royale.
Title page from Nicolas de Fers "La Sphere Royale", published in 1717. Showing a sphere, surrounded by Neptune, Europe, the elements and scholars.
Place & Date: Paris, 1717
Aux buttes Chaumont.
Chromo lithographed poster, "Aux buttes Chaumont.", by CHERET, J. Plate 141, published in Maître 17, on April 1898. The "Les Maîtres de l'Affiche" c...
Place & Date: Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, April 1898
[Incas lay siege to Cusco.]
Atahualpa’s brother, Manco, organized a long and bloody siege to reoccupy the Inca capital, which eventually spread to open rebellion throughout the land. Pizarro, who ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, M.Merian, 1633
[Perspective print after J. Vredeman de Vries. ]
Engraving depicting the use of the vanishing point. From Les cinq rangs de l'architecture, a savoir, Tuscane, dorique, ionique, corinthiaque et composée avec l'instructi...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1606
Du sang à l'aube.
Original lithographed poster for the Spanish movie "Blood at dawn" (1948) directed by Rafael Gil, based on the novel by Blasco Ibanez. Poster designed by Duccio...
Place & Date: Paris, 1948
Illustriss et excellentiss D.Paulus Quirini divi Marci procurator.
Fine text page from Isolario Dell'Atlante Vento. with two copper engraved portraits printed within letter press. In top portrait of "Hieronymus Quirinus" (60x55...
Place & Date: Venice, 1691
[Human sacrifice.]
Aquatint depicting a human sacrifice engraved by Gallina. Plate N°72.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, ...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[ Montezuma II As Represented in an Anonymous Codex in The Vatican ].
Aquatint depicting Motezuma II represented in the Vatican's anonymous codex engraved by DKB. Plate N°64.The Codex Vaticanus, so called because it is the most famous manu...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[ Hieroglyph Christian calendar written in an Aztec style ].
Aquatint depicting Hieroglyph Christian calendar written in an Aztec style engraved by BonattiB. Plate N°84.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou H...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
A view of Amsterdam taken from the Old Rampart.
So-called optical print of Amsterdam, published by Jean Mondhare after a print by Laurie and Wtitle. With captions in English and French above and belowIn the eighteenth ...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1760
[ Mexican traditional garments ].
Aquatint depicting Mexican traditional garments engraved by Gallina. Plate N°83.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de ...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[Slave labor on an indigo plantation ].
Aquatint depicting slave labor on an indigo plantation engraved by Fumagalli. Plate N°51.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouverne...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[ Aztec low relief representing ancient warriors ].
Aquatint depicting an Oaxaca monument representing a warrior engraved by Bonatti. Plate N°67.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouv...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
(Title page) Vedute dei principali monumenti di Venezia.
Decorative title page with in the lower part small inset view of Doge Palace, St. Marco and a gondola.
Place & Date: Venice, 1860
Oost-Indis Zee Magazyn - Arçenal des Indes Orientalis.
Decorative view of the East Indian Arsenal, now-a-says the Maritime Museum.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1700
Vue perspective de l'interieur de la Salle du spectacle de Veronne en Italie.
Showing the Opera of Verona. Optical print published Mondhare, who was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in rue St. Jacques in Paris. In the eighteent...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1780
[ Azrec Idols ].
Aquatint depicting Aztec idols engraved by Gallina. Plate N°698.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de la...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[Title page] Les plans et profils de toutes les principales villes et lieux considerables de France . . .
Title page of the first part of the atlas "Les plans et profils de toutes les principales villes et lieux considerables de France", by Nicolas Tassin.Nicolas Ta...
Place & Date: Paris, 1634
Philippines - The famous volcanic peak Mt. Mayon. . .
Mt Mayon Volcano Peak near Legaspi on the Philippines. Fine Pan American Airline mini poster.Pan American World Airways, originally founded as Pan American Airways and co...
Place & Date: 1956
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2023
[ Acrobatic games ].
Aquatint depicting acrobatic games engraved by Gallina. Plate N°78.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[Stop race of nuclear weapons.]
Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster.Read more about the Soviet propaganda poster. [+]
Place & Date: Moscow, 1986
A panoramic view, showing the Turkish siege of Candia, with a numbered key (1-33) at the bottom locating 33 points of interest. of Crete coast and the Turkish vessels (33...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1678
Carte du Tche-Kiang. [ Zhejiang province ]
Map of Tche Kiang, prepared by Bishop Edmond-François Guierry, C.M. (Vicar Apostolic of Zhejiang, China) after sources supplied by missionaries. Published in "Les M...
