Browse Listings in Europe > Malta

9 listings found. Showing results 1 to 9

Attractive birds-eye town-view of Valetta on Malta. With coat of arms lower right. With page number 398 in top. Latin text on verso.From "Nova et accurate Italiae ho...

$350 / ≈ €337
Maker / Publisher: HONDIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1626


Valletta citta nova dimalta.

Early copper engraved map of the towns of Valletta, Borgo, Sanglea di Sto. Michele, and the church of St. Salvator -known as the Three Cities., engraved by Henry Raignaul...

$3500 / ≈ €3371
Maker / Publisher: RAIGNIAULD, H.
Place & Date: Paris, Michael Soly, 1629


Valletta ou Valete ville Forte, de l'Isle de Malta.

A beautifully engraved and richly detailed birds-eye plan of the harbour and city of Valletta seen from the northwest. In lower part extensive key, identifying 57 feautur...

$3500 / ≈ €3371
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J. / MORTIER, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1705


Plan de la ville de Malthe ses Forts, ses Nouvelles Fortiffications. . .

Detailed plan of Valletta. In upper right corner a key (A-Z & 1-32) to the principal places in town. Prepared by Fer and re-issued by Danet.

$3000 / ≈ €2889
Maker / Publisher: DE FER, N. / DANET
Place & Date: Paris, 1723


Les Villes forts et châteaux de Malte capitale de l'isle de ce nom. Dessignée sur le lieu par un Ingr du roy.

A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Valetta, including a numbered legend in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and...

$4400 / ≈ €4238
Maker / Publisher: CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A.
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1750


Pianta Geografia delle Isole di Malta, e Gozo della Sagra Religione Gerosolimitana di S. Giovanni delineata, ed incisa in quest anno 1761.

A rare map of Malta and Gozo printed by the priest Antonio Bova (1688 - 1775), who was active as engraver in Palermo ca. 1727-1773. He produced cartographic engravings, s...

$2500 / ≈ €2408
Maker / Publisher: BOVA, A.
Place & Date: Bova Ant., Palermo, 1761


Vue de Malthe du cote du Fort.

A so-called optical print of Valletta seen from the castle. This rare optical print shows people in typical French dresses in the foreground and placed in boats.In the ei...

$450 / ≈ €433
Maker / Publisher: BASSET.
Place & Date: Paris, 1798


Erfolgte Kapitulation zwischen dem General Bonaparte und den Gross Leister von Malta. Vor der Hauptstadt Walette zu Maltha, am 10 Juni 1798.

Copper engraving with three scenes and one portrait on one sheet. In upper a view of Bonaparte arriving at Valletta. Published in "Allgemeine Welt-Chronik oder neue ...

$2500 / ≈ €2408
Maker / Publisher: GOTTFRIED BAUMANN CO.
Place & Date: Zittau, 1798-1800


Malte Vue prise de la Mer. - Malta Vista lomada del mar.

Very decorative view of the Grand Harbour of Malta by Louis Lebreton, published in "Ports de Mer d’Europe" in 1859 by L. Turgis in Paris.This lithography show...

$1750 / ≈ €1685
Maker / Publisher: LEBRETON, L.
Place & Date: Paris, Turgis, 1859