Browse Listings in East Meets West > General
COLLECTION OF HONG KONG MAPS, BOOKS & FLYERS. Including CHINA - HONGKONG surveyed by Captn. Sir Edward Belcher, in H.M.S. Sulphur 1841. Corrected to 1901.
A collection of 30 maps, prints, and publications relating to Hong Kong. Including : - BELCHER, E. Sir, An updated version of this most important nautical chart of Hong K...
Place & Date: London, 1841 - 1901
Desciption de lopulente et manifique ville de Venise.
Extremely rare panoramic view of Venice and neighboring islands (Murano, Burano, Torcello and Mazorbo), clearly depicting the city's architectural landmark. The surroundi...
Place & Date: Paris, 1646
A fine bronze cannon.
Cannon built up of two truncated conusses, differing in size, the steps marked by mouldings shaped as flat bands preceded by ogees: base ring similar; breech with ogee-sh...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1755
Tabula Superioris Indiae & Tartariae maioris. (Modern Map of China, Japan, etc.)
Important map extending from Tartary in the north, to "Prov. Bocat" (Cambodia) in the south. "Tebet" is shown prominently, as is "Zinpangri"...
Place & Date: Vienne, 1541
La Place de Saint Marc a Venise.
A very attractive Town plan of the place St Marc in Venice.Joan Blaeu published during his life three town-books of Italy: Citta del Vaticano, Rome and Napoli. By the yea...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1705
Early view of Singapore after Paris and engraved in aquatint technique by Sigismond Himely (1801-1872). Published as plate 28 in Voyage autour du monde par les mers de l'...
Place & Date: Paris, Finot, 1835
Nieuwe kaart van Arabia.
An attractive map of the Arabian Peninsula here is called Gelukkig Arabia or Happy Arabia . The map has a great advance on other maps of the time by showing the true exte...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1740
Designs for Porcelain ware with Chinese design.
In left hand side "Planche d'aquarelle N° 05501". Original design created by the Sevres artist Gabriel Fourmaintraux ( 1886 - ) at about 1910 to serve as guide...
Place & Date: Desvres, 1905 - 1925