Browse Listings in Africa > North Africa
L'Art arabe d'après les monuments du Kaire depuis le VIIe siècle jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe.
Prisse d’Avennes was one of the foremost scholars of Arabic art and architecture of the 19th century; this work represents the summation of his studies. From the aspect...
Place & Date: Paris, Morel, 1877
Tabula Prima Africa.
The map apart from depicting Morocco also shows southern Spain and the Balearic Islands. In north Africa the map extends eastwards toward modern day Algeria and to the we...
Place & Date: Strasbourg, 1513
Fessae et Marocchi Regna.
One of the new maps added by Hondius, when he took over publication of the Atlas, a finely engraved and decorative map of north-west Africa, with the Canaries. With an in...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
Nieuwe Pascaert van al de Carnarisse Eylanden. . .
So-called "Blue-back" sea- charts of the Canary Islands.Latitude scale, compass rose and system of rhumb lines, soundings, anchorage's, etc. A wealth of cities ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1700
Manoeuvres executées du 7 au 13 mai sous le Commandement du général Koeltz,par le XIXe Corps d'Armée. . .
Poster by Gaston Ry [aka René Rostagny] (1902-1978) showing the allied manouvers in Tunesia. On May 4, 1943, the nineteenth CA offensive drew most of the German tanks to...
Place & Date: Alger, Bacconnier, 1943
Nouvelle carte du Roiaume D'Alger divisée en toutes ses provinces, avec une partie due cotes D'Espagne . . .
Rare and detailed map of the coast of Algeria. Large inset map of the Bay of Alger (El-Jazir). Shows a coastline of Spain around Alicante. Two compass roses in the Medite...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Le cours entier du grand et Fameux Nil. . .
Scarce. A splendid map of ancient Egypt. West is at the top and the Nile bisects Egypt. A inset shows modern Egypt to good detail. With the Red Sea and part of the Arabia...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1760
Carte de L\'Egypte de la Nubie de L\'Abissinie. . .
Prepared by l'Isle. Uncommon issue by Hendrik de Leth. Very detailed map of northeastern Africa, the Red Sea and the Arabian peninsula shows the political divisions ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1740
Aphricae Tabula I. (Mauritania - present-day Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia.)
Double-page woodcut Ptolemaic-style map by Sebastian Münster figuring Mauritania, present-day Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, published in the edition of Strabo by Henri ...
Place & Date: Basle, Henri Petri, 1571
Tombeau de Soultan Qalaoûn.
Lithograph by Bernard Schmidt representing the tomb of sultan Ibn Qalaoun, founder of the mamluk dynasty during the 13th century. The tomb has some rich stained glass and...
Place & Date: Paris, 1877