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1462 listings found. Showing results 1 to 40
[A magnificent 18 inch. (46 cm.) diameter celestial globe] URANOGRAPHIA / SYDERUM ET STELLARUM / in Singulis Syderibus conspicuarum / exhibens Delineationem accuratissimam, / qua / ex Observationibus Astronomi plane Singularis / IOHANIS HEVELII...

RARE FIRST STATE OF THIS CELESTIAL TABLE GLOBE, 46 cm in diameter, produced by Gerard and Leonard Valk at the beginning of the 18th century. The globe comprises of t...

$105000 / ≈ â‚¬98250
Maker / Publisher: VALK, G. / L.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1711


Militairy manuscript map of the end of Yangzi River across Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang areas, with 3 red seals of the Ever-Victorious Army.

In lower left corner an inset plan of Songjiang District with Shanghai with a grid and the area is divided with red doted border lines.The map has three red seals of the ...

$95000 / ≈ â‚¬88893
Maker / Publisher: MILITAIRY MAP
Place & Date: China, ca 1862


Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini mathematicor[um] ...Octo libri Geographie. . .

Third edition of "Géographie" by Ptolemy and published in Strasbourg. Illustrated with 50 maps engraved in wood. One of the more important maps is showing the ...

$85000 / ≈ â‚¬79536
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMEE, C. / FRIES. L.
Place & Date: Strasbourg, J. Grüninger, 1522


[Set of five maps] Carte Générale de la Terre ou Mappe Monde

Rare and decorative set of five wall maps of the world and the four continents, prepared by Clouet, in very fine bright contemporary coloring. Each map ca. 965 x 1230 mm ...

$80000 / ≈ â‚¬74857
Maker / Publisher: CLOUET, Jean Baptiste Louis (abbé).
Place & Date: Paris and Cadiz, Mondhare, 1785-1793


Histoire de la Navigation.

A fine example of Linschoten's classic illustrated travelogue to the East and West Indies, termed by Lach “the most important of the firsthand accounts published indepe...

$70000 / ≈ â‚¬65500
Maker / Publisher: LINSCHOTEN, J.H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Evert Cloppenburgh, 1638


Matching set of four wallmaps of America, Asia, America, Europe.

Rare and decorative set of four wall maps published by Louis Charles DESNOS ( fl.1750-1770), including a border with vignettes describing native scenes. Each panel is acc...

$55000 / ≈ â‚¬51464
Maker / Publisher: DESNOS, L.C.
Place & Date: Paris, 1760-1761


Manuscript map of the Bay of Nagasaki.

An extremely rare manuscript chart in brown ink and wash color on a printed sheet of paper with a system of rhumblines and latitude scales. This chart shows the Bay of Na...

$50000 / ≈ â‚¬46786
Maker / Publisher: VAN KEULEN, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1750


Atlas van Zeevaert en Koophandel door de Geheele Weereldt.

Engraved frontispiece, title printed in red and black with engraved vignette, engraved dedication to the Dutch East India Company, 32 double-page engraved charts in very ...

$50000 / ≈ â‚¬46786
Maker / Publisher: OTTENS, Reinier and Josua
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1745


[A unique, pre-publication, of the Parergon, in quo Veteris geographiae aliquot tabulae.)

This is a unique, made-to-order atlas of Ortelius's Atlas, "Parergon" or "Atlas of the ancient world." In 1579, Ortelius published his first Parergon ...

$49000 / ≈ â‚¬45850
Maker / Publisher: ORTELIUS, A.
Place & Date: Antwerp, ca. 1601-1640


ATLAS RUSSICUS mappa una generali et undeviginti specialibus vastissimum Imperium Russicum cum adiacentibus regionibus [repeated in French].

After an unnumbered general map of Russia there are 13 numbered maps that cover European Russia (scale 1, 1.527.000). The other (last) 6 maps cover Asian Russia (Siberia,...

$40000 / ≈ â‚¬37429
Maker / Publisher: Akademie von Wissenschaften
Place & Date: St Peterburg, Akademie von Wissenschaften. 1745


Novus de Leone Belgico eiusq topographia atq. Historica descriptione liber (…). Rerumque in Belgio maxime gestarum, inde ab anno Christi M.D.LIX. Usque ad annum M.D.LXXXVII perpetua narratione continatus.

ENLARGED EDITION, with 207 (of 208) engravings of a famous eyewitness account of the Dutch Revolt, with the famous "Leo Belgicus" map, here in its second state...

$39000 / ≈ â‚¬36493
Maker / Publisher: AITSINGER (EYZINGER), Michael von.
Place & Date: Cologne, Gerardus Campensis for Frans Hogenberg, 1588


A unique composite atlas with updated Porro maps.

Unique composite atlas containing in total 84 maps - 82 maps engraved by Girolamo Porro and heavenly reworked around 1686 and 2 newly engraved maps; Piccola Tartaria (Cr...

$35000 / ≈ â‚¬32750
Maker / Publisher: PORRO, G./ MAGINI
Place & Date: Venice, 1686


[ LANDSKROON ]. Oranda Fune no zu [= Depiction of a Dutch Ship].