Place & Date: Paris, 1874
Waare afbeelding van den vermaarden Heer Quinquenpoix. [True portrait of the renowed Mr. Quinquenpoix]
Page taken from Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid : vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlan...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
D' Admiralyteyts Huys - La maison de l'Amirauté.
Decorative print of the "D'Admiralyteits Huys", Het Prinsenhof, of the Dutch East India Company VOC. Located at the Oudezijds Voorburgwal 195-199, Amsterdam.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1700
Punishment of a criminal in China.
Punishment of a criminal in China from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Tombeau de Soultan Qalaoûn.
Lithograph by Bernard Schmidt representing the tomb of sultan Ibn Qalaoun, founder of the mamluk dynasty during the 13th century. The tomb has some rich stained glass and...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
[Slave labor on a Tobacco plantation ].
Aquatint depicting slave labor on an tobacco plantation engraved by Biasioli. Plate N°50.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouverne...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[ Mexican weapons ].
Aquatint depicting an Oaxaca monument representing a warrior engraved by Bonatti. Plate N°66.Oaxaca is the historic home of the Zapotec and Mixtec peoples, and contains ...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[Title cartouche from Carte de la France]
Title cartouche from "Carte de la France", prepared by Captaine and published by Pierre D. Belleyme.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1789
[ Mechoacan Indians traditional garments ].
Aquatint depicting Mechoacan Indians traditional garments engraved by Gallina. Plate N°85.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvern...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Vue du village de Maarsen en Hollande.
Showing the river Vecht at the town of Maarsen. Published by Jacques Chereau, who was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in rue St. Jacques in Paris. I...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
[View of the Potomac River from Mount Vernon ].
Aquatint depicting a view of the Potomac River from Mount Vernon engraved by Fumagalli. Plate N°46.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire d...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
[ Mexican weapons ].
Aquatint depicting Mexican weapons engraved by DKB. Plate N°65.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de la ...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
A very decorative 19th century map of the Pacific Ocean, with hand colored lines indicating the extent of Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, and Malaysia (or Southeast Asi...
Place & Date: Paris, 1850
[ Chief Regolo ].
Aquatint depicting chief warriors engraved by G. G. Plate N°58.Cacique from the taíno word for the pre-Columbian tribal chiefs or leaders, of the Taino tribes in the Ba...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Rowntree's Elect Cocoa.
Chromo lithographed poster of Les Maîtres de l'Affiche being plate n°168. The "Les Maîtres de l'Affiche" contained 256 small for lithographic prints of the b...
Place & Date: Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, 1899
Sibyl d'Ahmed Hoceyn Margouch.
Lithograph by Fichou. From the author's "L'Art Arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire...". Emile Prisse d'Avennes, Orientalist & Muslim convert, obsessive in...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877
Feast of China.
A scene of a Chinese dinner feast from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Canada Creek Falls . . [title in French, English, German & Latin] N°32. Pl. 4.
A view of the Canada Creek Falls.From 8e Livraison Amérique Septentrionale - Etat de New York. After Jacques Milbert and lithographed by Dupressoir and figures by V. Ada...
Place & Date: Paris, Bove dirigée par Nöel ainé & Cie, 1892
Quita Etas Mundi. Folium. CII
Text page with wood block cuts on recto MARY AND THE APOSTLES. The Virgin Mary is seated on a throne surrounded by the apostles, among whom we are able to identify Pe...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
[ Jorullo Volcano ].
Aquatint depicting the Jorullo Volcano engraved by Fumagalli. Plate N°61.El Jorullo is a cinder cone volcano in Michoacán, central Mexico in an area known as the Michoa...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
La Curiosite punie, aventure hydrauli-comique et vraie.
A charming and delightful hand colored etching in the grand French style of the early nineteenth century from "Musee Grotesque No. 20" : La Curiosite punie, ave...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1816-1820
Harlekin en Bombario en den rouw.
Harlequin and Bombario in mourning, taken from Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid : vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windnegotie, in Vra...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Punishment of China.
The Chinese way of a punishment from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. Fr...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Een ander gesicht van de Oost Indische Werf: uyt het Ye.
