Browse Listings in Europe

419 listings found. Showing results 1 to 10
ATLAS RUSSICUS mappa una generali et undeviginti specialibus vastissimum Imperium Russicum cum adiacentibus regionibus [repeated in French].

After an unnumbered general map of Russia there are 13 numbered maps that cover European Russia (scale 1, 1.527.000). The other (last) 6 maps cover Asian Russia (Siberia,...

$40000 / ≈ €37429
Maker / Publisher: Akademie von Wissenschaften
Place & Date: St Peterburg, Akademie von Wissenschaften. 1745


Plan de Paris commencé l'année 1734, Dessiné et gravé sous les ordres de Messire Michel Etienne Turgot, prévost des marchands.

FIRST EDITION of Turgot's Monumental Joined View of Paris, stretching to over 10 Feet.This expansive engraved view of Paris covers the first eleven arrondissements of mod...

$21000 / ≈ €19650
Maker / Publisher: BRETEZ, Louis / TURGOT.
Place & Date: Paris, 1739


Universe Europae Maritime Eiusque Navigationis Descriptio. Generale Pascaerte van Europa . . .

This general chart of north-western Europe and the surrounding coastal waters is from the rare pilot-guide De Spiegel der Zeevaerdt , printed by Christopher Plantin in Le...

$19000 / ≈ €17779
Maker / Publisher: WAGHENAER, L.J.
Place & Date: Leyden, 1584


[Manuscript map, mounted on linen and on rollers]

With a title in the upper right corner "Carta geographica generalatus carlostatuensiscum adgacentibus confinis turcicis et venetis martinimis dolmatio istrensibus.&q...

$12000 / ≈ €11229
Maker / Publisher: Anonymous
Place & Date: Venice, c. 1700



Perhaps the most famous map of Iceland. On the south side of the island a collection of all possible sea monsters is depicted. Polar bears on ice flows and volcanoes in t...

$11000 / ≈ €10293
Maker / Publisher: ORTELIUS, A.
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1603


L'Europe Dressée Sur les Nouvelles observations. . .

A rare and monumental wall map of Europe, with original outline color, of four joined sheets, surrounded by text and vignettes printed on separate sheets.Created in 1740 ...

$10000 / ≈ €9357
Maker / Publisher: [NOLIN, Jean-Baptiste / Jean-Baptiste NOLIN II
Place & Date: Paris, 1700-1740


Descrittione di M. Lodovico Guicciardini patritio Fiorentino, di tutti i Paesi Bassi,...

Second Italian edition (variant B) and first Plantin edition (1st Silvius 1567) and the most sought-after edition of the famous description of the Low Countries, updated ...

$10000 / ≈ €9357
Maker / Publisher: GUICCIARDINI, L.
Place & Date: Antwerp, Plantin, 1581


Nova XVII Provinciarum Inferioris Germaniae descriptio .

Extremely rare map of the Benelux by Frederick de Widt. Originally engraved and published by P.Kaerius in 1607. In 1662 the plate came in the possession of Frederick de W...

$9000 / ≈ €8421
Maker / Publisher: JACOBSZ.,Th. / DE WIDT, F.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1662


L'Europe en Sept 1939. Ille terrarum mihi angulus ridet.

A rare oversized serio-comic map of Europe at the start of the Second World War depicting stereotypes of 31 countries, as listed in the key lower right, including Brit...

$9000 / ≈ €8421
Maker / Publisher: VLAANDEREN, Cornelis André
Place & Date: Bruges, Leon Burghgraeve, 1939


Incliti Cantonis Friburgensis Tabula, autore Francisco Petro VON DER WEID. Senatore et Commissario generale Friburgi. anno Domini 1668.

Very rare 2-sheet map and the first map of the canton Fribourg (Freiburg) in a scale of Scale 1:120.000. South to the top.The area shown on the map encompasses the whole ...

$7500 / ≈ €7018
Maker / Publisher: Von der WEID, François Pierre
Place & Date: Fribourg, 1668