A very large and extremely detailed Japanese drawing on rice paper of a Dutch ship at the artificial island Deshima, the VOC's outpost in Nagasaki harbour. In the drawing...

$30000 / ≈ â‚¬28072
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Japan, Kansei 4, 2nd month, 9th day, 30 March? 1792


Description geographique, historique, chronologique, politique, et physique de l'empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie chinoise.

First edition of this cornerstone of any collection of books on China, which is also among the rarest and most desirable of important Americana, included in Rare American...

$30000 / ≈ â‚¬28072
Maker / Publisher: DU HALDE, Jean Baptiste.
Place & Date: Paris, P. G. Le Mercier, 1735


Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae. Das ist: Ein Reisebuch...

Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae. Das ist: Ein Reisebuch, Uber die gantze heilige Schrifft, in zwey Bücher geteilet... Zuvor gemehret mit einem Büchlein De monetis et mens...

$30000 / ≈ â‚¬28072
Maker / Publisher: BÃœNTING, H.
Place & Date: Magdenburg, 1587


CH'ONHA CHIDO [Atlas of all under Heaven]

The Ch’onha chido [Atlas of all under Heaven] is a late 18th century copy of the traditional Korean atlas produced in the early Choson dynasty (1392-1910). One of the m...

$30000 / ≈ â‚¬28072
Maker / Publisher: Anonymous
Place & Date: Korea, ca. 1790


Pomponii Melae De Orbis Situ Libri tres…[with Oronce Fine double-cordiform worldmap].

Third edition with the commentary of Joachim Vadian with some contemporary notes in Latin, issued with the first edition of Oronce Fine full-sheet woodcut map of the worl...

$28000 / ≈ â‚¬26200
Place & Date: Paris, (Chretien Wechel), 1530


Lion and Bull made of terracotta.

Very fine terracotta figure of a lion symbolizing the continent of Africa. The Bull symbolizing Europe.The items will be dispatched in 4 wooden crates from Belgium. Pleas...

$27500 / ≈ â‚¬25732
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Netherlandisch , 1780~1800


Atlas général. [Composite atlas].


$27000 / ≈ â‚¬25264
Maker / Publisher: ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, Gilles / SANSON, N.
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1743


COLLECTION OF HONG KONG MAPS, BOOKS & FLYERS. Including CHINA - HONGKONG surveyed by Captn. Sir Edward Belcher, in H.M.S. Sulphur 1841. Corrected to 1901.

A collection of 30 maps, prints, and publications relating to Hong Kong. Including : - BELCHER, E. Sir, An updated version of this most important nautical chart of Hong K...

$25000 / ≈ â‚¬23393
Place & Date: London, 1841 - 1901


Nouvelle et exacte description du globe terrestre reveue corrigée et augmente´e suivant les derniéres relations des Anglais et Hollandois. Par Guillaume Blaeu 1645.

Extremely rare and decorative "carte a figures" world map published by Anthoine de Fer. The double hemisphere world map is surrounded by constellations of the A...

$25000 / ≈ â‚¬23393
Maker / Publisher: DE FER, A.
Place & Date: Paris, 1645


Venise. 1700

Extremely rare panoramic broad sheet panoramic town-view of Venice with underneath in letter press a description of the town's history. The view measures more than 1 mete...

$25000 / ≈ â‚¬23393
Maker / Publisher: JAILLOT, H.
Place & Date: Paris, 1699


Secunda etas mundi. Folium XIII.

Schedel's world map was based on the cartographic system of Claudius Ptolemy, the great second-century AD geographer whose scholarship formed the foundation for map produ...

$25000 / ≈ â‚¬23393
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493


Beschrijving van Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien. Vervattende een Naukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands Mogentheyd [...] met meer dan thien honderd en vyftig Prentverbeeldingen verrykt...

"The most comprehensive work on Asia published in Europe during the early colonial period" (Landwehr). The first book to give a comprehensive account in text an...

$25000 / ≈ â‚¬23393
Maker / Publisher: VALENTIJN,
Place & Date: Dordrecht /Amsterdam, 1724-1726


[World and 4 continents] Carte Geographique Astronomique Chronologique et Historique du Monde.

French wall map of the world in 4 sheets published by Crépy "à l'entrée du Cloistre de St. Benoist du côté des maturins". A decorative wall map of the worl...

$25000 / ≈ â‚¬23393
Maker / Publisher: (INSELIN, Charles / CREPY [Family]
Place & Date: Paris, 1720-1735


Globe Terrestre Didié et Présénté a Monseigneur le Comté Maubec de Brancas...

Terrestial globe dated 1741.  Complete title "Globe Terrestre  Didié et Présénté a Monseigneur le Comté  Maubec de Brancas Par Jacque  Hardy. Dressé sur ...

$25000 / ≈ â‚¬23393
Maker / Publisher: HARDY, Jacques
Place & Date: Paris, dated 1741


Benedict. Arias Montanus Sacrae Geographiae Tabulam Ex Antiq

THE EXTREMELY RARE FIRST STATE landmark world map, famed for its depiction of the Australian landmass.One of the earliest printed maps to depict the “terra incognitaâ€...