Decorative engraving giving good detail of the entrance of the IJ with in the background the ship building wharf of the V.O.C. and its ware house, presently the Maritime ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1670
St Tropez.
Early plan of St.Tropez. From his "Introduction à la fortification".
Place & Date: Paris, 1693
Indian painting on paper.
Fine miniature, presenting a couple in love making position, set on a balcony with in a landscape in the background. The miniature has been painted in India in late 19th ...
Place & Date: India, ca. 1900
Carte du Kouy-Tchéou.
Detailed map of Guizhou Province prepared by Mgr. Faurie and other sources supplied by missionaries. Published in "Les Missions Catholique". Engraved by P. Méa...
Place & Date: Lyon, c.1874
La Dépêche Grand Format.
Chromo lithographed poster of Les Maîtres de l'Affiche being plate n°140. The "Les Maîtres de l'Affiche" contained 256 small for lithographic prints of the b...
Place & Date: Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, 1898
A very decorative 19th century map of the Pacific Ocean, with hand colored lines indicating the extent of Polynesia, Mirconesia, Melanesia, and Malaysia (or Southeast Asi...
Place & Date: Paris, 1850
Spiegel der Reden Voor de Wanhopende Actionisten. [Mirror for the reason of the despairing stockbrokers. ]
Text page with copper engraving (150 x 100mm.) taken from Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid : vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windnego...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
[ Chief Regolo ].
Aquatint depicting Chief Regolo (also called Cacique) accompanied by his women engraved by Gallina. Plate N°57.Cacique from the taíno word for the pre-Columbian tribal ...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Double page manuscript page from a Shahnameh, The Book of Kings, written by Ferdowsi.
Fine double page brilliantly illuminated gilt leaves written by the scribe Abu Bakr Jami in Isfahan. The Arabic text contains Islamic prayers with beautiful headings thro...
Place & Date: Isfahan, ca. 1780
An Artist's Model.
Chromo lithographed poster of Les Maîtres de l'Affiche being plate n°3. The "Les Maîtres de l'Affiche" contained 256 small for lithographic prints of the bes...
Place & Date: Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, 1896
[ Hieroglyph representing the Cihuacohuat Goddess ].
Aquatint depicting a hieroglyph representing the Cihuacohuat Goddess engraved by DKB. Plate N°68.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du ...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Emir Fechrredin prince des Drus.
Engraving published by Nicolas Bonnart (c.1637 - 1718), engraver in Augsburg since 1719. Before the nineteenth century portraits of rulers in the Islamic Middle East were...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1740
[ Regla columnar basalt quarry ].
Aquatint depicting columnar basalt quarry engraved by Fumagalli. Plate N°60.This common extrusive volcanic rock is used for highway construction, railroad ballast, and t...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Perspective print by Vredeman de Vries.
Engraving from Les cinq rangs de l'architecture, a savoir, Tuscane, dorique, ionique, corinthiaque et composée avec l'instruction fondamentale. by Paul Vredeman de Vries...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1606
Perspective print by Vredeman de Vries.
Engraving from Les cinq rangs de l'architecture, a savoir, Tuscane, dorique, ionique, corinthiaque et composée avec l'instruction fondamentale. by Paul Vredeman de Vries...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1606
Ride the Roads to Romance along the Golden Coast and thru the Sunshine Empire of Southern California.
This striking touring map of Southern California was published in 1950 by the Roads to Romance Association in order to promote tourism to Southern California. It provides...
Place & Date: California, 1950
Carro, che uà à vela Su le Piagge di Schevelingue.
Italian version of Prince Maurits' sailing carriage designed by Simon Stevin. The big sailing-carriage could seat 28 persons and could reach a speed of seven miles per ho...
Place & Date: Venice, 1707
[Macaire] Abus de l'article 214 du code civil. Madame mon épouse... (Plate 50)
Macaire personified the clever business man, who was willing at any time to throw moral and ethical principles overboard for a quick buck. His personality fitted exactly ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1864
[Canadian Indian traditional garments ].
Aquatint depicting Canadian Indian traditional garments engraved by Gallina. Plate N°32.From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernem...
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Franconiae nova descriptio.
Second state of this early map of Franken, including Regensburg, Heidelberg, Marburg and Hof. In lower part decorative cartouches and upper right a dedication to Franz vo...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, after 1646