Browse Listings in Map Types > Asian Made Maps & Items
Nansenbushu bankoku shoka no zu.
This wall-map is a great example of Japanese world maps representing Buddhist cosmology with real-world cartography. It is the earliest one and - therefore - the prototyp...
$16000 / ≈ €15410
Place & Date: Kyoto, (Hoei 7 = Year of the Tiger) 1710
Japanese Stereotype Map of the World from 1932 Share Hitome de wakaru Manga sekai genjō chizu. At a glance: Cartoon Map of the Current World Situation. 目でわかる 漫画世界現状地圖
An extraordinary satirical map of the world was seen through Japanese eyes in the early 1930s as Japanese imperial ambitions strengthened. The map was published as an edi...
$6500 / ≈ €6260
Place & Date: Tokyo, Showa 7, or 1932
Bunken Edo oezu. [Tokyo]
Based on map by Ochikochi Doin. Oriented with north to the right. An extraordinary wood block-printed town-plan now-a-day Tokyo, and a fine example of Edo cartography. Th...
$5000 / ≈ €4816
Place & Date: Edo, ca. 1803