$21500 / ≈ â‚¬20118
Maker / Publisher: ARIAS (MONTANO), Benito:
Place & Date: Anvers 1571 /1572


Plan de Paris commencé l'année 1734, Dessiné et gravé sous les ordres de Messire Michel Etienne Turgot, prévost des marchands.

FIRST EDITION of Turgot's Monumental Joined View of Paris, stretching to over 10 Feet.This expansive engraved view of Paris covers the first eleven arrondissements of mod...

$21000 / ≈ â‚¬19650
Maker / Publisher: BRETEZ, Louis / TURGOT.
Place & Date: Paris, 1739


Leo Belgicus.

Among the greatest decorative works of early cartography is a series of arresting maps showing The Netherlands and Belgium in the shape of a lion. The various versions of...

$20000 / ≈ â‚¬18714
Maker / Publisher: KAERIUS, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1617


[Printed on silk] Nieuw Wassende Graaden Paskaart Vertoonende alle de bekende Zeekusten en Landen op den geheelen Aard Boodem of Werelt door Gerard van Keulen. . .

A very scarce and beautiful chart on Mercator's projection printed on silk. With the name of Gerard van Keulen and the privilege. The map shows great interior detail, inc...

$20000 / ≈ â‚¬18714
Maker / Publisher: VAN KEULEN, G.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1728


Atlas in elephant folio.

Most of D'Anville's atlases were made up for the individual customer, so no two appear alike. Many of the 59 pages are multi-sheet maps, so the actual map sheet count is ...

$20000 / ≈ â‚¬18714
Maker / Publisher: ANVILLE (Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'
Place & Date: Paris, 1771-1786


Atlas Contractus sive Mapparum Geographicarum…

Rare variant of the first edition of Peter Schenk's "Sanson's atlas", compiled shortly after he had moved to the Vijgendam in 1706, hence the date "1706&qu...

$20000 / ≈ â‚¬18714
Maker / Publisher: SCHENK,
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1708
Selling price: $16000
Sold in 2024


Nouvel atlas de la Chine, de la Tartarie chinoise, et du Thibet.

First edition of "the principal cartographic authority on China during the 18th century". It was the second major atlas of China produced in Europe following th...

$19000 / ≈ â‚¬17779
Maker / Publisher: DU HALDE, J.-B.
Place & Date: The Hague, H. Scheurleer, 1737


Universe Europae Maritime Eiusque Navigationis Descriptio. Generale Pascaerte van Europa . . .

This general chart of north-western Europe and the surrounding coastal waters is from the rare pilot-guide De Spiegel der Zeevaerdt , printed by Christopher Plantin in Le...

$19000 / ≈ â‚¬17779
Maker / Publisher: WAGHENAER, L.J.
Place & Date: Leyden, 1584


Carta prima Generale dell' Asia.

FIRST STATE of Robert Dudley's general chart of the Persian Gulf, going east through India to the southeastern coast of China showing Macau and the area of present-day Ho...

$17500 / ≈ â‚¬16375
Maker / Publisher: DUDLEY, R.
Place & Date: Florence, 1646


[2 maps] Nieuwe Hemels Spiegel waer door den hemel, aerde en zee dadelik kan afgemeten werden. Noyt gesien en dat op alles Polus hooghten seer noodig voor Stierlieden.

Copper engraving made by Andreas van Luchtenburg in Rotterdam, published separately by Cornelis Danckerts. Dimensions. 60.5 x 52.8 cm.We see the starry sky from the nor...

$17500 / ≈ â‚¬16375
Maker / Publisher: LUCHTENBURG, A.
Place & Date: Rotterdam, Amsterdam, 1695


Le globe terrestre representé en deux plans-hemispheres, Dressé sur la Projection de Mr. De la Hyre...

“This splendid GlobeTerrestre originally published by J.B. Nolin is one of the finest large-scale world maps to be produced and is a fitting bridge between the geograph...

$17500 / ≈ â‚¬16375
Maker / Publisher: NOLIN, J.-B. / CREPY.
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1780


Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula.

Since its appearance as an Appendix in 1630, the atlas launched by Willem Blaeu and continued by his son Joan had expanded greatly. But despite many new regional maps the...

$17500 / ≈ â‚¬16375
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1662


Americae Nova Descriptio.

Final state. According to Philip Burden, "this scarce map is America's first single-sheet map with decorative borders." A re-issue of the 1614 plate by Pieter v...

$16000 / ≈ â‚¬14971
Maker / Publisher: VISSCHER, N.J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1652


Nansenbushu bankoku shoka no zu.

This wall-map is a great example of Japanese world maps representing Buddhist cosmology with real-world cartography. It is the earliest one and - therefore - the prototyp...

$16000 / ≈ â‚¬14971
Maker / Publisher: ZUDA ROKASHI (Priest Motan)
Place & Date: Kyoto, (Hoei 7 = Year of the Tiger) 1710