Browse Listings in VOC & Trading Companies
'T Eilandje Desima verblyf plaats der Hollanders in Japan.
Bird's-eye view of Dejima copied from a manuscript by Voogt, who was second-in-command on Deshima in 1713. The island is viewed from the landside, depicting the developme...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1739
Gezicht van het Admiraliteits-Magazyn en Scheeps Timmerwerf.
Formerly the V.O.C. warehouse and arsenal for the Admiralty of Amsterdam, now-a-days the Scheepvaartmuseum (Maritime Museum). Taken from the "Atlas of Amsterdam"...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1780
Gezicht van het Oost-Indisch-Huys, op de binnen plaats te zien, tot Amsterdam.
Taken from the "Atlas of Amsterdam". Showing the inner square of the East Indian House of the V.O.C. in Amsterdam.A place for meeting, trading and storage of sp...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1780
Vue du Magazin de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales. . .
So-called optical print of the formerly the V.O.C. warehouse and arsenal for the Admiralty of Amsterdam, now-a-days the Scheepvaartmuseum (Maritime Museum).In the eightee...
Place & Date: France, 1780
Gustaaf Willem Baron van Imhoff.
Decorative portrait of Gustaaf Willem Baron van Imhoff, who was Governor for the V.O.C. (Dutch East Indian Company) in Indonesia.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1745
Les environs d'Ostende. XII.
Beautiful view of Oostende. A somewhat fanciful depiction of the harbor of Oostende, with merchant on the foreground and large vessels in the sea. The item is signed (Dre...
Place & Date: Belgium, c. 1811
Extract uyt de Resolutien, door de Vergadering der Heeren Zeventienen, van de Generale Nederlandsche O. I. Compagnie binnen Amsterdam, genomen op Woensdag den 2 April 1774.
Contains a list of resolutions dated from 2nd April 1774 and concerning health care. Boarding crew had to be examined by the ship's surgeon. People with illnesses were to...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1751
Nader prolongatie van het Octroy voor de Westindische Compagnie voor den tyd van nog dertig jaaren. . .
A proclamation by the Dutch States General, dated 1761, extending the charter of the Dutch West India Company for another thirty years. Like the 1730 proclamation, it has...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1761
Share of 1000 Florins to Michel de Knyff. N° 135.
Share of 1000 Florins, paid in four tranches at 250 Florins of Vienna, from "Compagnie Imperiale & Royale Octroyee d'Assurance de Commerce & d'escompte."...
Place & Date: Trieste, 1782 - 1783
Lyste vande prysen der goederen ingekoft by de Kamer. . .
Rare price list of meat, bacon, wheat, rye, butter, cheese, olive oil, Spanish wines, Bordeaux, brandy etc.On front page in letter press Lyste Van de Pryfen der Goederen,...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1685