Browse Listings in Maritime > Instruments
Very fine brass astronomical equinoctial ring with two brass circles.
Very fine brass astronomical equinoctial ring with two brass circles with engraved foliage decoration, signed "Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas Delure A Paris", on the han...
Place & Date: Paris, undated, ca. 1690
Nocturlabe in boxwood and brass.
Nocturlabe in boxwood and brass, the wheels maintained by a central nut presenting an annual calendar divided into months and days, an hour disc and a mobile alidade, the...
Place & Date: England, ca. 1700
Nocturnal in boxwood and brass.
Nocturlabe in boxwood and brass, the wheels maintained by a central nut presenting an annual calendar divided into months and days, an hour disc and a mobile alidade, the...
Place & Date: England, Thomas Cooper, dated 1701
A ship's hour glass.
Maritime hourglass with blown glass bulbs, orange sand, junction ring covered with cord, the circular ebony frame with six turned baluster columns. The invention of the ...
Place & Date: Germany, ca. 1750
A ship's hour glass.
Maritime hourglass with blown glass bulbs, orange sand, junction ring covered with cord, the circular ebony frame with six turned baluster columns.The invention of the ho...
Place & Date: The Netherlands, Germany, ca. 1750
Steel compass with a gilded radiating pattern.
Steel compass with a gilded radiating pattern.Provenance : Collection Henri-Claude Randier.
Place & Date: ca. 1760
Inverted nautical Compass, called "mouchard" (~ "spy")
Inverted maritime compass called "mouchard" (spy) in wood and brass, signed "A Van Vastenhoud In Amsterdam". This type of compass was found in the cap...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1780
Mariner’s compass
Inverted compass called "snitch" in wood painted in imitation of tortoiseshell and brass, signed "Ing MANN Maker Water Street Liverpool".
Place & Date: Liverpool, ca. 1785
A ship's hour glass
The element common to celestial position-finding, the calculation of speed for dead reckoning and even everyday life at sea is the time: hence ways of determining and kee...
Place & Date: ca. 1790
Early 19th century magnetic dry card compass with wooden bowl,
Brass dry rose marine compass, in its mahogany case. The mariner's compass, which enabled mariners to know the direction in which they were sailing, has always been one o...
Place & Date: ca. 1800
MAUREEN Shipping model of a fishing boat.
This type of fishing ships were used by the Dutch fisherman to fish for codfish, and even reached with them into the Canadian waters.Overall dimensions: 1400 x 100 x 230m...
Place & Date: Netherlands, ca. 1850
A very nicely crafted sloop compass in original box. The compass is gimbaled and is executed in beautiful red copper. Made and signed by F.J. Kloos & Son of Rotterdam...
Place & Date: Rotterdam, 1850-1875
Marine parallel rulers in brass.
Very fine marine parallel rulers in brass. The parallel ruler is the oldest and most traditional way to measure and trace routes and bearings. The principle is simple: t...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1880
Transom of a ship in gilded carved wood bearing the inscription "DUMONT- DURVILLE"
Decorative transom sign in gilded carved wood bearing the inscription "DUMONT- DURVILLE" in a foliage environment. The transom usually kept the name of the ship...
Place & Date: France, ca. 1880
A sloop compass in the original wooden box with lit. The compass with floating rose (Cardan system). Slung in gimbals, the east point is decorated and graduated in half ...
Place & Date: c. 1890-1900