Browse Listings in Map Types > Pictorial & Advertising

11 listings found. Showing results 1 to 11
Asia secunda pars in forma Pegasi.

UNRECORDED PLATE or STATE. Asia depicted as the flying horse Pegasus. Below the depiction 3 lines of engraved Latin text. Double page copper engraved map from Heinrich BĂ...

$5000 / ≈ â‚¬4816
Maker / Publisher: BĂśNTING, H.
Place & Date: Brunswick, ca. 1635


Carte de la Charte de L'Antique . . .

The rare French version of this decorative pictorial world map by MacDonald Gill. "This magnificent map drawn up while the Second World War still raged is already en...

$3500 / ≈ â‚¬3371
Maker / Publisher: MACDONALD GILL, L.
Place & Date: London, Alf Cooke Ltd, 1943


(World map). Americus Vespucio novo te Duce Ducta Freto Ambivi Meritoqs Vocor.

Manuscript world map showing the American and African continent and the southern parts of Asia. In the Indian Ocean a large depiction of Amerigo Vespucci 1454 – 1512) o...

$2500 / ≈ â‚¬2408
Maker / Publisher: FOGLY, A.
Place & Date: Italy, ca. 1954


A Map and History of Peiping; formerly known as Peking; capital of provinces, princedoms and kingdoms since 1121 B.C. . .

The uncommon second edition of this very decorative and informative pictorial map of Beijing and surrounding areas whimsically illustrates the Forbidden City, essential e...

$2000 / ≈ â‚¬1926
Maker / Publisher: DORN, F.
Place & Date: The Peiyang Press, Ltd. Tientsin-Peiping, 1936


[Planisphère] - Crédit Lyonnais - Fondé en 1863. Afrique du Nord à Union Française.

Original pictorial lithographed advertising poster showing the western part of Africa. Published by the French bank Crédit Lyonnais.Design by Lucien_Boucher who is a fam...

$900 / ≈ â‚¬867
Maker / Publisher: BOUCHER, L.
Place & Date: Paris, 1950


A map of the British Army with battle honours and militray achievements and Regimental Badges . . .

Shows English County Regiments, Battle Honours and Military Achievements. Bordered by Regimental Badges.A fascinating piece of British history.Read more about Pictorial M...

$450 / ≈ â‚¬433
Maker / Publisher: HMSO
Place & Date: London, 1952


McCormick's Map of the World.

Colorful promotional map of the 20th century spice trade.What better way to showcase the global composition of a multi-national company than with a world map? This lovely...

$350 / ≈ â‚¬337
Maker / Publisher: MC CORMICK CO.
Place & Date: United-States, 1931


Philippines Islands.

Pictorial map of Philippines Islands, from the famous illustrator, Ruth Taylor White and published in "Our USA: A Gay Geography".Ruth Taylor White was among the...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬289
Maker / Publisher: WHITE, R. T.
Place & Date: Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1935


ADSEC in Action from Thames to Rhine.

A pictorial map showing the allied movement from London on 14 March 1944 thru the conquest of Germany. Showing the track from London along Bristol, crossing the British C...

$175 / ≈ â‚¬169
Maker / Publisher: ADSEC Engineers Section
Place & Date: London, 1945


Ride the Roads to Romance along the Golden Coast and thru the Sunshine Empire of Southern California.

This striking touring map of Southern California was published in 1950 by the Roads to Romance Association in order to promote tourism to Southern California. It provides...

$150 / ≈ â‚¬144
Place & Date: California, 1950


St. Pierre et Miquelon.

In the lower left corner, "Imprimé en France" with a monogram of the publisher "BD". The map carries the printed signature of the French illustrator...

$100 / ≈ â‚¬96
Maker / Publisher: JYLBERT
Place & Date: France, 1943