Browse Listings in Europe
Extremely rare town-view of Madrid. Engraved by Francesco Ambrosi.With a second title in lower part "Madrid Ciudad Capital Del Reyno D'Espana y real corte de los rey...
Place & Date: Bassano del Grappa, c.1780
A spectacular panoramic view of Paris, with legends numbered from 1-70 in French. With the title in a banderol.After a design by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690-1776) who...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1740
Moscovia urbs Metropolis totius Russiae Albae.
Detailed bird's-eye town-plan of Moscow from Janssonius' rare townbook. With a key (1-20) to important spots in town. The verso has French text and originates from Jansso...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1657
Desciption de lopulente et manifique ville de Venise.
Extremely rare panoramic view of Venice and neighboring islands (Murano, Burano, Torcello and Mazorbo), clearly depicting the city's architectural landmark. The surroundi...
Place & Date: Paris, 1646
Profil de la renomée ville et port d'Emstredam cappitalle des estats de Hollande.
Extremely rare panoramic town-view of Amsterdam seen from the river IJ.Exceptional bright, sharp example.The print is skillful copy of the print of Matthieu Merian, now w...
Place & Date: Paris, 1647
The map of Europe has been identified as the work of Hieronimus Münzer (1437-1508), a Nuremberg physician who supplied the geographical contents of the chronicle. The Eu...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1493
Nova et accurata Tabula Hispaniae. . .
Second state. The map shows the geographical image introduced by Hessel Gerritsz's 1612 wall map of Spain, based on information provided by the Coimbra University profess...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1633
Nova XVII Provinciarum Inferioris Germaniae descriptio .
Extremely rare map of the Benelux by Frederick de Widt. Originally engraved and published by P.Kaerius in 1607. In 1662 the plate came in the possession of Frederick de W...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1662
L'Europe en Sept 1939. Ille terrarum mihi angulus ridet.
A rare oversized serio-comic map of Europe at the start of the Second World War depicting stereotypes of 31 countries, as listed in the key lower right, including Brit...
Place & Date: Bruges, Leon Burghgraeve, 1939
Descrittione di M. Lodovico Guicciardini patritio Fiorentino, di tutti i Paesi Bassi,...
Second Italian edition (variant B) and first Plantin edition (1st Silvius 1567) and the most sought-after edition of the famous description of the Low Countries, updated ...
Place & Date: Antwerp, Plantin, 1581